Chapter 54: New Talent, You Can Only Play Billion.

“It’s so cold.”

Karuizawa rubbed his shoulders and snorted.

The surrounding temperature seemed to drop by more than ten degrees in an instant.

“Yes? I didn’t feel anything. ”

Yukinoshita Yukino said a little embarrassed, “I’ll help you get a dress.” ”

“No need, you should just endure it, right?”

Karuizawa slowly shook his head, and the two women jumped down the fifth floor and landed on the ground, and Si Xiao and the three slowly walked towards the big sun. It’s a cat-and-mouse game.

And the other side.

Ohga Sun looked at a few people, quickly knelt on the ground, and said in a panic: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” ”

“Actually, no, I really didn’t want to do that, just… That’s right… Just trying to make some noise to lure away those zombies. ”

“By the time I go back, you’re all gone, and I’ve been looking for it for a long time.”

Ohga Sun’s face was full of panic and a little anxious, and he quickly looked up at several people, his eyes full of hope. The few people in front of him are not something he can deal with.

Now Ohga Sun has only endless regrets.

If he had known that Si Xiao had a way to deal with so many zombies, he would not have left.

“Oh, yes.”

Si Xiao nodded calmly. The next moment.

Already appearing behind Ohga Sun, a hand knife slashed at the back of his neck.


Ohga Sun’s eyes turned white and he fainted instantly.

The moment he closed his eyes, Ohga Sun had only endless remorse.

“What to do?”

Under the snow, it is inevitable that the snow will be a little unbearable.


Si Xiao frowned and said, “At this time, you still have these ideas?” ”

“It’s not…”

Yukino was a little hesitant.

Ohga Sun is obviously not a good person, and she wanted to deal with them just now, but she still couldn’t bear it.


Si Xiao stared at Xue Nai and frowned, “Kill him, and then, Xue Nai, you will also make up a few knives.” ”


Under the snow, Xue Nai looked at Si Xiao blankly, not knowing what to do. When it was really his turn, he still couldn’t bear to start.

“No refusal.”

“Now we are not even sure about the next world, and we don’t know if we can continue to be together.”

“Sooner or later, you’re going to have to face all this.”

“Even if you have good intentions, at most you can only kill those strangers, and only kill the enemy!”


Si Xiao stared at the two women seriously.

If it’s okay to be together all the time, he can help with a lot of things. But now almost everything is unknown, which is also for their good.

“Got it.”

Karuizawa exhaled deeply, took the watermelon knife handed over by Si Xiao, and instantly pierced Ohga Sun’s head. Yukishita Yukino hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and added two more knives.

Oh, yes.

She can be kind to those close to her, and even to strangers, but she can only kill enemies. She is not some Virgin who has to touch the other party.


Si Xiao took the watermelon knife from Xuexia’s hand, turned his head to look at Karuizawa and said with relief: “How is it?” ”

“Well, I got 25 attribute points.”

“That’s good.”

Si Xiao nodded.

After all, his attributes are almost two thousand now, and there is no need to grab these dozens of points. Then.

He half-crouched in front of Ohga Sun’s corpse.

For this guy’s talent, he has wanted it for a long time.

“Endless extraction.”

Si Xiao spoke softly, and there was no need to avoid the two women.

[Extraction successful: You have obtained 25 attribute points.] 】

[Extraction successful, you have obtained talent [Arsonist [B]]



Condensing the fire element in the air and spouting flame in the palm of the hand, it has a certain ability to control the flame and slightly improve the resistance of the fire attribute.


Consuming spirit, power is affected by power.

This Sixiao raised his eyebrows.

I already knew that there was a gap between the talent of Ohga Sun and Yukinoshita Yukino, but I didn’t expect the difference to be so far. And what is said about the Fire Sovereign, all run trains in front of him.

It’s been like this for half a day.

In this way, the fireball and the gameplay of flying around in the air were all figured out by Ohga Sun himself.

“Is that guy’s talent great?”

Karuizawa asked with some curiosity.

They knew that Si Xiao could extract other people’s talents. For just killing Ohga Sun, there is no sense of responsibility. Side.

After Yukino made up for the two knives, her pretty face turned a little white, and it was not very comfortable to press her chest, but she slowly began to accept all this

“It’s okay.”

Si Xiao shrugged indifferently.

Sure enough, there are still not so many high-level talents.

Although he was a little disgusted, he at least had a long-range attack. Then.

The three came to the roof of the mall.

“I’ll try this talent, how about it.”

“Yukino you look at the point, don’t let the fire reach the mall.”

