Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2956: Open trial

When the top of the Cha family saw Cha Wen'er shouting, they were all terrified.

"Wen'er, is there any part of you talking here?" Cha Shaohui said with a black face.

"People like Meng Shanbai are simply scumbags. My sister and her will not have the second possibility except torture." Cha Wener said word by word.

If Cha Wen'er hadn't dared to say such things before, but now she is following Ye Hao and Song Wen secretly. What else is she afraid of?

"Shut up, haven't you heard my words?" Cha Shaohui was about to get angry with Cha Wen'er.

What occasion is this?

How can such words be spoken?

"Interesting, interesting, interesting." Meng Shanbai glanced at Cha Wener and applauded.

Cha Haner saw this scene sinking.

"Meng Gongzi, I am worried about you, and I will follow you now." Cha Haner said busy.

"Do you think you can calm down the anger in my heart by following me?" Meng Shanbai said teasingly.

"Meng Gongzi, you can torture me as much as you want. I just ask you not to hurt my sister?" Cha Haner said, kneeling in front of Meng Shanbai.

"It's easy to calm my anger. Your sister must be my woman now." Meng Shanbai said lightly.

"Oh, want me to be your woman? You have to have this opportunity too." Cha Wener sneered.

"What are you talking about?"

"Soon you will be judged by Feng Jianzong in public, do you think you will still be dead?"

"Feng Jianzong judges me?" Meng Shanbai seemed to hear the best jokes in this world. "Do you know that the master of Fengjian Zong is my master?"

"Your master has just left the gate." Cha Wener said calmly.

Meng Shanbai's face changed slightly, "What do you know?"

"Meng Shanbai, just grab your hand and catch it." At this moment, Song Wen's figure appeared in the hall.

This time Cha Cha's senior executives were all surprised.

what's the situation?

How did Feng Jianzong's criminal hall host appear here?

Is it true that the sword sword sect as Cha Wen'er said is going to try Meng Shanbai?

Meng Shanbai's face became solemn, "Elder Song, can you give me an explanation?"

"You are greedy and ignorant of the law, ignoring human relations, and sinful." Song Wenshan said righteously, "The Sect Master ordered me to arrest you and try your crimes in front of all the disciples."

"Sovereign is my master." Meng Shanbai felt a little weird.

"If it was not ordered by the patriarch, do you think I might come over and arrest you?"

"I don't believe it, you must be a false precept."

"If you don't believe it, you can follow me to Zongmen, and you will just fall into the water."

Meng Shanbai fell silent.

"Elder Song, if you don't do it anymore, I will become more and more probable." At this moment, Ye Hao's figure came out of the darkness.

Cha Haner exclaimed when he saw Ye Hao, "Why are you?"

Cha Shaohui glanced at Ye Hao in consternation, then secretly asked Cha Haner to ask, "Do you know this son?"

Cha Haner told the previous experience again.

"You mean you don't know how this man broke into the mountain you practiced?" Cha Shaohui was startled.

At this time, Cha Shaohui's ear heard the voice of Cha Wen'er, "The ancestor, this son is Ye Hao of God Realm."

"Shenyu Ye Hao? The number one in the trial field?" Cha Shaohui couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"There is a terrifying transcendental presence beside Ye Gongzi, and it is the repressed Feng Sect who has to deal with Meng Shanbai."

Only then did Cha Shaohui understand why Feng Tongfang had to deal with Meng Shanbai?

Feelings were suppressed.

Such words will make sense.

"But why did Master Ye check the house for us?"

"Yang Gongzi accompanied the goddess of Butianjiao when he met Yunzhe while buying medicine in Gutuoxing. Yunzhe said that our Cha family was useless, and even said that we were going to kill the entire Yun family." Cha Wener Shen Sheng Said, "Ye Gongzi came to our cha family to investigate this matter."

"The Yun family is reversing black and white," Cha Shaohui said angrily.

"Yong Gongzi should have believed my words, otherwise no one will help us."

It took a long time for Cha Shaohui to recover.

It's scary.

If Ye Hao believed in the Yun Family's remarks, now the existence of the Yun Family is between the two.

"Meng Shanbai, just grab your hand." Song Wenshan looked at Mengshan Baidao indifferently.

Meng Shanbai gritted his teeth, and finally caught it.

Monsan White is a taboo pin, how could he be an opponent?

"Who do you want to watch?" Ye Hao said at the moment.

"I go."

"I go."

"I go."

Meng Shanbai had a strong presence in the Cha family before, which made many senior members of the Cha family feel uncomfortable. Now they have the opportunity to see the trial of Monsan White. They are all as excited as the chicken blood.

"Then let's go together." Ye Hao said and let the secret emperor shoot.

The Emperor Insect directly performed the technique of space movement and brought the high level of the Cha family to Fengjianzong.

Seeing Feng Jianzong appear in an instant, Meng Shanbai's eyes showed a frightened look.

what does this mean?

He is very clear.

Behind Ye Hao there must be a surpassing existence!

So, has the master been bullied?

"Master," Meng Shanbai shouted when he saw Feng Tongfang.

"Sin son, kneel down." Feng Tongfang scolded.

Meng Shanbai got down on his knees, "Master, the disciples knew that they had done a lot of wrong things, and asked the master to give me a chance. The disciples promised that they would never commit any more in the future."

Seeing Meng Shanbai say so, Feng Tongfang wanted to give him a chance.

Unfortunately, when he saw Ye Hao watching, he could only give up the idea.

"Let's try publicly." Feng Tongfang glanced at Song Wenshan Road.

Hearing this, a heart of Monsanto sank uncontrollably.

Is this a gesture of official business?

When Meng Shanbai wanted to say something more, the voice of Feng Tongfang sounded in his ears, "If you are punished honestly, I can guarantee the safety of your veins, otherwise..." The next words Feng Tongfang did not say , But the meaning can't be more obvious.

Meng Shanbai's eyes showed a struggling color, and eventually calmed down.

He chose to accept fate calmly.

His veins are very extensive.

Since he can no longer survive, why should he involve the family again?

After a pile of crimes were exploded, it was impossible even if Feng Tongfang wanted to protect Meng Shanbai.

In the end, Song Wenshan sentenced Meng Shanbai to death in accordance with the decree of the Sect.

"Exactly." Feng Tongfang waved his hand.

And after the fall of Meng Shanbai, Song Wenshan said, "The suzerain, Meng Shanbai's case involved the Meng family..."

"Check the end." Feng Tongfang said without expression.

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