Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2767: guard

The seal that Dan Yin formed was imprinted on Ye Hao's body, and then a thick poisonous gas rushed out of him, but then he was burnt and clean by Ye Hao's flame.

"You've already calculated me?" Xiao Green seemed to realize what he was pointing at Ye Hao and said angrily.

"I'm not counting you." Ye Hao shook his head. "I'm a pill master. Do you think I might not study the dead bone flower, such a highly toxic substance?" Ye Hao paused and said, "But I haven’t done much research on dead bone flowers to this day, but I can also avoid being poisoned by dead bone flowers."

"It seems that my shot is unnecessary." The figure said with a smile.

"The Condensation Seal is not meant to be condensed, but after condensing this Seal, the energy in my body has been exhausted." Ye Hao shook his head, "So now you still need your shot."

King Ren looked at Xiao Green at this time.

"Are you self-disciplined or let me go?"

"Let me self-discipline? Where did you get the courage?" Xiao Leng snorted with a monstrous poisonous mist all over her body.

Ren Wang Leng hummed the whole body's blood into a raging fire, and immediately gave the big snake a burning clean.

"Kill." The war sword behind him turned into a gleam of sword light at the same time that Ren Wang's voice fell.


It's almost extreme!

It's almost dazzling!

Xiao Green was hit before she could not dodge.

She looked at the human king with horror, "You-?"

Ren Wang reached out and squeezed a sword tactic, and the war sword fell towards Xiaolu again.

A green snake flew out of her sleeve at the moment when she was about to cut Xiaolu.

The green snake turned into an arrow of the off-string, and immediately met with the sword light.


The green snake made a screaming sound, which was directly blown into the sky of blood mist.

"Not good, poisonous." Ye Hao said discoloredly.

Seeing this scene, King Ren quickly summoned the War Sword. The War Sword interweaves a large golden net, which firmly protects Ye Hao and others.

And where is the little green shadow when the sky's blood mist dissipates?

The king's face became somber.

This is not a shame for him.

Didn’t he leave little green with his cultivation?

"This viper is her darling, killing her is equivalent to breaking her left arm and right arm." Ye Hao comforted at this moment.

"I'm going to kill her." Renren said he was leaving.

"Can you wait for us to recover one or two?" Ye Hao stopped Ren Wang and smiled bitterly.

Now their team has little combat power at all.

Just come to a supreme juvenile can destroy them.

"Alright." Ren Wang said after thinking about it.

Then Ye Hao and others took the time to practice here.

King Ren stood at the entrance guarding Ye Hao and others.

"Human king, you don't absorb heaven and earth mortar?" Ye Hao asked.

"When is the absorption the same, I will help you alert now?" Ren Wang glanced at Ye Hao lightly.

Ye Hao froze.

I have to say that King Ren is very honest.

Help them by saying they are vigilant.

While being vigilant, I absolutely do not distract myself from doing other things.

Over time, the combat effectiveness of Ye Hao and others continued to recover, and when they were halfway back, a dozen teenagers appeared supreme.

"Human King."

Their faces changed when they saw the entrance king.

"They are still healing, and when they are finished, you can absorb heaven and earth mortar here." Ren Wang said indifferently looking at the twelve young men.

The twelve teenagers decided to retire temporarily after talking to each other.

The prestige of King Ren was killed.

They feel that even if they join hands, they may not be able to win the king.

In addition, Ye Hao and others are recovering quickly. God knows how much combat power there is for these people. If they are not good, they may be damaged.

What's more important is that King Ren has already said that after Ye Hao's healing is over, they can come in and absorb the heaven and earth mortar.

The existence of King Ren will not be targeted, so they simply retreated.

When Ye Hao regained most of their fighting power, another young Supreme came over.

The number of this juvenile supreme has reached an astonishing fifty.

"Wait until the end of their healing, you can absorb heaven and earth mortar here." Ren Wang said calmly.

"Human king, they healed them, we absorbed ours." said Shen Sheng, a young man in a blue robe.

"We will not interfere with their healing." Another youth echoed.

It was then that the eyes of Ren Wang suddenly burst into fierce glory.

"The one who took the step-dead."

The faces of this group of teenagers are difficult to look.

They did not expect that the king of man would not give face.

"Human king, we are negotiating with you in good faith." The blue shirt youth said after a deep pondering.

He feels that their lineup can suppress the King of the People, but how many masters will be left on their side, and according to his estimation, they will have to lose more than half.

Therefore, he is unwilling to clash with King Ren.

King Ren was too lazy to speak.

"What should I do?" Many teenagers looked at the blue shirt youth one after another.

The young man in the blue shirt struggled, and after a few breaths, he waved and said, "Kill."

These fifty young supreme princes rushed towards the king of men for the first time.


The war sword behind the King of Man came out instantly and turned into a shocking sword light.

And when the light of the sword pierced the void, the surrounding time seemed to slow down.

The fifty teenage supremes suddenly manifested, and they could clearly see the movements in their hands and the expression on their faces.

"Is this—?" Yuehua's complexion changed greatly.

"The legendary time sword tactic." Ye Hao said one word at a time.

Time sword tricks can make time stand still or even reverse.

Ye Hao has only heard of such sword tactics in recent years.

Time Sword Skills?

So is it possible for me to learn?

Thinking of Ye Hao in this way, he performed a copy decision.

At the next moment his eyes glowed purple, and at the same time, many of the mysteries of the time swordsmanship were imprinted in his sea of ​​knowledge in a way

A sword!

Two swords!

Three swords!

The war sword of the King of Man is like a sickle of death, and every time he cuts down, there is a juvenile supreme.

In just a few breaths, eighteen teenage supremes fell into his hands.

At this time, the power of time that permeated the audience suddenly disappeared.

"People and swords are one." Ren Wang said indifferently.

The human king under the state of human sword is almost invincible.

Warriors of attack;

Unparalleled speed;

The defense is perfect.

At first, if Ye Hao used the technique of restoring the plastic to restore the human king's state, it was still in between.

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