Si Xiao looked at the villa in the distance, and a flame rose in his right hand. A talent for insight.

He instantly understood the use of this talent. Can spew flame from the palm of your hand.

Then keep compressing.

The scattered flames in the palm were instantly condensed into a fireball.


Seeing Xue Nai nodding, Si Xiao directly aimed the fireball at the street not far away and threw it out. The fiery fireball flew out fifty meters later.

It slowly dissipates.


Karuizawa said a little suspiciously.

“The flames dragged my hands and I lost control.”

Si Xiao frowned and said, “The farther the distance, the more serious the loss of strength, I’m afraid it’s about fifty meters.” ”

You must know that the snow under the snow is within 100 meters, and you can control it as you like.

This is also the result of his such powerful attributes.

Sure enough, it is only a B grade, and there is indeed a gap with Yukinoshita Yukino’s talent.

“Isn’t that awesome?”

Karuizawa said with some surprise.

“Well, sort of.”

Si Xiao nodded irrefutably.

It’s just that I have seen more mountains and seas, so I have some disgust. Fifty meters was enough for him to burn the entire street in front of him clean.

“You guys wait here first.”

After speaking, Si Xiao disappeared.

So he came to a residential area a kilometer away and threw a fireball casually. In the blink of an eye, four or five villas burst into flames.

The power is also acceptable. Followed by.


Si Xiao stepped abruptly and jumped nearly two hundred meters high, and the powerful force instantly caused a deep pit to appear on the ground. Immediately, Si Xiao frowned, and his palm spewed out flames from time to time. From time to time, open your arms and adjust the direction.

This is more similar to the ability to stay in the air, but it is not much different from flying under his bottomless physical strength. It’s just that you have to raise your hand frequently to change direction, not very flexible.

“Forget it, just have it.”

Si Xiao froze in mid-air, his palm spraying flames downward from time to time, and he shook his head. Anyway, the skills are not pressing.

He can do without, but not without. However, feeling the fierce wind that blows from time to time, Si Xiao still feels quite refreshed.

At least the feeling of flying is not bad. Think of this.

Si Xiao’s hands erupted with flames and flew towards the others under the snow.


A yellow tail line swept by, instantly bringing a gust of wind.


Karuizawa quickly covered the hem of his skirt and let out a scream.


Si Xiao levitated in front of the two and asked with a smile.

“Brother Xiao, can you fly?”

Karuizawa’s eyes lit up, and he asked with some excitement. But who can not aspire to fly?

On the side, Yukino also looked a little expectant.

“Hold me, I’ll take you for a ride!”

Si Xiao said with a smile.

The two women quickly hugged Si Xiao’s thigh left and right, burying their little heads in his waist. Soon, it was the car show mentioned under the snow.

….. Inside the auto show.

Now the zombies are all killed by Yukinoshita and Karuizawa.

Si Xiao just followed the two women and used endless extraction, as long as he could finally complete the main task of killing 10,000 zombies. In his opinion.

The cyclic task of killing 10,000 zombies is likely to be just a second-best option for the weak. After all, with their current strength, it was too easy to kill 10,000 zombies. Soon.

The hundreds of zombies in the car show were easily solved by the two women.

Yukinoshita Yukino also seems to have a heart, and most of the zombies are killed by Karuizawa. No way, Karuizawa has no means of attack, and now he is also the weakest in the group. The two are guided by Yukino under the snow,

Stand in front of a bus.

“Is this an RV?”

Karuizawa looked at the car in front of him like a curious baby, and said with some doubt: “It doesn’t look different from the school bus.” ”

“RVs are broadly divided into self-propelled motorhomes and trailer motorhomes.”

Yukinoshita Yukino explained with a smile: “This car is self-propelled, well, anyway, you can go in and take a look.” ”

The three walked into the bus.

You will be greeted by a spacious living room with resplendent resplendence. Sofa, TV, fridge all available.

“Wow, that’s awesome.”

Karuizawa’s eyes shined.

On the side, Si Xiao also touched it with some curiosity, he really hadn’t seen it. There are actually such cars, and rich people know how to enjoy them too much.

“I looked at it, this car has solar power, and there is a kitchen, toilet, and bedroom, do you want to go in and take a look?”

Seeing that the two were the same as the curious baby, Yukinoshita Yukino said a little helplessly.

There is nothing else to see.

The three looked at each other and came to the bedroom first.

In front of you is a double bed nearly two meters wide, enough to sleep four or five people.


Yukinoshita sat on the bed and pinched the mattress to check the comfort, like a cat who was only checking his bed.

“So comfortable!”

Karuizawa threw himself directly onto the bed. Rolling around in bed.

