Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2745: He is your father

In fact, Ye Qianqin wanted to say that none of the current poems and paintings are her opponents, so in the future, it will be even less likely to be her opponents.

You should know that Ye Qianqian will take Jiu Zhuan Jin Dan after she arrives in Shenhuang Realm.

The effect of nine-turn golden dan is more than ten times that of six-turn golden dan.

It was then that Ye Hao let the battleship withdraw its suppression of Shiyin.

After the poem sound returned to normal, he looked at Ye Haodao indifferently, "Ye Hao, today's shame, I remember it."

"Shiyin, don't you worry about me leaving you?" Ye Hao stared at Shiyin.

"You won't." What surprised Ye Hao was that Shi Yin said this.


"Because you don't want to start with me." Shi Yin's words made the audience uproar.

what's the situation?

Everyone was stunned.

Poetry and painting also froze.

She looked at Ye Hao, and then the poem, "Mother, what do you mean?"

"Poetry and painting, aren't you curious about who your father is?" Shiyin looked at the poetry and painting and said softly.

Poetry and painting seem to realize something, "Mother, you shouldn't tell me."

"Yes, Ye Hao is your father." Shi Yin pointed at Ye Hao seriously.

The heart of the poem and painting could not help but slowed down half a beat, "Mother, what do you say?"

"Ye Hao is your father."

The poetry and painting stepped back and forth for several steps.

There was an incredible look on her face.

Ye Qianqin said dissatisfiedly when he saw this scene, "What do you mean by this expression?"

"I just think that Dad's cultivation should be inferior to that of his mother." Shi Hua said with a wry smile.

From the perspective of poetry and painting, poetry sounds exist at the top of the taboo, so even if her father does not reach the top of the taboo, it should be similar.

But now Shiyin told her that her father was Ye Hao, the sovereign of Yanhuang Sect.

"I don't understand that you kept hiding before, why don't you hide it now?" The poem and painting immediately thought of something.

"I think it is normal to send Ye Qianqian to the half-step taboo with Yan Huangzong's resources." Shi Yin glanced at Ye Qianqian and said, "But now Ye Qianqian's potential not only reaches the taboo state, but she is also in the taboo situation. You go further."

"What do you want to say?" Poetry and painting asked puzzled.

"It may be better for you to stay in Yanhuang Zong than in the city of the sky." Shi Yin finally broke the reason.

"Mother." the poem and painting exclaimed.

"There is another reason why I told your father's identity." Shi Yin looked at Ye Haodao, "Ye Hao broke out some prestige in the younger generation before, but those prestige have little meaning to me."

When Shiyin talked about poetry and painting here, he understood it.

Ye Hao's previous performance could not impress the poetry tone, but now that Ye Haoguan is the younger generation, it is not necessary for the poetry tone to carry the shelf anymore.

It is conceivable that after Ye Hao grows up in the future, he will not be inferior to the current poetry.

In other words, Ye Hao is now qualified to be worthy of poetry.

"So you will stay in Yanhuangzong in the future." Shiyin then looked at the poems and said softly.

"I'm about to go to war, can I come back, still in between." Ye Hao said this to Shi Yin's surprise.

"What do you mean?" Shi Yin looked cold.

"After I come back, I will discuss the issue of leaving poetry and painting." Ye Hao said indifferently.

Shi Yin suddenly changed her attitude, making Ye Hao very alert.

So Ye Hao feels that it is better to stay away from him at this stage.

"Poetry and painting are your daughters?" Shiyin said indifferently.

"Before you encouraged the poetry and painting to deal with me, you wouldn't forget it so soon?" Ye Hao slowly looked at Shi Yin's eyes.

"Are you thinking of hating me?" Shiyin seemed to understand.

"Too lazy to take care of you." Ye Hao said and threw the battleship to Tang Pianpin. "As long as the city of the sky dares to invade, it will immediately inspire the warship to its heyday and wipe the city of the sky from the gods."

Tang Pian nodded heavily.

"Ye Hao." Shi Yin was angry.

"It's best to be honest before you are detached." Ye Hao stared at Shi Yin with a sneer. "Otherwise don't blame me for not being affectionate."

The words fell down and Ye Hao walked towards the portal in the air.

When Ye Hao disappeared, Tang Pian glanced around and said, "You guys, please."

This is to catch people.

Doesn’t anyone dare to disagree with the monks around?

At this time, Yanhuangzong is the most dangerous.

Because they will become carefree.

In fact, there are not many forces in the entire Divinity that dare to provoke Yan Huangzong.

You should know that in addition to the two big cards, Yan Huangzong also has Gou Zun sitting in town, but Gou Zun is a terrifying existence close to invincible territory!


Ye Hao entered the portal and found a white jade bridge ahead.

There is no other than this Baiyu Bridge.

Just then a majestic voice rang in his ears.

"You need to reach the battlefield within three days. Those who fail to reach the deadline will die."

"Along this Baiyu Bridge?"


Ye Hao nodded and walked towards the Baiyu Bridge.

Walking and walking, Ye Hao found that this white jade bridge contained rules of space.

"Space folding."

"Space is distorted."

Ye Hao realized that if he could not break the space rules on this bridge, he would not be able to reach the battlefield in his life.

Three days?

Ye Hao groaned for a moment, and then a burning color appeared.

He knew that his performance would be followed by the nine masters, and the better he performed, the more benefits he would get.

In this case, Ye Hao does not need to hide.

Eye of space!

After Ye Hao used the eye of space, many space mysteries are no longer mysterious.


In nothingness.

Nine statues stood there silently, and their bodies were filled with the power to make the world tremble.

"Six Masters, this time your civilization is about to be cleared?" A tall figure narrowly looked at a woman beside him.

Master Wen Yan Liudao said indifferently, "I think you still care about yourself?"

"Six Masters, shall we make a bet?"

"How do you want to gamble?" Six Masters said coldly.

Can't lose momentum.

"Just be the first one of our civilization to reach the battlefield?"

"Yes." Liudao master said after thinking about it.

"The bet is to bet on a bottle of Taiyi God Liquid."

The six masters were shocked.

A bottle of Taiyi God Liquid?

You know how much she doesn’t even have this kind of thing?

"Don't you dare?" Yin-Yang master said lightly.

"Nothing dare?" Liu Dao master sneered, "I'm afraid you won't be able to take it out."

"You don't need to worry about this." Master Yin and Yang glanced at Master Liu Dao, "You Dao friends are all here, do you think I might be resigned?"

"Then ask Daoists to be a witness." Liu Dao dominates Zheng Sedao.

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