Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2788: Arriving in Danyu

The body of a battleship is extremely large.

If the mobility is poor, it is the target!

This is why Ye Hao spared no expense in using some precious imperial materials on this battleship.

However, due to Ye Hao's limited repairs, the warship could not achieve a further breakthrough.

"Seventh floor of the emperor?" The forbidden warship's clever eyes widened.

In any case, he did not expect Ye Hao to achieve this level of speed for this warship?

"There are three important aspects of a battleship." Ye Hao glanced at the forbidden warship's cleverness, "Speed, attack, protection."

"How is the protection of this battleship?"

"The armor around the battleship can withstand the attacks of the masters of the fifth layer of the Divine Emperor, and when the outer armor is broken, the inner armor will be exposed. The inner armor is made of more precious refining materials, even if it is a god. The emperor’s sixth floor couldn’t easily be penetrated.” Ye Hao said here again, “If the inner armor is also broken, the ship’s hull will be exposed. At this time, the runes contained in this battleship will be activated. More than nine-tenths of the ship's hull will be detonated, and a space channel is automatically opened at the time of detonation, while the remaining one-tenth of the hull will escape through the space channel."

"Just don't know how strong the limit is?"

"Even those facing the eighth floor of God Emperor can escape." Ye Hao said softly.

You need to know how many materials and runes were used to build this battleship Ye Hao?

In addition to saving one-tenth of the main body of the battleship, the remaining nine-tenths of the battleships were all detonated. The energy generated in an instant can still stop the eighth layer of the emperor.

Of course, it just stopped one or two breaths.

But this escape was enough for this battleship.

"The battleship you built is difficult to promote on a large scale." The spirit of the taboo battleship said after a deep thought.

"After removing some rare materials, the battleships built in batches should have half of the combat power I built." Ye Hao already had calculations in mind.



"If this is the case, I will transform the previous battleship."

"Then I'm going to build a combat puppet? Then see how strong its ultimate strength is?" Ye Hao began to engage in this.

The combat puppets are less complicated than the warships.

It took Ye Hao only one third of the time to build the battleship.

"How is it?" asked the Spirit of the Taboo Warship with anticipation.

"This combat puppet can contend with the masters of the fifth floor of the Divine Emperor's Realm, and if he burns the runes, he can contend with the presence of the sixth layer of the Divine Emperor." Ye Hao slowly pointed to the nearby combatants and said, "Its speed remains On the fifth floor of Divine Emperor Realm, the words of burning runes can be compared with the sixth layer of Divine Emperor." Ye Hao paused and said, "He has three imperial energy crystal nuclei in his body."

"Three emperor-level energy crystal nuclei?" the forbidden warship's instrument exclaimed.

Because even he can only maintain two imperial energy crystal nuclei.

You must know that the Taoist cultivation of this forbidden warship is not limited to the Feng family.

Ye Hao received many inheritances from there when he left the Refining Continent, and these inheritances were also passed on to this instrumental spirit while he was studying.

Therefore, at this time, not even the Continent of the Refinery can surpass this artifact spirit.

In fact, the Emperor Huangzong's imperial battleships have been built by this deity in recent years.

With the energy crystal nucleus, the combat pawns can be replenished instantly when the energy in the body is exhausted.

You should know that the war puppets can not take the Shendan like a monk to improve their cultivation.

Only through this energy crystal nucleus.

It is just that the combat puppet is not supplemented if it wants to be supplemented. This supplement requires the consumption of internal runes. Therefore, unless special circumstances, the combat puppet will not use this energy crystal nucleus.

Not as many runes as possible.

This has to consider the bearing capacity of the combatants.

This instrumental spirit merges the strengths of each family to create a combat puppet that houses two energy crystal nuclei.

But what he didn't think of was that Ye Hao created a combat puppet that contained three energy crystal nuclei.

"I will teach you the details of the runes and creation later." Ye Hao nodded.

The master comes first.

Although the cultivation of this instrumental spirit is much stronger than that of Ye Hao, in the realm of the early emperor level, the warrior created by this instrumental spirit is not as good as Ye Hao.

Ye Hao left Yan Huangzong's forbidden place after telling the detail to this respectful spirit.

Will this artifact spirit stay in Yanhuangzong forged battleship? But can't you stay in Ye Hao's small world?


It didn't take long for Ye Hao to come to the study and Tang Ping and Haoyue rushed over.

"Are you going to leave?" Tang Pian's eyes showed reluctance.

"Well." Ye Hao nodded.

"Do you have anything to explain?" Haoyue asked softly.

"Yan Huangzong is now in a large-scale expansion." Ye Hao looked at Tang Pian Ping and Hao Yue. "In the process of recruiting disciples, you must be cautious. You would rather not have highly talented disciples. A disciple who has a wrong mind."

"We have a lot of resources in Yanhuangzong, as long as the disciples are loyal to Zongmen, it is a big deal to use resources."

Tang Pina and Haoyue both nodded.

"My golden body has placed two bans at Yanhuangzong's headquarters in the past three years."

"Prohibition?" Tang Ping said, "Yan Huangzong is so big, should the prohibition not work?"

"For the existence of Transcendence, once the formation method is arranged, the territory covered will be the entire Divine Territory." Ye Hao said with a smile, "The two prohibitions are at the Transcendence level, and once the initial Transcendence is used, they can be killed. "

When it comes to Ye Hao's hands, two symbols appear.

"This is the center of the ban, have you refined them separately?"

Tang Pian took over the main attack of Fu Zhuan, Hao Yue took the main defense of Fu Luo.

"In addition, Jin Shen left a doppelganger deep in the forbidden ground. If the dog can't stop him, just call him.

Ye Hao arranged many things before leaving Yan Huangzong.

The boundless world, the broad galaxy.

A figure constantly shuttled among them.

It's fast.

A flash of light has crossed countless stars.

I don't know how long it has passed before it stopped in front of a vast continent.

"Your Excellency, what are you going to do?" Then an old voice rang in the figure's ears.

Jin Shen looked indifferently at the manifested Heavenly Way.

At this time, Ye Hao walked out of the golden light that filled the body.

"This trip came to find my friend." Ye Hao said calmly.

"Your friend?" Dan Yu's Heavenly Dao asked in surprise.

"Dan Ling." Ye Hao said concisely.

"Do you know Dan Ling?" Dan Yu's Heavenly Dao said in amazement.

"Actually Dan Ling is my fiancee." Ye Hao nodded.

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