“Very good, I didn’t expect there to be such a thing in the world.”

Si Xiao said with admiration on his face.

If he hadn’t been chosen by the reincarnation space, he might never have had the opportunity to touch these. With an RV, they can take all their supplies to the TV tower.

Although he now thinks that his strength is good, he does not think of wasting time looking for materials from time to time. After all, it’s even worse if there is no chance.

There is a stronghold, and it is right after all.

“That’s good.”

Yukishita Yukino’s little face couldn’t help but blush, making people want to kiss it, and finally felt that they could also come in handy.

“That’s right.”


As if remembering something, Si Xiao took out two belt handcuffs from his pocket and said with a bad smile: “You two, you shouldn’t have forgotten the gambling contract just now, right?” ”


Yukino and Karuizawa looked at each other. The two blushed and quickly lowered their heads. Make eye contact with each other.


“I’ll come, I’ll come.”

Karuizawa was defeated, and he took the handcuffs with some embarrassment and handcuffed himself. In fact.

With their strength, they can break free with a little force. But why break free.

Not only does Si Xiao like it, but they don’t hate it either. Then.

The two put on blindfolds for themselves.

“How does it feel?”

Si Xiao looked at the two people handcuffing himself in front of him and asked with satisfaction.

“It always feels a little strange.”

It was pitch black in front of him, and under the snow, Xue Naiqiao’s face was a little red, and he murmured.

“Brother Xiao, don’t you strengthen the bus first and close the door?”

Karuizawa asked with some concern.

“Don’t worry, I’ve strengthened it.”

Si Xiao responded with a smile.

Naturally, he would not have such an oversight.

“So are you ready?”

“Really, don’t ask such weird questions.”

“Please come in….”

Yukinoshita Yukino buried her head in her chest with an eye patch, and her voice was like a mosquito groan.


The next morning. Day 11.

An RV slowly drove from the mall towards the TV Tower. Karuizawa drives the bus, and the zombies along the way are instantly knocked away, or pierced by ice thorns in advance.

Yukino cleaned the windshield with ice cubes to keep the body clean at all times. For a long time, there were slightly fewer zombies on the road.

“It’s not yet noon, I made a fruit salad, you guys put it down first.”

Yukishita Yukino placed one of them next to Karuizawa and another on the coffee table in front of Si Xiao. Then, sat down next to Si Xiao.

“Thank you, Yukino really helped a lot.”

Si Xiao habitually put his arm around Yukino Xueno’s shoulders, hugged her in his arms and laughed.

“It’s so hot…”

Yukinoshita Yukino lowered his head and said with a small red face.


“Sorry, sorry.”

Si Xiao quickly withdrew his palm.


Yukinoshita Yukino instantly explained a little flustered, “I didn’t mean that…”

“What does that mean?”

Si Xiao looked at the flustered snow under the snow beside him, and asked with some bad eyes.

“That’s the one…”

Yukinoshita Yukino explained a little shyly, “It’s warm and comfortable. ”

“So that’s the case, does that mean it?”

Si Xiao put his palm on her leg and leaned into the snow under the snow and whispered in Xue Nai’s ear.

I don’t know if the fabric of Harlan’s pants is too smooth, or what the reason is.

Under the snow, Xue Nai’s body is as cold as jade, and people can’t help but want to play.


Under the snow, Xue Nai turned her pretty face to the side and stopped looking at Si Xiao. That’s how she doesn’t talk about words.

It’s a bit of a hassle, but it’s this trouble that’s so cute.


Si Xiao whispered softly, “I want to play with Xue Nai, this cute little cat, is that okay?” ”

“I still have to eat at noon, so I can only play 100 million.”

Yukishita Yukino tilted his little head and said in a weak tone.

“Yukino, you are so cute.”

Si Xiao raised his eyebrows.

The cat can only pet for a while, not for long.


Karuizawa sat in the driver’s seat a little dissatisfied, turned around and complained: “How can I drive like this?” ”

“Oh, it seems that Megumi is jealous.”


“So be it, I’ll drive.”

Si Xiao walked to the driver’s seat with the snow in his arms, and Karuizawa quickly gave way to the position. As for security, there is no need to think about it at all.

With them there, Si Xiao was extremely excited to drive.

It wasn’t until lunch that he changed to Karuizawa and continued driving. Si Xiao enjoyed the knee pillow of Yukino under the snow.

I don’t know how long it took to library.


An explosion sounded in front of the car. Instantly woke up several people.

Karuizawa’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly slammed the steering wheel. PS: Write chapter by chapter, vomit blood.

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