Chapter 60: Be Your Truest Self, Sisters Talk.

The next morning.

Day 15 of the space of reincarnation. RV bedroom inside.

Yukishita Yang Nai sat on the soft bed, poked Si Xiao’s cheek and said coquettishly: “You guy is really bad.” ”


Si Xiao glanced at the pretty face of Yang Nai under the snow, playing with the taste: “Didn’t you say that last night?” ”

“Forget it, my sister doesn’t care about such a trifle.”

Under the snow, Yang Nai, exhaled softly: “But you have to bear it well”

“Take responsibility.”

Although the strength is not good.

But there are too many people that Yono has seen under the snow.

In her eyes, Si Xiao is undoubtedly rational and a bit macho. In the face of such people.

As long as you are properly obedient to the other party, show a small woman posture, and appropriately hand over the dominance to the other party. In this way, you can guide the other party well and achieve your own goals.

Knowing that Si Xiao did not mean to kill them, Yang Nai under the snow also dared to think carefully. Such a man is really not suitable for Yukino.

With such a strong person as Si Xiao, Xue Nai can easily lose his opinion. She hopes that her sister Yukino can pursue her true self.

As for Si Xiao.

Just leave it to her sister.

It’s not like it, but it’s not about hating it.

As a marriage partner, there is nothing to provoke. As the eldest heir of the Yukinoshita family.

She gave up her own likes and dislikes a long time ago, and as the eldest daughter, everything had to be considered for the Yukinoshita family, so it was impossible to live with a mask all the time.

This is the responsibility that the eldest daughter under the snow must bear.

Even marriage can’t make its own choices, and Yono Yukinoshita has already made such an awakening. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if the object is Si Xiao, who is meeting for the first time.

But at least I hope that my sister Yukino can be happy.

As long as Si Xiao can fall in love with her, I believe that Si Xiao and Xue Nai will slowly begin to distance themselves, and then Xue Nai can also find someone more suitable for him.

At least, in her eyes. Si Xiao and Xue are not suitable.

“Yukino, don’t blame me.”

Under the snow, Yang Nai put his arm around Si Xiao’s neck and thought to himself. This wicked person, her sister is determined.

As for herself.

Anyway, I never expected to be happy, even if I was used as a venting job by Si Xiao, it didn’t matter, it was quite cool anyway.


Feeling the skin on his neck, Si Xiao sighed faintly.

From the experience of social fear since childhood, it is easy for him to figure out the subconscious meaning of the other party. Plus the original.

It was easy to see through Yono’s thoughts.

Having lived under the responsibility of the Yukishita family all her life, she has never had the power to choose herself, and even she herself has given up. Yono also put on various masks and took the initiative to shoulder the responsibilities under the snow.

I am afraid that this expectation has also been passed on to my sister Yukino. More than Yukino, Yono needs someone to save him.

“Help me get the cigarette from the bedside table.”

Si Xiao said lightly.

Yukishita Yangnai, who was hugging his neck, was a little confused: “You smoke? Obviously you still look underage? ”

“This year 18, you take the cigarette first.”


Yono let go of his tama hand and climbed to the bedside table on the other side to open the drawer, which contained a variety of cigarettes. Yukishita Yang Nai randomly found a pack and lighter, returned to Si Xiao’s side and handed it to him.


“Thanks, snap!”

Si Xiao pulled out one, opened the lighter and took a beautiful sip.

Only then turned his head to Yang Nai and slowly spit out a cloud of smoke, and said a little teasingly: “So, what’s wrong with me smoking?” ”

“Not to the body…”

Yukinoshita Yono was halfway through speaking, and suddenly frowned and froze.

There is an unreliable Shizuki Hiratsuka-sensei, who has long been accustomed to the smell of cigarettes.

“Got it?”

Si Xiao looked sideways at Yang Nai in front of him and joked, “Smoking is harmful to health? That was before, don’t you think cigarettes can still hurt my body now, right? Now even this basic logic has changed. ”

“Do you think that humans who become reincarnators are really still human?”


Si Xiao extinguished the cigarette butt with his fingertips and threw it on the ground casually.

The high temperature of nearly 800 degrees is not enough, but it is just a little hot.

“What do you want to say?”

Yono under the snow frowned deeply, looking at the cigarette butt on the ground as if he understood something, but it didn’t seem to be there.

“You seem to want to see if there is a real thing in this world?”

Si Xiao put his hands on the shoulders of Yang Naixiang under the snow, pressed her on the bed, and stared into her eyes.

“There is no Yukinoshita family here, and there are no responsibilities that you have to bear, you don’t have to live with a mask in the future, you can be your true self.”

