721. Chapter 721 Origin 1

    Chapter 721 Origin 1


    Dennis Consortium has so far shown only three times.

    However, the emergence of three occasions has triggered a tremendous campaign. One of them was handled by an unknown organization, adding other special things.

    This has resulted in a significant increase in the number of the Denis Consortium. Even though it was just equivalent to a sum of sand.

    Dukant and Red soon determined an agreement to help them.

    From the outset, Dukant trained himself in accordance with the criteria of the helmets.

    So his achievements and strengths in schools are sharp.

    Together with special training and international treatment within the family, and the outbreak of amplification by the god Saint Force, Dukant was killed and wounded in the field, far beyond the ordinary adjustment of the helmets.

    “Dennis Consortium I can help you pull out a piece. Around three standards Units.

    Similarly, as an exchange, I’d like to ask you to do something for us. ”


    Dukant looks flat.

    The other side now thinks he was wearing hidden helmets, killing enemy Mecha.

    But he’s lazy too.

    Anyway, it’s time to find out that there’s no helmets.

    “Come on, what’s up?” He’s white, down the stairs and down to two girls.

    “I want you to protect us, by the 30th of this month.” Red is serious in answering.

    Dukant groaning. Forget it.

    “No, it’s too long. Now to the 30th, at least 13 days!”

    “Plus another precious metal!”

    “I want Wilman’s liquid gold.”

    “Give you ten standard Units!” Red Red is just gnashing teeth.

    Wellman liquid gold prices are only a little weaker than Denis, but this is a metal of a completely different nature.

    It has a very tenacious special nature in the usual temperature.

    It’s one of the best materials that can be found on the market.

    Although not the highest level of resilience, But if the other ones are not found, the replacement is the best option.

    “Yes.” Dukant slightly nodded.

    Then he took his foot straight to the door. No matter what’s behind him, it’s Red who agreed to deal with him.

    “Hey! What are you going to do?” Red Righton.

    “Deal with the little problem.” The Dukant sleeve slipped black short blade out of the door, so he went straight ahead.


    silver’s blade light brakes collided with the sudden explosion of the security door.


    Large shock collisions erupted in front of Dukant, with large golden fires.

    That was the effect of a massive impact on the gold knife and metal gates.


    Dukant’s got white light on his body, right arm, like lightning, and a great silver network was organized in front of him.

    This silver network just blocked all the shocks perfectly.

    Oh, no, no!

    In the continuing metal impact, Dukalnt was as strong as absolutely invincible fortress, and with no difficulty the security door would explode back.

    The fighting erupted very suddenly.

    As for the fact that the two Red and Sandwich people had not reacted, they saw the door exploded, and Dukant suddenly came out and stopped the blast wave.

    In a few seconds, everything’s calm down.

    The original quiet living room has been completely ruined at this time.

    The walls are all over the wall, and they just explode, leaving a variety of traces.


    scum that exploded, like a machine gun bullet, immediately destroyed this beautiful little building living room.

    “No, it’s not! Is this a quarantine! When?” Red Wake up.

    Feel around the wrong side.

    They had no idea when they were pulled into isolation by the opposing approach.

    Separation does only target high-energy objects. However, if the operator proactively revises the target, the general objective could also be brought into it.

    And the different forces of the war helmets, the space of separation, the scale of fluctuations, is different.

    Like before, they don’t even know that they’ve been involved in isolation.

    But that’s not the most shocking thing for them.

    What really makes them feel inconceivable is that Dukant just seems to have no movement and posture on summon helmets.

    He’s just as flashing as he goes forward.

    Without any fluctuations in the temperature of the helmets, a strong protection network has been formed.

    “I just… It looks like it took” Red is a little dry at Barack Road. “Dukaynt, it seems… No summon helmet?”

    “No, you don’t see flowers”, which have always been obscure and foolish in the sand road and have disappeared at this time.

    “He… Indeed, there is no helmet.”

    During these periods, the sandwich has tested Dukant with various instruments, either expressly or implicitly.

    He does not have any helmets.

    Even say it. He’s not even qualified to drive Mecha.

    Because his spiritual force is not suitable to connect Mecha to manipulate the system.

    “No. No helmet?”

    Red took a deep breath.

    She’s stubborn, staring at Dukant, watching him walk out of the door with a little knife in peace.


    A steep rocket rocket fired is far from coming.

    Dukant’s right arm rises, and black knife in his hand suddenly disappears.

    And instead, it was a silver round that suddenly appeared before him.


    as soon as silver circles appear, the rockets that are forcibly going to fly are nailed in half the sky.

    And then…

    Oh, yeah.

    Throughout the rocket, complete fragmentation into countless pieces, even the explosion, hit the ground as a scrap iron.

    “The invisible Helmets! Kill him!”

    Outside the low electronic voice.

    two black Mecha jumped from above the air with a huge shock, with a shield and a hard hit on Dukant.

    Two Mecha was even half-empty, bringing fresh white waves.

    That’s the air effect that happens at a rate that meets a certain threshold.

    Dukant’s curtains were curtained, and the other hand held a black gold knife.

    Lift up the knife, and he lightly covers the cheeks.

    “Saintsword technique.”

    White light on him suddenly shined, and the holy Saint Force, like a fountain, used him as the core moved towards all around.

    “Black feathers!”


    The two knives were separated, and suddenly all Saint Force hectares on Dukant were turned into black feathers, covering him all over.

    Black feathers slipped out of time, quickly assembled, and moved to the air lights exploded.

    black light is on the loop, and the surrounding environment is steep into a black one.

    A black feather round of several dozen meters in a diameter, all over the eyes, flying out of the sky.

    The two black Mecha masked the shield to half the distance and were hit on the face of the black badge. One through.


    If the two bodies were burned by the atmosphere, they began to disperse fast particles in the air.

    “Then… What is it…?”

    A machine in the body, the pilot, with fear and disunderstanding, asked the last sentence before he disappeared.

    (This chapter is over)

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