812. Chapter 812 Development and observation

    Chapter 812 Development and observation

    Lin Sheng has now brought three additional sacred shadows from his own side.

    As a result, he has four sacred images to deal with the task together.

    Like now, he’s just sitting here. But the essence of the body is deep meditation.

    At the same time, the four nuclear holy shadows in his soul were accompanied by the remaining seven analytical materials.

    “Just two. You’re wasting it so much. I don’t know what to say about you.” The bloke shakes his head, drinks alcohol.

    “It’s boring, except research, learning, practice, task. This life always feels a little incredible.” He’s lazy on the back of the chair.

    “Go make money?” Lin Sheng’s on the sidewalk.

    “Home does not allow me to throw my head on the face.” Although there is no indication of his identity background, the vast majority of qualified talents have an unfamiliar background.

    He’s not the exception.

    “To bubble Senior Sister?”

    “All jurists, please, you look like those rare animals who are obsessed with research experiments, wash their faces more than travel abroad?”

    “You’re right. In some sense, it will be difficult for women jurists to be beautiful from becoming full jurists. Even if so, it’s too little.” Lin Sheng Dongton endorsed nodded.

    Lido Senior Sister is just an apprentice, and less than formal promotions, he doesn’t know how much the jurists need to study.

    Every day and night, even sleep will have to squeeze time, let alone wash up and dress up.

    “That’s it. Beautiful female jurists, either apprenticeship, or a high-ranking jurist, are not bullshit.” Splendid and boring soft in the chair.

    “Then chess?” Lin Sheng proposed.

    “Animal chess or chess?”

    “Military chess.”

    “Forget it, I don’t want to be all right for abuse.”

    “That’s really nothing to do. The prom and the banquet are only at night. Or go to Ms. Forest’s temple and see if there’s any interesting activity.” Lin Sheng said with a slight smile.

    “Nothing. I’m going home lately, or are you going to be my guest?”

    In Club, he and Lin Sheng were the best bidders, although they were only for more than a month, Lin Sheng was a few well-known teachers.

    Unlike other lawyers, hundreds of people in Club, he’s been joining for three years, and only 30 of those who have seen each other…

    More people live in their own labs, and one month they can’t see silhouette.

    “To your place? How far from here?” Lin Sheng was accidentally joined by Club before he realized it wasn’t as convenient as he thought.

    Most of all, today he collects more of the material that the bloodline needs. In peace organizations such as Club, unless he attacked a few genius jurists, he drank more than half of their entire blood.

    Otherwise, it would not be possible to collect the desired qualities and bloodline.

    So, in such a push, he’s actually the most appropriate to hunt super creatures.

    In particular, the super creature of High-Level was very helpful to him.

    Now, with the full development of the Dora mentor, Lin Sheng has scanned all the fourth level of legal information from the tutor’s private pool.

    Theoretically, he was left in the White Rock, and his help was already small.

    As for higher legal information after promotion, standard law is well documented in all major organizations.

    Apart from the few unique laws specific to white rock lands, the other is the optimization of standard law, improvement or variation.

    These are all money that can be bought, even if not in the woods.

    What he needs most now is to hunt the super creatures of High-Level.

    And in the White Rock Forest, there is no doubt that there are some hammer legs.

    “How’s it going? Go to my place and see, maybe you’ll fall in love with it, and then choose to build a French tower over there.” The blink blinks.

    For a genius teacher like Lin Sheng, if he can get in touch, that’s certainly the best.

    “Which location?” Lin Sheng considered, asked.

    “The western part of the Kingdom is close to the end of the border. But I packed your Teleportation Formation. Send in less than a day.”

    “Is it near the Ice Wolf collar?” Lin Sheng guess.

    “You know, everything at my house is so cool that the weather is too cold.”

    “Though I’d like to go, it feels a little too far.” Lin Sheng shakes his head.

    “It’s okay, if there’s time, I’ll be welcome there and have fun!”

    “Cheers.” Lin Sheng laughed, raise the cup and touch him, drink it.



    Back to the living, Lin Sheng walked into the lab with silence, just to see the fatigue on the corner of the wall.

    She seems tired and sleeps on the wall, Chenchen.

    This woman, who has always been serious about the strength of the atmosphere, is a little soft at this time.

    Lin Sheng looked at the lab where the eyes were packed, not waking her up, but turned around to the window and put a little white box on the window.

    He opened the mailbox and took out two letters.

    One of them is a letter from home, mother Linwei’s handwriting.

    In general, it was the day before Big Brother North Tance that he finally formally passed the exam and became a glorious war God Palace to certify 1st Level Warrior.

    He went out with the little guys for a few days and said he was going to relax.

    And then elder sister Sheriff. It is said that in the Academy with the king, there are a number of followers.

    According to the mother Linwei description.

    elder sister Sheriff has changed considerably, and it seems that some of these are not very good habits from the king. The money delivered every month is not enough to say, but it is also constantly written to send money to the family.

    Then it was Windsay and Karin, together with Lin Sheng, who sought to study the way of the jurists.

    Two men, one promotion to Level 5, one promotion to the fourth degree. It’s a good idea.

    As mentioned in the letter, everything else in the family is safe, and the territorial harvest is good. The beast tide to be stuck has also been small, no major event, let him be alone outside, study well, know to take care of himself.

    At the end, a crystal card was attached. Ten golden flowers are shown on the card. That represents 100 000 gold coin.

    This money, even for the entire Violet territory, is a lot of expense.

    With this crystal card, as long as Lin Sheng goes to the nearby House of Wealth to verify his identity, he can take out a huge fortune sufficient to 100 000 gold coin.

    Apparently, it was only at home that he knew that he had promoted a lawyer and that the research needed was increasing, thus increasing support for him.

    Although the letter does not mention a few sentences, Father Villierly Earl, such money is the only one who is the leader who is entitled to be called on his own initiative.

    So Lin Sheng also saw Willy Earl’s silent love behind his back.

    “It’s the same for parents everywhere.” Shake your head, Lin Sheng, take a letter and look for another one.

    Turn off the second letter, and he switched his eyes quickly.

    This letter is strange, not a messenger, but it is in the presence of the Emperor in front of him in the abdomen of the white rock.

    (This chapter is over)

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