Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2822: Xuanwu District

"Vile." Ning Hao said angrily after he figured it out.

"Actually speaking, Hei Feng really likes you from the side." Ye Hao said lightly. "Ning Hao, if you don't like Hei Feng, why did you provoke her at that time?"

"It was difficult to control myself at the time, but after meeting Xiao Xue, I realized that everything before was not love."

"So did you abandon the Black Phoenix?"


"Actually, you are also a scumbag." Ye Hao glanced at Ning Hao. "And for the so-called love, even the safety of Zongmen can be ignored."

Ning Hao also wanted to say what Ye Hao turned away.

What did Ye Hao feel when he came to the gate of Ming Jingzong?

"What are you doing hiding in the dark?" Ye Hao looked indifferently in one direction.

"How can you find out?" The black phoenix in black came out of the dark, she looked at Ye Hao's eyes full of shock.


She is wearing a king-level high-level invisibility suit?

It stands to reason that even if it is the peak of the God King, it can't be found without careful observation.

"You still have not answered my question?"

"I want to know who you are?"

"Do you want revenge?"

"Today you humiliated me, I have to report this hatred."

"Do you think you can get it?" Ye Hao said teasingly.

Maybe Heifeng does not know what level of existence he is facing?

"If it doesn't work on the front, it will be overcast."

"You forced me to kill you?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Come on." Hei Feng said as he took a step forward.

"Are you afraid of dying?"

"I'm afraid of death, but I know you won't kill me now?"

"Why are you so determined?"

"Because you are the kindest person I have ever seen."

"Kind?" Ye Hao fell silent when he heard the word Heifeng.


Is he kind?

Maybe once.

But now he thinks it would be ironic to say that he is kind again.

"Is not it?"

"Your Black Nether Gate colludes with the Demon Clan, it is tantamount to seeking a skin with a tiger." Ye Hao shifted the topic, "I suggest you the Black Nether Gate be best off the cliff."


"Then you Hei Ming Men will be waiting to die." Ye Hao turned around and left after he said this sentence.

"Where are you going?"


"What are you doing in Mingcheng?"

"I heard that Bi Chun is the first beauty of Mingyu. I want to see if it is not true."

"Don't you humiliate yourself?"

"How to say?"

"Half a month later, Bi Chun will openly choose his son-in-law in Mingcheng, and now the leaders of the younger generation have passed."

"Public choice?" Ye Hao's face changed slightly.

Danling, can't wait?

"Everyone who is qualified to compete is a **** emperor." Heifeng said that there was a blur in his eyes. "I heard that six of the top ten powerful sons came."

"Six people."

"The entire Mingyu only Bi Chun has such a qualification."

Ye Hao laughed for a while and said, "If I want to compete, whatever the son, he has cracked down."

"Just blow it." Hei Feng didn't say a face.

Heifeng's unbelief is normal.

Because Ye Hao didn't have much age to reach the **** emperor level?

Both are the top young generation of Mingyu.

Heifeng thinks that Ye Hao's cultivation may be a high level of God King or even the peak of God King, but it is absolutely impossible to be God Emperor Realm.

"I'm leaving." Ye Hao said as a streamer and walked towards Mingcheng.

Heifeng chased instinctively, but before long, he lost the trail of Ye Hao.

"Mingcheng, isn't it? I'm going to see if you dare to show up?" Heifeng said that he chased in the direction of Mingcheng.

Ye Hao's current cultivation practice has reached the fourth level of God Emperor Realm.

How fast is he?

Without much time, he came to Mingcheng, the largest city in Mingyu.

This city is extremely vast.

After entering the city, Ye Hao found that the city was more magnificent than the city of the sky.

This is a bit scary.

Ye Hao knew that the monks directly accommodated by the Sky City exceeded 10 billion, and there are small worlds connected to the Sky City. Therefore, the monks controlled by the Sky City actually exceeded one trillion.

But Ye Hao found that the monks accommodated in the Ming City reached hundreds of billions.

Is it so scary?

Is it so vast?

Is it so magnificent?

Ye Hao walking in the Ming City is like a ant, and it doesn't attract the attention of many monks.

Xuanwu District!

Ye Hao came to an extremely vast restaurant after three hours in this area.

What surprised him was that there was a light door at the door for testing and repairing.

"What does this mean?" Ye Hao asked, pointing to the light door.

"This restaurant does not accept monks below the gods." A small second at the door looked at Ye Hao and said softly.

"Your restaurant is crazy." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Because the monks below the **** level can't afford it." The little two said with a smile.

Ye Hao glanced at the little two, "What are the characteristics of your restaurant?"

"If you can walk into this light door, I will explain to you in detail."

Ye Hao smiled and lifted his foot into the light door without hindrance.

There was a look of consternation in the younger one's eyes, "Son, please."

The attitude of this second sophomore was not bad, but now the attitude is full of humility.

"I don't know what your son is doing?"

"What do you ask about this?"

"There are four floors in the restaurant." The little two said softly, "The first floor welcomes god-level monks, the second floor welcomes god-level monks, the third floor welcomes god-level monks, and the fourth floor welcomes VIPs and members. "

"Go to the second floor." Ye Hao said after thinking about it.

There is also a light door on the second floor.

Ye Hao walked in unimpeded.

The shop's second child became more humble.

"Our restaurant is the most prestigious restaurant in Xuanwu District. Here you can eat delicious food on earth, not to mention some taboo things."

"such as?"

"Like dragon liver, like ape brain."

"Who is your boss?"

"Yan Jiao."

"never heard of that."

"Our Yan family is the master-level force in Xuanwu District. Have you seen the soldiers patrolling outside? That is the Yan family." Dian Xiaoer said with a smile. "Maybe you think our Yan family is not very powerful, but the family Without the existence of a taboo level, it is simply not qualified to become the master of a region."

"I heard that there are 108 districts in the city."


"So you Yan family is very strong."

It was then that Ye Hao understood why the monks of Mingyu explained that the city was the core of Mingyu.

There are 108 top powers sitting here.

In other words, there are at least 108 taboos.

"But how can I climb to the fourth floor?" Ye Hao suddenly thought of something.

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