Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2835: Scheming

Bi Kuye's face became difficult to look at.

Those who can appear beside them without being traced yet are not known by him. He believes that there can be no one other than the taboo strong.

Taboo strong!

At the thought of a bad hunch in his heart.

"Who the **** are you?" Bi Kuye stared at Ye Hao and asked.

When asking this sentence, Bi Kuye's Shen Nian swept in all directions, and he wanted to find the forbidden strongman hidden in the dark.

"Before I was curious why Bi Chun wanted to choose his son-in-law publicly, now I understand." Ye Hao said with a smile, "It turns out that your Bi family can't support it anymore."

"What do you want to do?"

"You don't need to worry, I don't have much ill feelings towards your Bi family? The reason why I shot was because your Bi family was against me, that's all." Ye Hao's words made Bi Kuye have an impulsive urge.

Is it coincidence?

"By the way, did Huang Zhong die in Bi Chun's hands?" Ye Hao suddenly thought of something.

"You and Huang Zhong--?"

"I have nothing to do with Huang Zhong, I am interested in this issue."

"Huang Zhong is not dead."

"So where did he go?"

"It's inconvenient for me to tell you this."

Ye Hao took a deep look at Huang Zhong, then a space channel appeared next to him, Ye Hao walked in and disappeared.

And after Ye Hao left, the old man who was hit hard asked, "Homeowner, what now?"

"The ancestor is still healing, don't leave the branch out of the holiday for now." Bi Kuye thought for a while, and said a little stubbornly.

How could Ye Hao let Ye Hao be arrogant if he lived?

To know that the ancestors are taboo peaks.

"But why did he know the news of the ancestor's heavy damage?"

"I don't know about this." Bi Kuye's brow furrowed.

Soon Bi Chun was summoned to the study.

"Dad, what about that kid?"

"Are you telling the story of the ancestor's heavy damage?"

"How is it possible?" At this point, Bi Chun seemed to think of something, "That kid knows the news of his ancestor's heavy damage?"


"Dad killed the kid?"

"I want to kill him, but there is a forbidden strong man standing behind him."

"Taboo-level strong?" Bi Chun exclaimed, but then Bi Chun said again, "No wonder the kid is fearless, dare to stand behind a taboo-level strong?"

"What do you think we should do now?"

"Although I don't know how that kid knows, that kid is always a hidden danger." Bi Chun's eyes flashed for a while, "Should we fight with the ancestor of the Yinchuan family?"

"The ancestor of the Yinchuan family is also an old fox. If he doesn't kill him with one blow, the kid is likely to reveal the news of the ancestor's devastation."

"Will you cooperate with the following?" Bi Chun pointed to the ground.

"This is a hide from the tiger!" Bi Kuye frowned tightly.

"This matter depends on how to operate?" Bi Chun's eyes flashed.

"What do you mean?"

"The ancestors shot at a critical moment when the two sides were fighting for you to die." Bi Chun whispered, "I think there is no healing remedy comparable to the origin of the taboo strong?"

Bi Kuye was startled.

"Are you walking a tightrope?"

"It can't be said to walk a tightrope." Bi Chun's eyes flashed with a chilling man's eyes. "If it succeeds, the marriage will go through; if it fails, I will marry Mo Yunzi of the Mo family."

"Mo Yunzi? Why is Mo Yunzi?"

"Because Mo Yunzi is too upright, such a person is easy to control." Bi Chun said softly, "By the time the Mo family ancestors, who are we afraid of Bi family?"

"Actually, I think it would be better if you married Ye Hao," Bi Kuye said for a long time.

"How long has it passed, Ye Hao has forgotten me long ago." Bi Chun said indifferently. "Besides, I said that marrying him was just an expedient measure. I think that he It’s also clearer, which is why he didn’t come.”

"Isn't this Ye Gongzi, who appeared today, Ye Hao?" Bi Kuye suddenly thought of something.

"Ye Hao's practice is an upright and correct way of doing things, but today this one uses the secret technique of killing the way, and it doesn't look like a passerby at a glance." Bi Chun shook his head.

How Bi Chun knew that Ye Hao used the murderous way did not want her to think of his identity.

"Okay, you are now going to see the ancestors with me." Bi Kuye said softly.

What Bi Kuye and others did not know was that Ye Hao watched quietly throughout the dimension space.

"How does it feel?" The mirror avatar asked.

"As a successor of top powers, it is normal to have such a mentality." Ye Hao said calmly after a few months.

But his fist was clenched tightly.

"I want to fight." Ye Hao looked at the mirror image.



A space channel appeared in front of Ye Hao's voice.

Ye Hao took a few breaths along this space channel and saw the demon army being assembled.

These demons wore black armor, and their bodies were filled with black magic energy.

Vast and boundless.

The appearance of Ye Hao made these Night Demon clan stunned.

what's the situation?

Is it a ghost here?

How did you break into a human race?

"A person who breaks through the ghost-dead." A middle-aged soldier holding an iron hammer looked at Ye Haodao indifferently.

Ye Hao glanced at the soldier.

The soldier was completely burnt by the fire in a moment.

This scene shocked those demons.

You need to know that the middle-aged age is the pinnacle of God King.

"Kill." Ye Hao shouted.

The terrible sonic wave turned into an indestructible killing intention.

Like the tide, the killing intention swept away towards the soldiers of the Night Demon Clan.

Row after row of soldiers turned into ashes.

How to stop?

How to stop?

There is no level of existence between the two parties.

When the leader of the night demons arrived, it was discovered that all the three million troops assembled had fallen.

"I'm going to stab you a thousand times." The leader of the night demons roared.

Is he angry?

These are all under his command.

The result is now all gone.

In other words, he became commander-in-chief.

"Second Emperor's Second Floor." Ye Hao glanced at the general of the Night Demon Clan, and there was a look of contempt in his eyes.

Ye Hao didn't care about the existence of God Emperor Intermediate.

Seeing that the despised Emperor slashed towards Ye Hao's head with a giant sword.

Ye Hao didn't even move, letting the **** emperor hack.

The momentary strong resilience of the giant sword hitting Ye Hao's head broke the tiger's mouth.

"how is this possible?"

How could the body be so strong?

Didn’t the emperor ever see the existence of the mid-level emperor? But the existence of God Emperor Intermediate does not have such a strong body?

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