Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2735: I don't sell

At first sight?

Devil Emperor would like to say that your uncle saw it as usual.

"Boy, you will end after a while." Devil Emperor pointed to Ye Hao Road.

Devil Emperor knew that he couldn't help him, so he could only temporarily stop Ye Hao's mind.

"You let him off?" What the Devil Emperor did not expect was Yuan Mu laughing.

"What do you mean?" Devil Emperor asked in amazement.

"Do you think you are his opponent?" Yuan Mugang just said that Ye Hao glared at him.

Yuanmu quickly kept silent.

If Yuanmu hadn't been in awe of Ye Hao before, because Yuanmu felt that she would not be weaker than Ye Hao.

But after Ye Hao defeated him strongly, Yuanmu's awe of Ye Hao came from within.

Devil Emperor's face changed slightly.

Yuanmu's micro-expression he saw.

This is awe.

There is some hair in Devil Emperor's heart.

What is the situation?

Yuanmu is in awe of Ye Hao?

This makes no sense.

Yuanmu is a representative of the Mu family.

It stands to reason that no one should be in awe of a human race anyway?

Besides, Devil Emperor Zi and Yuanmu did not have any hands with each other. The cultivation of Yuanmu was not under him.

Could it be that the youth of this race is not stronger than himself?

how is this possible?

I am the Great God!

In the realm of God King, oneself is the top presence.

Devil Emperor believes that there are some Tianjiao that can contend with himself, but it is absolutely impossible for Tianjiao to be stronger than himself.

This is his confidence.

Of course this confidence comes from his strength.

Devil Emperor has not lost a single since his debut.

But I don't know why seeing Yuanmu's attitude towards Ye Hao, he felt an uneasy feeling in his heart.

It seems that Ye Hao is really an unpredictable existence?

But soon the restless heart of Devil Emperor calmed down.

I am invincible in this world.

What the **** is he? Suppression is.

"That's why it's mysterious." Devil Emperor Lengheng turned around and left.

He believes that Ye Hao's strength will definitely come to an end later.

Then he will worry about it.

After the Devil Emperor left, a lot of teenagers were shocked.

"Devil Emperor actually retreated."

"What can I do if I don't retreat? Yuanmu maintains the kid, and Devil Emperor can't suppress Yuanmu."

"Do you think that person's strength is weak? Even if it is not as good as the Devil Emperor, it will not be much different."

"After a while, this one will definitely end, and then he will know his strength."

Xiaohan looked around and asked carefully, "Master, can you defeat the devil?"

"What should you ask your son to suppress the devil?" Yuan Mu laughed.

Xiaohan's complexion changed greatly.

"You don't know anything about the strength of your son." Yuanmu glanced at Xiaohan.

Xiaohan opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Xiaohan knew that Ye Hao was very strong.

But in her opinion, Ye Hao should not be stronger than the existence of Devil Emperor.

But the facts exceeded her imagination.

After a few minutes passed, the red sycamore and a glamorous woman walked towards Yuanmu.

"Why are you sitting here?" Indus asked puzzlingly.

"Did this meet a friend?" Yuan Mu pointed to Ye Hao Road.

Wutong glanced at Ye Hao, and then took his eyes away, "How come I didn't know that you have a personal friend?"

"You don't know much about it?" Yuan Mu said to several nearby teenagers to give way.

Those young supremes also gave up with interest.

"Wutong, why don't we sit there?" The girl who came with Wutong pointed to the distance.

There is a blue-haired young man in the distance.

A group of Yingyingyanyan surrounded the blue-haired youth.

"Multi-faced beast." Yuan Mu glanced lightly, "Do we Mu clan need to succumb to the demon clan?"

"Isn't this a stubborn?" said the voluptuous woman busy, "Isn't this trying to have a good relationship with the demon race?"

"The Mu clan doesn't need it," Yuan Mu said coldly.

"What qualifications do you have to make a decision for Wutong?" The woman was irritated.

Who does Yuanmu think he is?

Why do you beat her over and over again?

"It's okay, just sit here." What the woman didn't expect was Wutong but said this.

"Wutong, aren't you a feud?" The woman said indifferently as soon as she said here, "But outside, our Mu tribe must unite."

The woman stared at Wutong for a while, and finally sat next to Wutong.

Their family is a follower of the Wutong family. How can she abandon the Wutong at this time?

"What are you talking about?" Wutong took the initiative to open the conversation box.

"Talk to you." Ye Hao glanced at Wutong.

"Talk to me?" Wutong giggled. "What can I talk about?"

"You're a character of the Mu clan, you can talk too much." Ye Hao smiled slightly, "For example, do you have a man with a heart?"

"Bold." The woman's pretty face sank. "Dare you talk about this kind of topic? Are you impatient?"

"Huali, what's the matter with you?" Yuan Mu frowned.

"Don't look at your identity?" Huali said without hesitation. "Who can talk about Wutong?"

"Hua Li, you're over." Yuan Mu said somberly.

Ye Hao is not qualified to talk?

Don't make jokes?

"I didn't remind you." Huali stared at Ye Hao when he said this.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Han stared at Huali.

"Dare to question the God Realm, dare to question me?" Huali said that his eyes burst into two terrifying eyes. "I don't think you know the sky is thick."

Seeing the eyes of Hua Li was going to penetrate Xiao Han's body, a hairpin on Xiao Han's head filled with a soft glow to wrap Xiao Han.

Hua Li's eyes were melted silently.

"You magic weapon." Huali frowned as she looked at the hairpin on Xiaohan's head.

"The magic weapon at the peak level of the **** king, this kind of magic weapon is rare." Wutong looked at Xiao Handao in surprise, "Can you show me your hairpin?"

Indus has not said a word.

This is not an ordinary magic weapon for the peak of God King.

In Wutong's view, he couldn't even break it easily.

Xiaohan shook his head and said, "Inconvenient."

This was given to her by Ye Hao.

Xiaohan will not show Wutong casually.

"I am proficient in the refiner and want to study it." Wu Tong hesitated and said.

Just as Xiaohan hesitated, a cold voice cut through the sky.

"I bought this hairpin."

But the blue-haired young man in the distance walked over.

Behind the blue-haired youth, followed by a large number of youth supreme.

Xiao Han suddenly became nervous.

"What are you afraid of? I'm there." Ye Hao said calmly.

After glancing at Ye Hao, Xiao Han's heart calmed down.

"I don't sell it." Xiao Han refused in response to the eyes of the blue-haired youth.

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