Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2810: Dan Ling arrives

Li Mi is very clear that Ye Hao will be criticized by some forces after this arrangement.

Jiuyou reversal of life and death, as soon as he heard the name, he knew it was an evil formation.

How can the self-proclaimed decent Dan Dao forces not attack Ye Hao?

Ye Hao looked at Li Mi and said, "You are more enlightened than I thought."

"If there is no Ye Gongzi, Yaoxiang Pavilion will have been destroyed long ago, and I have understood the truth all these years."

"What makes sense?"

"Everything except life and death is a trifle."

Ye Hao was startled, and then he laughed, "You can understand this, it is a good thing for Yaoxiangge."

A pedantic sect leader will sometimes lead a sect to a state of destruction.

And when Ye Hao arranged the Nine Nether Life and Death to reverse the large array, the wave of blood corpses came to siege the Yaoxiang Pavilion, but under the support of those dozen warships Did not set foot.

However, with the passage of time, the number of blood corpses is increasing, and the cultivation base is getting higher and higher.

But Ye Hao is like a good person.

Until this day a half-step taboo blood corpse appeared above the Yaoxiang Pavilion.

His body was filled with a powerful blood that threatened all directions, and all the clouds in the tens of thousands of miles were torn relentlessly.

He stood in mid-air as if he were a demonic king, and the whole world swayed and trembling between his breath.

"Young Master Ye." Li Mi whispered next to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled and said, "It's just a blood corpse that has just made a half-step taboo." The half-step taboo warship in his small world fell into a powerful middle-aged man who appeared in Kong Wu. In front of the blood corpse.

The blood of the blood corpse exploded in an instant, and he smelled danger from the middle-aged man.

He realized that he was far from the opponent, so the blood corpse turned and ran away.

Li Mi and others were stunned.

what's the situation?

ran away?

Do you want a stronger face?

"Run?" There was a sneer on the middle-aged face. He raised his hand and slapped towards the blood corpse, then a golden silk screen appeared in the air.

The blood corpse was too late to evade, hitting his head against the wire mesh.


The blood corpse screamed.

I saw smoke all over his body, flesh and flesh constantly peeling off.


At that time, the middle-aged man raised a light of order toward the blood corpse.

The blood corpse spouted a river of blood toward the front with its mouth open.

It's just that this blood river is a little pitiful in front of the light of order.

The moment the blood river evaporated, the light of order no longer fell on him.

The body of the blood corpse was penetrated through a large hole.


The blood corpse screamed out loud.

But then the big hole in him recovered as before.

The middle-aged man gave a ray of order again with a cold smile.

I don't know how long it has passed since the blood corpse no longer recovered and fell to the ground.

"Master, the soul of this blood corpse has been wiped out." The middle-aged man fell beside Ye Hao and said respectfully.

Ye Hao nodded gently, "Since the blood corpse has appeared at a half-step taboo level, I think there will be a higher level of presence in the next step. Your task now is to closely monitor the surroundings, you know?"

"Observe the order." The middle-aged man said his body was hidden.

After the middle-aged man left, Li Mi came to Ye Hao with a worried expression.

"Mr. Ye, I am worried that there will be a strong man in the taboo next." Li Mi reminded.

Li Mi is worried that Ye Hao does not have this level of master.

Li Mi's worry is also reasonable.

You should know that Ye Hao is not a monk of Danyu itself, so the taboo-level strongman of Ye Hao's civilization cannot enter.

"As long as the blood corpses that are not out of bounds come, you don't need to worry about safety." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Li Mi suddenly felt relieved.

Although she hasn't been with Ye Hao for a long time, she also knows that Ye Hao won't be aimless.

At this time, Miaoyu hurriedly came over, "Yongzi, the Union just sent a message. If we don't retreat, Yaoxiangge will become an island."

"Tell the Alliance that Yaoxiangge vowed to die." Ye Hao said after thinking for a while.

Miaoyu responded with a token with a bang.

Miaoyu's token sounded after a few breaths.

"The Alliance said that Dan Ling will lead a fleet to meet us later." Miaoyu said softly.

Ye Hao frowned involuntarily.

"Young Master Ye, what should I do?"

"Dan Ling will come and chant when she comes." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Remember, do not divulge the matter of Jiu You's reversal of life and death."

In fact, without saying Ye Hao, they will not leak Miaoyu.

This is related to the subsequent development of Yaoxiangge.

Will the sand pen leak?

An hour later, Ye Hao heard a deafening roar from a distance.

"Dan Ling is here," Ye Hao murmured.

Ye Hao has been testing Dan Ling all these years.

But he found that Dan Ling seemed to shake his feelings.

But this also has his own reasons.

Who kept him from appearing late?

"Look again." Ye Hao sighed softly.

He is not unaware that people's hearts cannot help temptation.

But he just wanted to know how much Dan Ling's feelings towards him are true or false?

In fact, he is very clear why Dan Ling will fall in love with him, but he has not liked his talent and potential yet?

But this is also normal.

If you are not so good, why should Dan Ling commit to you?

Taking a step back and saying that he agreed, isn't it because Dan Ling is beautiful?

If Dan Ling is ugly like Sister Feng, may Ye Hao agree?

About a quarter of an hour later, three warships lined up above the Yaoxiang Pavilion.

"Master." The middle-aged man immediately warned Ye Hao.

"You don't have to control it." Ye Hao looked at the direction of the warship remotely after making this sentence.

Danling, wearing a white jade armor, stood majestic on the bow of the battleship in the middle.

Looking at Dan Ling Ye Hao's eyes could not help brightening.

Even though Dan Ling wore a war armor, she could hardly hide her face.

Qing Guo!

Allure again!

A pair of amber eyes glanced down, but when she saw Ye Hao, she couldn't help but stunned.

Then she appeared next to Ye Hao with a flash, "Why are you here?"

"Miaoyu asked me for help, so I came." Ye Hao looked at Dan Ling and said.

"You are so nice to Miaoyu." Dan Ling didn't know why he was envious when he said this sentence?

"It just happened." Ye Hao said with a smile.

How could Dan Ling believe it?

Can this happen?

"We are about to give up this defense line of Yunhai, and once this defense line is given up, you will be dumplings in the medicine Xiangge." Dan Ling suddenly thought of this task.

"It doesn't matter." What Ye Dan did not expect was that Hao said this.

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