Chapter 51: Please enter the urn, you are a loan shark. 【First order】.

“Yukoshita-san, what do you mean by this, are you demonstrating with me?”

Karuizawa asked in a somewhat unkind tone.

I didn’t expect that Yukino would be such a person!

“No, no, I didn’t mean that.”

Yukinoshita Yukino explained in a panic, she pursed the corners of her mouth and exhaled deeply before straightening her back and staring seriously at Karuizawa Megumi in front of her.

“Hui, in fact, I don’t know the specifics, but I should have some good feelings for Si Xiao, at least I don’t hate it.”

“But I think I should ask for your opinion first, if, I mean, if you don’t agree.”

“I promise you, it will never bother”

“You guys.”


Finish speaking.

Yukishita Yukino pursed the corners of her mouth, and her solemn and pretty face looked like she was about to cry. As long as Karuizawa does not agree, Yukinoshita Yukino will definitely not disturb them.

And the opposite.

Hearing her words, Karuizawa was simply stunned. I didn’t expect that even in the world of reincarnation, Xueno under the snow was still so principled. Change to anyone,

I’m afraid I will choose to indulge myself more or less. I actually came to ask for her opinion.

This made Karuizawa scratch his head a little embarrassed: “To be honest, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.” ”


Without waiting for Karuizawa to finish speaking, Yukino nodded with some loss at the corners of his mouth, like an iceberg snow lotus that was about to wither.

“Wait a minute, you listen to me first.”

Karuizawa said a little helplessly: “But this is the space of reincarnation, and I don’t think that such an excellent person as Brother Xiao will be bound by us.” ”

“Besides, the three of us are companions, right?”

“Then we can’t be separated.”

“To be honest, there is no one else around anyway, and I also want to follow Brother Xiao all the time.”

“If only Yukino was watching, it would feel weird and embarrassing, and it would not be very convenient.”

“Moreover, Brother Xiao’s physique is too strong, and it is not something I can deal with.”

Karuizawa chattered non-stop.

Almost confused Yukinoshita Yukino, she frowned and looked at Karuizawa, what the hell is this guy talking about?

“Oh, all in all, yes.”

Karuizawa said with a smile.


Yukishita Yukino asked a little sluggishly.

She can ignore the death of Ye Feng and the others, but she can’t do anything to hurt Si Xiao and Karuizawa. That’s why I wanted Karuizawa’s opinion.

Unexpectedly, the other party agreed so easily. It seems that she is still not very comfortable with the reincarnation space.

“Really, Yukino doesn’t have to be so outward, we will be sisters in the future.”

Karuizawa quickly sat down beside her and affectionately held Yukino’s arm.

“It’s so hot…”

Yukino murmured. Not quite accustomed to such contact.


Karuizawa quipped, “Since I’ve agreed, Yukino doesn’t have any opinion.” ”


Yukino blushed. The feeling of noon.

It still has some aftertaste, and it doesn’t seem to be very annoying.

“Then do you want me to support you?”

“Huh? What do you mean? ”

“Follow me!”

Karuizawa quickly took the little hand under the snow and got up to leave.

If she hadn’t used life recovery on herself, I’m afraid she wouldn’t be able to move now. It seems that this skill is still a little useful.

Soon, he saw Si Xiao leaning in front of the fence.

“Brother Xiao, you wait here, don’t move, otherwise you will regret it.”

Without waiting for Si Xiao to speak, Karuizawa blinked mischievously and hinted.

The three passed by.

Under the snow, Xue Nai and Si Xiao’s sight were accidentally exchanged, and they quickly retracted their gaze. Since Karuizawa had agreed, wouldn’t she have to wait.

Come to think of it.

Under the snow, Xue Nai’s pretty face was even more red and soldering iron.

Scared at the same time, but also some expectation.

Watching the two get into the clothing area, Si Xiao shook his head and smiled.

“How about this?”

Karuizawa brought Yukinoshita Yukino, who had changed into a black bra, to the full-length mirror and joked with a smile.