“Yang Nai, in the future, you can completely live for yourself.”


Under the snow, Yang Nai was stunned. Oh, yes.

There are no snowy politicians, no exhausting politicians, no representation of the Yukinoshita family. She doesn’t need to wear a mask anymore and can live for herself.

But the next second.

Under the snow, Yang Nai’s small face even rose a hint of red.


“When you say such things, can you not think about those things.”

Yang Nai under the snow looked at Si Xiao in front of him, and her beautiful eyes rolled her beautiful eyes. The atmosphere wasn’t ruined all of a sudden.


Si Xiao’s words, she should think about it.

“As for Yukino.”

Si Xiao stared at Yang Nai below and teased, “Give up your unrealistic idea, I’m a bad person, and I won’t let you succeed.” ”


Under the snow, Yang Nai was stunned.

It turned out that his careful thinking had long been seen through by Si Xiao at a glance.

“As for responsibility.”

Si Xiao sank down and leaned into her ear and whispered, “I don’t like rhetoric very much, so let the action prove it.” ”


Yukinoshita Yono smiled mischievously, “Shouldn’t what you said prove like that?” ”

“Then we’ll talk about it later.”

This guy is really a little goblin with a black belly, and the corner of Si Xiao’s mouth twitched: “You shouldn’t have had a chance to talk to Xue Nai alone here, have a chance to talk to her, eat first.” ”

Finish speaking.

Si Xiao got up and left, leaving the bedroom without care. He likes it, but he doesn’t indulge.

Early in the morning after breakfast.

Si Xiao and Karuizawa sat on the sofa in the living room, the two hugged each other, feeding snacks and watching TV. And the other side.

The sisters under the snow stayed in the bedroom, after all, they were biological sisters, and they had something to say after a long time.

“Yukino-chan, black tea~”

Yono Yukinoshita sat on the edge of the bed, shaking the clapper’s calf, dragging Nagayin and saying.


Yukinoshita Yukino sighed and handed the brewed black tea to her sister.

This sister is always freewheeling, like a small child.

“Sure enough, Yukino’s black tea is really the first in the world.”

Yukishita Yono took a sip of the white porcelain cup and said with admiration on his face.

Although she prefers coffee, black tea with her sister’s addition is the best.


Yukinoshita Yukino asked while sipping black tea, “Sister, are you okay during this time?” ”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Xuexia Yang Nai waved his hand casually, not caring: “Reincarnation space is just a piece of cake for me.” ”


Yukinoshita Yukino looked at her sister in front of her and nodded frankly. My sister has always been this picture that is easy to get close to everyone.

But she has been showing people with a false mask, which is not so accessible. Although he looks a little embarrassed at first, Yang Nai will definitely not be bullied.

“Compared to this.”

Yang Nai poked the pretty face of Xue Nai beside him, and said with a mocking smile: “Tell me about you and Si Xiao.” ”

“Sister, enough is enough!”

Yukishita Yukino peeled Yono’s little hand away and said with a cold face. Pinch her face at every turn, and treat her like a child.


Xuexia Yang Nai was unconscious, she raised her voice, pretending to be angry and said: “I saw Si Xiao pinching your little face just now, Xue Nai, you are obviously still very happy, why don’t you let my sister pinch it, my sister is so disappointed.” ”

“That’s different.”

Yukishita Yukino held his forehead and shook his head wordlessly. She couldn’t do anything about this sister.

As for Si Xiao.

As long as she sits next to Si Xiao, she is very happy, and she is even happier to be able to contact Si Xiao’s skin, and she is naturally willing.

“Me and Si Xiao…”


Yukishita Yukino told Yang Nai the story of her and Sixiao in detail. Since Yang Nai already knew Si Xiao’s talent, he naturally did not have the slightest reservation this time,

Even the nervousness when provoking clothes, what Si Xiao taught her, Xue Nai told her sister without reservation. In fact, in addition to business, the relationship between the two sisters in private is still very good.

When Yukinoshita says it, he is like a child who shows his favorite toy, and he always has a happy smile on his lips.


After listening, Yono under the snow folded his legs, holding his cheeks to examine his sister in front of him, and his tone suddenly became flat and cold.

“Xue Nai, do you like Si Xiao?”

“Like, I learned a lot from him.”

Yukinoshita Yukino pulled the long hair next to her pretty face behind her ear and nodded embarrassedly. Hearing her words, Yukinoshita Yonai’s eyes were calm.

As a sister, she really knows this stupid and cute sister too well. It’s still the same as before.

It’s just that the dependence on her has been transferred to Si Xiao. Nothing has changed.

