Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2946: Rainbow Beast

"No problem." Ye Hao said after thinking about it.

Ye Hao got the help of God of War, and Yu Qingli wanted to help the demon girl.

After all, the demon girl is a descendant of the God of War.

"Senior, is there anything else to explain?"

"Don't impact the dominance without a last resort." The God of War stared at Ye Hao and sighed for a while.

Ye Hao's mind moved, "Cang Tian will shoot?"

"There are too many things involved behind it." God of War said leisurely. "You think you have come into contact with the truth, but when you uncover your cover, you will find that you are a frog at the bottom of the well."

Ye Hao's face changed wildly.

These words of God of War are horrible.


"I just give you a reminder, don't remember it." God of War said that with a wave of his hand, the demon girl was led from the eighth floor to the ninth floor.

The demon girl looked at Ye Hao, and then the God of War. "Ancestor, shouldn't you lose?"

"Good, defeated." God of War said calmly.

The demon girl looked at Ye Hao's expression, "Who...who are you?"

"Can I not say it?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"I have remembered what you look like, do you think I can't find out by then?"

"Human Race, Divine Realm, Ye Hao." Ye Hao thought about it and found out that this was really the case.

I want to keep this secret unless I kill the demon.

But can Ye Hao do it?

When the God of War is a decoration?

"You are Ye Hao of God Realm?" the demon girl exclaimed.

"It seems that my name is ridiculous."

"You won the first place in the ancient battlefield, do you know how many people want to deal with you?" Speaking of what the demon girl thought of here, "but those guys are destined to be disappointed, they think you have no high-level inheritance, I don't know if you are early You have inherited the pinnacle of the strongest in this world."

"By the way, what do you get is the inheritance of the Lord of Time?"

"No." Ye Hao shook his head.

"Whose inheritance do you get?"

"This is inconvenient to tell you."

"Boring." The demon girl pouted, and then looked at the God of War, "ancestor, do you have my share of your inheritance?"

"Ye Hao didn't want my inheritance!" What the demon didn't expect was the God of War.


"He gave it to you."

"Did you have a pit in your head?" The demon looked at Ye Hao silently. "As long as you get the inheritance of your ancestors, you can soar all the way to this world, do you know?"

"I think you need this inheritance more." Ye Hao Zhengse said, "The God of War can't go down."

God of War This is to ask the demon girl to owe her a favor.

So Ye Hao has no reason not to accept it?

"You..." The demon girl moved.

This is the inheritance of God of War?

It's impossible for even my father to give in?

Ye Hao gave her without hesitation?

How could she not be touched at all?

"How do I repay you?" The pretty girl's beautiful eyes stared at Ye Hao softly.

"Don't reveal my identity, is it okay?"

"What kind of reward is this?"

"I'll think about it in the future."

"Good." The demon girl said seriously.

The God of War said at the moment, "Ye Hao, this is your reward." Then he gave Ye Hao a Qiankun bag.

Ye Hao's Shen Nian swept and nodded, "Senior, can you send me out with those guys, I don't want to expose it."

"You can rest assured." God of War said with a smile. "Each challenger will be sent to a separate time and space after failure, and you are the last among the group of challengers. I will now send you out at the same time. This ruin."

"Wait." Ye Hao suddenly thought of something.

"What else?"

"Senior knows the ruler of the Nine Palaces?"


"The ruler of the Nine Palaces once gave me a spiritual pet."

"What a pet?"

"He told me it was detached."

"In your small world."


"Open your little world and let me see."

Ye Hao immediately opened his small world.

The God of War God's mind swept and said, "If the flying cat is fully restored, its strength will probably be in the middle of the future, but as the ruler of the Nine Palaces, there is no reason to give you such a garbage war pet?"

"War pet? Do you say Feitian is a war pet?"


"Is the ruler of the Nine Palaces in this one...?" Ye Hao didn't finish the next words, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"God's domain name belongs to the six masters in the sense, but now the master of the Nine Palaces gives you spiritual favors. I always feel that things are not so simple." God of War said for a while and said righteously.

"So I asked seniors."

"With your current adventures, you don't need this flying cat." God of War said after thinking about it. "So, I let this flying cat fall into the chaos of time, how?"

"Time turbulence?"

"You can cast time turbulence after your cultivation practice reaches a certain point." God of War said softly, "Flying cats will not have the concept of time in the turbulence of time. The outside world has passed for millions of years, he just I felt a moment passed."

"He won't notice this?"

"Even if I have fallen, it is not perceivable." God of War said confidently, "Once I cast a turbulent time, his five senses and six senses are isolated, and then you can do what you want to do. ."

"That's a trouble senior," Ye Hao said seriously after a few months.

Feitian Mao has always been Ye Hao's heart disease. Before he had no ability to solve it. Now he has a strong man. How could Ye Hao give up?

After the God of War nodded, he began to show time turbulence.

I don’t know how long the God of War responded and said, "Okay."

"Thank you senior," Ye Hao said heartily.

"A trifle." God of War said indifferently.

After the **** of war sent Ye Hao away, he looked at the demon girl, "What do you think of Ye Hao?"

"Able to defeat the ancestors of the same period, and his achievements will be above me in the future." The demon girl said after a while.

"I thought this kid just got a legacy of the strongest person in the world. I didn't expect this kid to be favored by the ruler of the Nine Palaces." God of War said a cold color on his face.

"Unexpected." The demon sighed softly.

In the void space.

Ye Hao sat down cross-legged after appearing here.

He checked the Qiankun bag.

In addition to the rewards of each layer, there are two war pets in the Qiankun bag.

Potential future peak rainbow beast!

Potential Xuanxue Beast in the Future!

Ye Hao found that the cultivation practices of these two pets of war are at the peak of the God Realm, only a line away from the half-step taboo.

"Tianhong Beast." Ye Hao called out.

The rainbow beast looks like a dog.

The difference is that it has a colorful luster.

Furthermore, its face value is very high.

A satin-like white hair.

Don't mention how proud.

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