“Will this be…”

Yukino covered his chest like a frightened kitten, and said with some shame. Killing her could not have imagined.

One day, she would actually dress like this and stand in a public place like a mall.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

“Believe me, Brother Xiao prefers black.”

Karuizawa picked up the purple set again and looked at Yukinoshita and said, “It’s better to have this one, purple is more mysterious.” ”

“That’s it.”

Yukino is really embarrassed. She looked at Karuizawa in front of her, and had to say that Karuizawa’s figure was too good, which made her a little envious.

“I can really do it.”

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at herself, a little less confident. Although he was originally quite confident in his appearance, when it came to the critical moment, Yukino was a little weak-hearted.


Karuizawa looked seriously at the snow in front of him and nodded: “It’s okay, Yukino-chan is so beautiful, it’s okay, and Brother Xiao can’t wait for noon, it’s absolutely fine.” ”

“Yes, yes.”

Yukishita Xueno nodded, thought for a moment and quickly shook his head: “Forget it, I’d better wear white.” ”

The first time, he really had to leave a good impression on Si Xiao.


Karuizawa did not force it either.

It seems that both of them want to go together, but they still have to change later. After that, the two kissed like best friends and tried on clothes for most of the day. Near the wee hours of the morning.

Under Karuizawa’s notice, Si Xiao came to the furniture area.


You can see it from far away.

Yukinoshita Yukino was wearing a translucent white lace pajamas, holding her legs with her hands bent over her legs, and a somewhat restrained figure sat at the end of the bed. She is like a cat, coming to a strange place for the first time, always inhibited and unable to adapt to the world.


With the sound of footsteps approaching.

Under the snow, Yukino quickly stared at the mattress in front of him.

“Don’t be so nervous.”

Si Xiao sat on the edge of the bed and smiled at the snow in front of him.

“I, I, I, I, I’m not nervous.”

Yukishita Xueno secretly glanced at Sixiao and tried to justify.


Si Xiao touched his chin, feeling particularly interesting, he raised his eyebrows and said, “Xue Nai, since you are not nervous, do you think you should say something at this time?” ”


Yukino was a little puzzled. What do you want to say at this time?

She didn’t learn much about it, and Karuizawa didn’t teach her this. Hesitate for a moment.

“Please please, please… Please come! ”

Yukino blinked her beautiful eyes like black gems and stammered.


Si Xiao laughed heartily.

Yukino is also so cute.

“What are you laughing at?”

Yukishita Yukino buried his head in his legs, and his two beautiful eyes were a little aggrieved.

“It’s not.”

Si Xiao waved his hand and said with a bad smile: “I want to say it at this time”

“Please come in!”

“Yes, yes, is that so?”

Yukishita Yukino tilted his head slightly, and said a little tentatively: “Please come in?” Is that so? ”

“That’s right, let’s take a look at it all.”

“Si Xiao, please come in!”

Yukinoshita Yukino pinched her snow-white chin, and said with a somewhat embarrassed look of thought, always feeling a little strange. And the opposite.

Si Xiao was extremely satisfied that the snow under the snow was really a simple white paper, which he still applied at will.

“That’s right, that’s it.”

Si Xiao was very satisfied, and sat down next to her and teased: “Speaking of which, Xue Nai still owes me three eggs?” ”

“Well, I still remember, don’t worry, I will definitely find a way to pay it back.”

Speaking of business, Yukinoshita Yukino also became serious.


Si Xiao looked at Xue Nai in front of him, raised his eyebrows, and said: “Eggs can hatch chicks, there should be some interest after so many days, otherwise, how about Xue Nai return my three little babies?” ”


Yukinoshita Yukino tilted his head to the side and did not dare to look again, and murmured: “According to the way you calculate interest, there must be more than three by then, you are usury.” ”

“Do you want to pay it back?”

“It’s not…”

After hesitating for a moment, Xue Nai looked at Si Xiao, and his voice was like a mosquito groaning: “That… Please come in! ”

In fact.

A few more, it’s okay.

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