She just couldn’t get used to this, obviously Xue Nai had such a good opportunity, the opportunity she dreamed of.

You can freely choose what you want to do, why don’t you do it, but always set your sights on others.


Under the snow, Yang Nai’s tone was like ice, and he said sarcastically:

··· Ask for flowers…

“What did you learn? Like you did yesterday on the couch, learned how to serve men? If you please Si Xiao? ”


Yukino raised her head and looked at her sister with cold eyes. I also heard the sarcasm in the other party’s tone.

If it was my previous self, I would definitely argue and refute it without thinking. However, my current self is different.

“It seems that my sister was peeking yesterday.”

“Forget it.”

“I do have the mood to make Si Xiao happy, and I can’t refute it.”

“But as Si Xiao’s woman, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.”

Yukishita Yukino had a flat face and explained frankly, and then changed his tone and said: “Sister, if, I mean if, if I can return to the original world, I want to tell my mother that I want to enter politics.”


Under the snow, Yang Nai was stunned.

I never expected Yukino to respond like this.

She always knew that Yukino wanted to enter politics, but she was too weak and did not dare to speak to her mother. But whether it is a real change, you will know by trying.


Yang Nai under the snow blinked her beautiful eyes, like a thousand-faced witch, and her tone instantly became cheerful: “That’s really good, you go and sit down, Si Xiao will be handed over to my sister, how about it?” ”


Just when Yang Nai wanted to mock, Yukishita Yukino showed a confident smile and said: “It doesn’t matter, I will make a move anyway, my sister can’t take Si Xiao.” ”

How confident this is.

Dare to contradict her sister?

“Yukino, you’ve really grown.”


Yukinoshita Yono looked at her confident sister in front of her and said with some sighs. Seemingly.

Si Xiao did not simply possess them, but also guided them on the right path of growth. Immediately, Yang Nai was a little melancholy for some reason.

Her own cute sister can already spread her wings and fly high.


Yukishita Yukino sat on the edge of the bed, looking sideways at her sister in front of her, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised a beautiful arc: “So, sister, you don’t have to worry anymore.” ”

“Don’t be too smug.”

Yono Yukinoshita poked his sister’s forehead. Oh, yes.

She doesn’t have to worry anymore.

“Compared to this.”

This time, Xue Nai did not hide, touched the place where it had been poked, and said with some weakness: “Sister, you won’t blame me for sitting and watching Si Xiao do that to you, right?” ”

“I’ve done everything, is it too late to apologize now?”

Yukishita Yono pouted.

I didn’t take it too seriously, although it was a pity.

But for her, marriage is mostly a bargaining chip, and that’s how it happens.

“I’m not trying to apologize.”

Yukishita Xueno teased a little playfully: “After all, my sister is newcomer, although it is my sister, it is more difficult to gain Si Xiao’s trust, this is the fastest and least laborious way.” ”

“Moreover, if only my sister is excluded is not good for the team, it can also increase the cohesion of the team, so I did not do wrong.”

Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t feel anything wrong with what she was doing. After all, this is no longer modern.

The highest priority is the survival of the team.

“Well, yes.”

Yono under the snow has no opinion.

If a team has to be divided into two factions, I am afraid that it will not be good for either of them. Not to mention.

According to the scene when I saw Si Xiao yesterday, my sister and that Karuizawa on the sofa, if I don’t join them, I am afraid that I can only become an eye-catching light bulb.

“Compared to this.”

Xue Nai Xue Nai was a little curious and said, “Sister, what did Si Xiao tell you during the day?” ”

“Oh, this one?”

Yukishita Yono thought for a while, and said with a bad smile: “He said that Yukino is really boring. ”

“Si Xiaocai won’t say that.”

Under the snow, Yuki’s pretty face turned red. She didn’t believe it at all.


Yukishita Yang Nai was speechless, and said disdainfully: “He said that he would pull us together tonight to try.” ”

“It’s like he said it.”

Yukino blushed and nodded weakly.


Looking at this kind of Xue Nai, Yukishita Yang Nai really waved his hand a little speechlessly: “Yuki Nai, you go out first, I want to rest first.” ”

“Then sister, you have a good rest.”

Wait for Yukino to leave.

Yono sat for a while, and couldn’t help but look at the cigarette butt on the ground and pick it up.

“Be your true self.”

Yono muttered as he stared at the half-left cigarette butt in his hand. But she no longer remembers what her real self was like. Hesitate for a moment.

She lit the half-left cigarette and took a puff. This was her first time smoking.

Nicotine instantly makes the brain feel paralyzed.

But for some reason, she seems to like the taste very much! PS: Forced to change beyond recognition: Big..

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