535. Chapter 535 Surge 1

Chapter 535 Surge 1

“Ah….so powerful power…..so wonderful…..”

“The Holy Emperor? Is your true reliance this?”

Deep in the big Star Pond.

A group of light blue nebula-like swirls slowly turn in the control of the dark great hall.

There is a huge dark golden clock floating above the great hall.

An old man shrouded in pure Saint Light, holding a golden cane engraved with a huge faucet, quietly experienced the power that was in the body not long ago.

“Saint Force, purifying the power of everything. Mastering Saint Force, you can master the whole world. This sentence is not without reason.”

The Great Sage, no, should now be said to be a wise king, and at this time is deeply immersed in the enormous terrifying power of Saint Force.

In order to take over the holy city smoothly, and to enjoy the success, take over all the power of the temple.

Xian Wang has already investigated the situation of the upper floors of the temple.

The so-called high-rise of the temple, in fact, has always been in contact with the top of the Holy Emperor.

Most of the time they are in their own roles, independent, and it is estimated that even the Holy Emperor does not know what to expect.

After all, the Saint Emperor, who has been wearing heavy faceguards, does not let people see his true face.

And this, in order to replace him, made the biggest preparation.

“As long as I kill the Holy Emperor from the top secret, I will replace it at that time. At that time, no one will know that the Holy Emperor actually changed the individual.”

The sage king made every effort to get the Saint Force cultivation method from the temple, in preparation for this action.

He has already inquired clearly that the place where the Holy Emperor retreat is a small secret. It is estimated that it is a small space, and the portal is in the back garden of Shumington and Hengruika.

It is easy to destroy.

Knowing the Teleportation Formation is a very serious consequence as long as a metric is wrong.

So a little damage, and then disturb the coordinates, will make Lin Sheng never return to reality.

“In any case, Black Tide attack, anything can happen.” Xian Wang has already calculated everything.

He not only spread the darkness inside the temple. I have already inquired about the ranker who is dissatisfied with the Holy Emperor in the high-rise of the temple.

Among them, King of Night is definitely one of the most dissatisfied with the Holy Emperor.

“Night King is strong, but the most lazy, from whatever, obviously, if it is not dissatisfied with the Holy Emperor, the two do not agree. Such a strong person will definitely be reused. Will not be lazy to this point.

If it is not discordant, the strong at this level will never be left idle in the temple.

Therefore, King of Night is worthy of being wooed. ”

Yin Wang secretly recorded this article.

Because the temple appeared extremely abrupt, even the predictions of the big Star Pond had no trace. So everything can only be laid out by himself.

But fortunately, everything went well so far.

“Come on, fast….World, it will be my own….” Xian Wang touched a black watch pendant like a clock hanging on his chest, muttering.



The third defense city.

Originally towering, the pillars supported by cement-supported pillars, the middle of which did not know what was hit by something, broke a large section, and was completely scrapped.

A small stream flows past the viaduct.

Ansel and his team members, wearing protective clothing, walked quietly in the black weeds.

“The weather is good today.” A team member looked up at the faint gray-black of the sky. “It’s much brighter than it was a while ago. But I said head, why do we have to leave the defense city and go to the temple? Isn’t the temple not too high for us?”

“It’s going to be dead anyway. It’s not as good as finding a place for ourselves. It’s good to lie down. It’s not necessary to run out to find sin. Are we not enough money?”

His words suddenly attracted the rest of the team to agree.

Their team is different from other teams.

The erosion of all of them is almost reaching the limit.

Comprehensive lifespan will not exceed two months.

Such a team, no matter if it is a defense city, will not let it join. Because they can be alienated anytime and anywhere, they become completely ruined Black Tide monsters.

“I naturally have my reason.” Ansel is the best erosion among all people. This is not only because he is the strongest, but also because his life is the best.

He does not go out to play during the break, because the body is excessively worn out and becomes weak, which will greatly accelerate the erosion speed.

But even if the situation is better than the players. He also continued to hunt with the players and continued to look for good materials that could be used. Not afraid of erosion speed is more accelerated.

Even if there are any good things, he will give them to their team members first, so that they can buy water food with higher safety level and ensure that they can continue to live.

Therefore, this is also the reason why his team members are willing to follow him.

“Don’t talk about Reagan. I found a way that would allow us all to live in peace for a few months.” Ansel stepped on the half of the weeds in front and continued on.

“False? What is the method? Is it difficult to live in the Holy City?” A female player was covered with a tumor on her half face and had to wear a fully enclosed helmet.

She was originally a sweet girl with a beautiful voice and a beautiful face, surrounded by many pursuers.

But a bosom friend’s betrayal, induced, let her be deliberately thrown into Black Tide.

Fortunately, Black Tide was at a low tide, and she was not eroded into a monster.

But half of the face has been eroded by Black Tide, turning into a disfigured face.

“You guessed it, you are going to the Holy City.” Ansel Calmly said. “If you are in the Holy City, you can become the ordinary resident inside, you can eat the cleanest drinking water and food every day, your lifespan can be greatly extended, at least two or three years.”

Two or three years….

It’s a luxury number.

All the players were a little silent.

“That….what do you have?” Reagan asked again, and his face was slightly ecstatic, and he became awe-inspiring.

“I heard a lot of information, the value is absolutely enough for us to be accepted by the Holy City.” Ansel memory flashed, recalling the day before yesterday, he quietly followed the ground to Boss Sola, sneaked into the underground salvation, and got Message.

“Do not worry, believe me, we will be better!” He said firmly.

A team of people is no longer nonsense, just a silent road.

They were originally located in the No. 1 Defence City, not far from the holy city of Henglikara.

So as long as you get on the road quickly and you don’t encounter any obstacles, they can arrive quickly.

A few hundred kilometers of roads may be a difficult distance for ordinary people, but for those half-human and half-monsters, it is nothing.

The team went all the way, and when they met the monster, they carefully circumvented and did not fight.

Soon, before dusk, I saw the huge high wall shadow of the holy city Hengruika.

“Let’s go.” Ansel squeezed the hunter-stricken stone charm that was about to be eroded, and took the lead to move toward the holy city.

(End of this chapter)

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