Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2983: Ten years

The Tian clan of the Tianfeng line was destroyed, and all the monks in the six Dao regions were shocked.

No one thought of the destruction of the powerful fourth-level civilization.

But what made the strong people of all races unexpected was that the remnants of Tianfeng's veins tried to do justice to the ancestral courts of the ancestral ancestors, but they ignored them.

This made some forces have to wonder if it was a fifth-level civilization.

And this matter has become an open case!

But there is another force who knows that this is mostly done by Yan Huangzong.

Zhao Yu!

"The Tian clan and Ye Haoen have a deep grievance. Moreover, Tian Feng took away two traitors from Yan Huang Zong some time ago." Zhao Weiyang said in a deep voice. "I think most of the destruction of the Tian clan was done by Yan Huang Zong."

"Have you noticed the attitude of the Celestial Ancestral Court? If this matter was really done by Yan Huangzong, do you think the Celestial Ancestral Court might not have expressed anything?" Zhao Qizheng said.

"I don't know about this." Zhao Weiyang shook his head.

"Maybe Yan Huangzong pulled the banner of the Lord of Time." Zhao Chan thought for a moment.

"It really is possible." Zhao Weiyang's face changed slightly.

"Yan Huangzong swept away the resources of Tian Feng's vein this time, and it is conceivable that Yan Huangzong will usher in rapid development." Zhao Qi said anxiously.

The rise of any force is destined to step on others.

This is the unchanging truth!

"Yan Huangzong may be able to transform into a five-level force." Zhao Weiyang said in a deep voice.

"Impossible." Zhao Chan shook his head and said, "How can it become a fifth-level force without the presence of this world?"

"Yeah, it's too hard to be a level 5 force." Zhao Qi nodded in agreement.

"Actually, Ye Hao may not have figured out one thing." Zhao Chan said at this time, Shen Nian said, "The nine masters made it clear that they want to cultivate the Tianjiao strong, otherwise they will not hold the Tianbang competition. Ye Hao cultivated Yan Huangzong. How powerful is it? In the future, a Zijin card holder can shoot him."

"Yeah, Ye Haoshe is at the end." Zhao Qi said that he looked at Zhao Weiyang here. "The next thing you have to do is to upgrade the cultivation base and also to make friends with the Zijin Card. Do you know?"

As for the diamond card, Zhao Chan never thought about it.

It seemed to him that the existence of the divine dragon did not end, even if Zhao Weiyang had the intention to make friends.

Yan Huangzong!

After Ye Hao returned to Yanhuang Zong, the monks of the whole **** realm found that Yanhuang Zong became more closed.



Refuse to communicate with the forces of God Realm.

"Yan Huangzong is building a car behind closed doors."

"Look, Yan Huangzong will not fall in a long time."

"Yan Huangzong's disciples are not qualified to go to Zhao Yu to practice. How can Yan Huangzong take off in these circumstances?"

"I look forward to the day when Yan Huang Zong Ribo Xishan."

The reason why Yanhuang Zong, who did not know about the major forces of God Realm, refused to communicate with the rest of God Realm's power is largely because this exchange has no meaning at all.

Whether it is the city of the sky, the Heavenly Dao Sect, or the Demon Alliance formed by the Demon Gate, the difference from Yan Huang Zong is too great.

Speaking behind closed doors.

God Realm is the real closed-door car.

Because they want to communicate with the outside world but have no chance.

There are really too few taboos.

Moreover, ordinary taboo strong cannot cross such a long distance.

Otherwise, it will be known that many senior officials of Yanhuang Zong have obtained tokens.

But taking a step back and talking about the entire six-way area does not know much about this matter. In fact, what is more important is that Tang Pianpian does not have a real name for them.

For example, Tang Pianping wrote the token on the token.

How do you guess people?

Time passed slowly.

In the ninth year, Tang Pianpin and others except Ye Hao were all challenged by Tianjiao in the ranking.

Because the ranking will be really determined in the tenth year, at that time, the major masters will reward a large number of points, and those points can buy a variety of rare resources.

In order to avoid suspicion, Tang Pianpin and others left the domain of God and went to the nearby territory as early as when they had signs.

Without exception, their rankings have improved.


It's all improved.

This is to thank Ye Hao for their investment in them over the years.

In addition to the stacking of various resources, there is also the instillation of the avenue, which makes them more powerful than monks of the same level.

That day Natasha found Ye Hao.

"Young Master Ye, I'm going back to Jiugongyu." Natasha whispered.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao asked puzzled. "Did you have any trouble?"

Since Natasha came to God Realm with Ye Hao, he let Natasha form a force.

With the efforts of Natasha, the forces under her command have already taken shape in this decade.

The backbone of this force is the angelic family.

"If you want to build a strong force, I think you need a purple card." Natasha said softly.

"Are you sure now?" Ye Hao asked.

"If I hadn't had much confidence before, but now with the help of your dreams for three thousand years, I think it's okay to hit the top 100 now." Natasha said with a smile.

"It's hard work." Ye Hao said softly.

"Then I'm leaving." Natasha said softly.

"Slow down." Ye Hao shouted.

Natasha was startled.

Ye Hao stepped forward and took Natasha into his arms, "Be careful on the road."

Natasha sniffed her nose and her eyes were red.

How can it be so simple to form a force?

In recent years, Natasha has done everything by herself, but Ye Hao has never given assistance. Many times Natasha thought about giving up.

But now when Ye Hao hugged her, she suddenly felt that it was worth the effort.

After Natasha took Athena away, Ye Hao began to retreat.

Ye Hao has been cultivating the super-step-off exercises given to him by God of War these years.

For Ye Hao, any skill can improve his path, but it is only a question of how much he improves.

The exercises in the past and the future are not too difficult, but the exercises in this and the present are not so simple.

Even with Ye Hao's qualifications, it takes a long time to realize.

However, the realization does not mean that everything will be fine, Ye Hao still needs to be integrated into the Three Thousand Avenues, and the time it takes is not a bit of a star, otherwise Ye Hao has already gone to the Jiugong area to challenge the imperial territory.

But now he is inconvenient to leave.

And Hong Ye, who ranked fourth when Ye Hao closed the Tao, also rarely challenged Ye Hao.

When the ten-year period came, Ye Hao suddenly discovered that 30,000 points appeared in his token.

"Is the first stage of the game over?" Ye Hao opened his eyes and murmured.

Immediately, Ye Hao asked the system, "Look what resources can I exchange?"

A clear page suddenly appeared in front of Ye Hao.

There are various resources on these pages.

"Is these resources unified in the nine major regions or unique to the nine palaces?" Ye Hao asked.

"Most of these resources are unified, and some resources are unique to their respective regions." The system replied, "However, they will not differ much from each other."

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