Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3002: goddess

This eye is so terrifying that even a long time runs through it.

One ancient existence after another was awakened in an instant.

"Who wakes up?"

"That glare gives me a heart palpitation."


"What are you talking about? Didn't the goddess fall long ago?"

"Yes, the goddess fell into the hands of the sky, obviously?"

"The existence of the goddess is amazing forever, do you think it fell so easily? Look, that person will probably stir Yin and Yang."

"Church, if not, how can I wait for a chance to take the supreme step?"

Ye Hao, the exchange of these big brothers between heaven and earth, naturally did not know.

He only knows that his soul melts quickly.

In a blink of an eye, it will completely dissipate.

Just as the moment struck, the figure seemed to realize what it was, and the blooming eyes disappeared.

"Awake than the original plan for a hundred years." The goddess murmured, "But it shouldn't be."

Thinking of the goddess in this way, he looked at the figure in front of him.

After a while, a fascinating smile appeared on the beautiful face of the goddess, "Interesting, no wonder I will wake up one hundred years in advance, it turned out that I met you, a variable." The goddess said a wave of Ye Hao's soul that was about to extinguish The fire was burning.

In just a few moments, Ye Hao returned to his peak.

His eyes were full of horror.

How did the other party do it?

But he still saluted the goddess respectfully, "Ye Hao has seen seniors."

"Do you want to learn invincibility?" the goddess asked with a smile.

"Invincible Technique?" Ye Hao wondered, "Is there an invincible technique in the world?"

"Have you heard of Protoss?"

"Don't the Protoss have long fallen into the long river of history?"

"My family is so overbearing because of its strength, so it was utterly jealous and destroyed by an inexplicable existence," the goddess said leisurely. "And I lived a second life with difficulty."

"Is it hard to live the second world?"

"Have you ever lived until the second life?" The goddess looked at Ye Haodao.

Wen Yan Ye Hao's complexion changed.

When the Nine Palace Master gave Ye Hao Feitian Mao, he said that Feitian Mao lived the second life.

But the God of War tells himself that the potential of the flying cat is in the middle of the future.

"Have you encountered the existence of the Second World?" What did the goddess seem to realize?

"The Nine Palace Master once gave me a monster." Ye Hao thought about it and said.

"Where?" the goddess asked.

"Among my little world." Ye Hao busy.

The eyes of the goddess covered Ye Hao's entire small world in an instant.

The next moment her eyes fell on the flying cat.

And after watching it for a while, the goddess frowned and said, "There is a tyranny in the depths of this flying cat's soul."

"What?" Ye Hao exclaimed.

"In this life of the monster, Feitian's identity is just a disguise, this guy is definitely not simple." The goddess said seriously.

"Aren't you an opponent?" Ye Hao tentatively asked.

"If I am in the peak state, no matter how old this is, I have no fear." The goddess shook her head and said, "Now that I have just awakened, I can't use my strength."

"Will this flying cat be against me?" Ye Hao said with some concern.

"Even if it is not good for you, it is not now." The goddess said with a smile. "After all, you are a variable between heaven and earth."


"I woke up for a hundred years because of you, I don't know whether this variable is good or bad, but the future ending must be rewritten." The goddess looked at Ye Haodao, "Boy, not everyone is qualified to be dominated by the master?"

"Why do I feel like a string puppet?" Ye Hao said sadly.

Ye Hao didn't feel much before? But now this feeling is getting deeper and deeper.

"Then break your destiny."

"How to break?"

"I pass on your arrogance into true art."

"Cool words come true?"

"You can also be interpreted as saying what you say," the goddess said lightly. "What you say is what everyone in the world must obey."

Ye Hao couldn't help widening his eyes.

"There is this technique?"

"Otherwise why do I say invincible?" The goddess looked at Ye Haodao. "Are you interested now?"

"I want to know why my predecessors taught me the arrogance of truth?" Ye Hao said for a while in a deep voice.

"You need to help me when I hit the realm in the future."

"The gap between me and my predecessor is too great. When the predecessor hits the realm, I can't help you much?" Ye Hao said frankly.

"If you are not capable, I will not let you help."

"Senior, why do I think the masters I met are designing me?" Ye Hao smiled bitterly.

"Are you worried about me designing you?" The goddess smiled slightly, "Yes, I am indeed designing you." The goddess paused and said, "If you are not a variable between heaven and earth, do you think you can still live now?"

"I learn." Ye Hao said right after a few days.

Never mind!

It has been designed by so many big guys.

Don't care about the goddess.

The goddess smiled and pointed at Ye Hao's eyebrows.

Ye Hao immediately felt that endless knowledge poured into his mind.

one tenth!

One in nine!

one eighth!

Ye Hao was shocked to find that his mind was constantly filled.

You have to know that Ye Hao hasn't encountered such a situation even if he practiced the galaxy's original technique.

It didn't end until his knowledge of the sea was full of one-fifth.

"So many knowledge points?" Ye Haogan swallowed.

"Then I will spend some time to guide you to get started." The goddess whispered, "As for how much you can understand is your character."

The goddess was well aware of the horror of falsehood.

It took a long time for the goddess to get started.

She thought that under her guidance, Ye Hao might be able to get started within a hundred years?

That's right.


This is the plan of the goddess!

But what she didn't expect was that Ye Hao started in just half a year.

This made the goddess feel incredible.

What she didn't know was that Ye Hao started getting started as early as three months ago.

However, Ye Hao worried that the progress was too fast, so he deliberately extended it for three months.

The reason why he can do this is because he has used the big dream for three thousand years.

"Now that you have started, let's study systematically." The goddess said softly.

The goddess originally wanted to leave, but after seeing this scene, she wanted to focus on cultivating Ye Hao.

As time went on, Ye Hao's understanding of the art of delusion became more and more profound. About one year later, Ye Hao raised the art of delusion to a level comparable to his own realm.

At this time, the goddess still did not leave.

She now feels more and more that Ye Hao is worth cultivating.

She has never seen such a stunning monk?

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