Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2773: Dao Zun's identity

Ye Hao's eyes showed a look of interest.

"What is this?"

"Tianjin." Master Wu Xing said with a smile.

Ye Hao's face changed suddenly.

"Tianjin really exists?"

"Legends are not necessarily causeless." The master of the five elements gave Ye Hao a deep look.

"Senior, can I ask you a question?" Ye Hao thought about it and asked.

"Just ask?"

"What is the situation with reincarnation?"

"To understand this, you need to step out of the border." The Master of the Five Elements said deeply, "What you need to do now is to improve your behavior, not to consider these things, you know?"

"Younger people understand." Ye Hao's eyes flickered and said.

Ye Hao waited for a while after the leader of the Five Elements left.

"Why didn't anyone come?" Ye Hao muttered after half an hour.

This makes the six masters who secretly follow Ye Hao feel like crying or laughing?

Does he think that any master can come to the top of God Realm?

No one can do without her permission?

Holy area!

Ye Hao's figure of Dao Zun, who had just stepped on the territory of God Realm, appeared beside him.

"Unexpectedly, I still underestimated you from afar." According to Dao Zun's idea, Ye Hao could rush to the top 100, but who can think of him rushing into the first place.

First place!

You know, this is the confrontation between the younger generation of the whole world?

"The three masters have all expressed it? Don't you say it?" Ye Hao looked at Tao Zun lightly.

"Three masters? What do you mean?" Dao Zun asked puzzled.

"You didn't know when the Six Masters just came outside the Divine Realm?"

"What are you saying? The Six Masters have just arrived?" Dao Zun was taken aback.

"You don't really don't know?" Ye Hao looked at Dao Zun's expression suspiciously.

You need to know that Dao Zun is the spokesperson of Tian Dao!

It stands to reason that this one should not know?

"Six Masters have really come?" Dao Zun stared at Ye Hao Dao solemnly.

Ye Hao changed the subject, "Do you have a bloodline?"

Dao Zun's eyes suddenly became deeper, "It seems that your blood of the king is excited."

"You still have not answered my question."

"I have some blood."

"Shouldn't the upper limit of the blood of the human king be a taboo?" Ye Hao then asked.

"That's why I became the spokesperson of Tiandao?" Dao Zun shook his robe, and an invisible field cut off the space around them.

Ye Hao looked at Dao Zun in surprise.

"What the **** are you planning?"

"My blood king has a limit." Dao Zun said in silence for a while, "but yours is as good as possible."

"I don't understand what you mean." Ye Hao shook his head.

"After deduction, I found that God Realm will give birth to a supreme existence." Dao Zun looked at Ye Hao seriously and said.

"What is the supreme existence you mean—?"

"At present, the most suitable for this condition is the master of time, but now you seem to meet this condition." Dao Zun said that there was a tangled color on his face, "In fact, I was initially more optimistic about the birth tire, but the birth tire should be Not your opponent anymore."

Tiantai is the son of heaven.

But this Son of Heaven and Dao refers to only the Son of Heaven and Dao of God Realm.

How high can the Tiantai go to battle?


Ye Hao smiled.

Ye Hao was quite afraid of Tiantai before, but now it is completely gone.


Because the birth tire that Ye Hao beheaded this time is not one or two.

In his view, Tiantai is nothing more than a master.

That's all!

"I heard that the Lord of Time is caught in reincarnation?"

"The Lord of Time has gone a long way in transcendence. Furthermore, the Lord of Time also condenses the body of time. No one can kill him unless the existence of the master level is shot."

"Why do you know so clearly?"

"Because I am also beyond the realm."

"What?" Ye Hao was taken aback.

"It's just a mirror image of me now standing in front of you." Dao Zun said lightly.

"What is your relationship with King Ren?" Ye Hao suddenly thought of what?

"Exactly the King of People is from my line." Dao Zun broke the news.

"Are you a detached ancestor of the human king?" Ye Hao finally realized what?

Dao Zun nodded.

"So you are the big boss!" Ye Hao booed.

Perhaps Shiyin they will never know that they have never received the attention of the aisle.

They think they can be detached in the future, but in Daozun's view, it makes no sense.

Whether it can be detached or not?

What if it is detached?

There are also three, six, nine, and so on.

The Lord of Time has been detached for so many years, hasn't he been caught in reincarnation?

Dao Zun waits for the existence of the dominance!

"The human race must have a dominance." Dao Zun said that there was a hint of unwillingness in his eyes. "Maybe you don't know that none of the nine masters is my human race."

"What?" Ye Hao was shocked.

"Actually, the concept of race has been diluted after arriving in the dominance, but no one can guarantee that the nine masters will sacrifice a butcher knife to us on one day?" Dao Zunning said.

"What race are the nine masters?"

"In addition to the first group of spirits born in heaven and earth, the other three masters of the Nine Great Masters were all killed by their own strength." Dao Zun looked at Ye Hao Zhengse and said, "The three Lords The ruler has one elf, one angel, and another demon."

"Elf tribe? Angel tribe?" Ye Hao froze.

"Don't you think it's incredible?" Dao Zun sighed lightly. "The elven and angelic tribes in our domain have been like dogs, but in fact people are the strongest race between heaven and earth."

Ye Hao was silent.

"You don't need to know so much about these things now?" Dao Zun immediately changed the subject. "All you have to do now is to improve your strength."

Ye Hao nodded gently.

After Ye Hao left, Dao Zun suddenly thought he seemed to have forgotten to ask him about the arrival of the Six Masters?

"Is the Master Liu Dao interested in Ye Hao?" Dao Zun could not help frowning.

This is not a good thing.

Why did the Lord of Time rush to reincarnation after he became transcended?

Isn't it because the six masters are interested in him?

Dao Zun worried that Ye Hao would follow the old path of the Lord of Time?

What should we do then?

Dao Zun suddenly felt a sense of urgency!

What can he do in the face of the existence of the master class?

"I don't know what level of strength the Lord of Time has achieved in reincarnation?" Dao Zun murmured. "If there is any chance to set foot on the dominance, what should I worry about?"

But Dao Zun shook his head immediately.

Dominance is not something that anyone who wants to set foot on can set foot on.

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