191 – Correlation between love and jealousy – 4

Christine regenerated her severed wings, straightened them out again, and stood up. After completing the restoration of divine power in less than a second, it flew up into the sky.

In the distance, Serena, who was clad in blue flames and collided with Christine, brushed off the dust on her body and pulled out her wind shear to keep an eye on her surroundings.

Yellow eyes filled with darkness comparable to the bottomless pit carefully scanned the transparent sword in his hand. A sword that maintains semi-permanent power by reflecting Serena’s will.

If it had been an ordinary sword, it would have destroyed itself without being able to properly wield the power of that heresy. Christine felt it vaguely.

The power of God that Christine was using right now was also possible because Christine had the faith and faith to withstand the reaction of the strong god.

Ordinary people’s souls will burn up as soon as a part of their god touches them, and no matter how outstanding a saint may be, it’s only possible to use a part of that power in exchange for the death of the body.

‘Did you say the power to cut concepts?’

Christine recalled the wings that were being cut off helplessly every time that Heretic swung his sword.

At most, the reason why the wings of divine power, which reveal the power of a god intact by swinging a sword, were cut off because the power contained in that twisted the law of causality.

Since the existence of wings was denied, of course they had no choice but to be cut off. The concept of wings sprouting from the back has completely disappeared, so how can they maintain that shape?

However, Christine regenerated her wings as if it were natural.

According to the law, since existence was cut off and disappeared, of course the wings could not be regenerated, and even if they were regenerated, they should have disappeared as soon as they sprouted.

Of course Christine didn’t. Rather, it was to the point of fighting by making a bird with wings cut off and disappearing.

The reason was simple. Christine possessed the power of a god, so of course she was able to exert power that can only be expressed in the word ‘miracle’.

How was it possible to completely ignore the collapsed causal law and the denial of existence and recreate the wings? How is it that life itself is obliterated yet still alive?

because it was a miracle Because it was a miracle to turn what was once thought impossible into possible. Christine’s divine power was such a concept.

If you succeed in what you can do, it is natural or deserved, and it is by no means called a miracle. Even if you succeed in what seems a little difficult, you don’t use the expression miracle.

something that was never possible. And what was determined to be impossible. The god who descended to the earth was a being who accomplished such a thing.

“Did you think you could kill me?

“There’s nothing I can’t kill. Next time I’ll split that head in half.”

Seeing Serena brush off the soot and get back to her feet, Christine spread her wings. There was a single stab wound carved diagonally across his chest. It was a wound that did not heal on purpose.

Christine, who confirmed that the blue wall was stuck in the figure, supported her chest with one hand and gently lifted it up while holding a sneer. A heavy feeling came up in my hand.

Serena’s eyes twitched.

“Are you envying this?”

With Christine’s small hands, she couldn’t hold even one breast with both hands, but since she was holding one of them in each hand, it was a scheduled procedure for her palms to be deeply buried in her lower breasts.

“That’s right. God wouldn’t even be moved by lust with that poor body. Are you teasing your tongue for going before God with such a pitiful body?”

The mockery was short-lived. Christine let go of her chest right away, and after one big slump down, driven by gravity, she only repeated a very slight rise and fall in sync with her breathing.

Serena didn’t say much about the mockery. Instead, I aimed my wind shear at me, determined to get rid of that fucking fat lump.

“What are you doing? You guys want to rub against each other? Should I lay a plate for that?”

Then, right next to Serena, a familiar voice was heard. It was Olivia. Serena reflexively raised the wind shear and blocked her side.

Quaang! I heard a voice saying Even though she wrapped her body with mana and defended herself with wind shear, the impact could not be alleviated.

Christine immediately turned her attention to Serena and pounced on Olivia. Charlotte was drawing a magic circle behind her back, pushing away the turbulent flow of black mana with blue mana.

Serena twisted in the air. Bend your knees to lower your stance, hold the wind shear vertically, press it down with both hands, and try to stop your body by rubbing it against the floor.

A pitch-black meteorite slammed down on top of it. Neither Christine, nor Charlotte, nor Olivia paid any attention to the fact, surprisingly.

If it’s alive, it’ll come out on its own, and if it’s dead, good luck. Either way, at least there was nothing to lose. Even if they are alive, killing them is enough.

“Yes. You did too. Bitches trying to steal my master. Yes. You must die too. Die, die, die, die, die…!”

Olivia growled and yanked Christine’s fist. Christine also grabbed Olivia’s fist with an emotionless face. The clenched fists trembled.

With each other holding each other’s left wrist with each other’s right hand, a contest of strength continued.

“Even though my god has descended on me like this, are you denying the fact?

“God descends? For you?”

Olivia’s hand, which was holding her wrist, gained strength. I could hear the bones of my wrists shifting slightly. His black eyes were stained with hatred, but soon changed to mockery as if he remembered something.

Even though she was taken aback by the sudden change of emotions, Christine, who had seen those eyes before, recalled the memory of the time and sharpened her teeth.

I felt like I could tell without hearing what the next word would come out.

“I’m really the one who’s connected to Master? Are you still wearing a womb? It looks useless anyway, so why don’t you just take it off?”

“That filthy mouth—”

“There’s no point in having a seed bag that will continue to be empty, right?”

Those words were the decisive blow.

Christine headbutted Olivia in the forehead. Quaang! It was hard to believe that there was a head-to-head collision, and there was a loud, blunt sound. The shock wave was a bonus.

Olivia’s head was pushed back a little, then came back forward with the same headbutt. An explosion of the same size was heard, and Christine’s head was pushed back. The body was greatly shaken.

It was a battle where the power gap was clearly revealed. It’s not too far behind, but it’s such a gap that you can never easily overcome.

Christine was feeling exactly the same emotions that Charlotte felt.

It was because of the difference in the timing of gaining power.

No matter how Serena, Christine, and Charlotte acquired abilities comparable to those of God and the Creator, less than 10 minutes had passed since they acquired those abilities. There was no way I could handle it perfectly.

On the other hand, Olivia built up an understanding of her own power while restoring her body for hundreds of years to avoid being destroyed in the dimensional rift.

There was a time when he tried to wipe out all humans on the continent, and even though it was a fragmentary battle and he was unilaterally overwhelmed, he also fought against a god who descended to the ground.

He even sought power by attacking Rare and devouring the souls of dragons. Since he had been dealing with black mana for such a long time, he had no choice but to be better than the other three.

No matter how strong Serena, Christine, and Charlotte were before that, it was only natural that Olivia would prevail in a world where the limits of the soul had been surpassed.

Rather, it would be fair to say that the talent of the three is ridiculous at the point of establishing a fight with Olivia, who had lived hundreds of years more, even though they had only been gaining strength for about 10 minutes at most.

“So, just die. People like you are of no help to my master’s love.”

After that, the light disappeared from the black pupil.

Black mana crawled out of Olivia. Holy power and black mana collided with each other, causing a backlash. The space bubbled up.

“Jim will be happy to help.”

Charlotte snapped her fingers.

The muddy stream of black mana had long since been erased from Charlotte’s world. A magic circle was drawn in the sky, and a rain of fire and sulfur poured down from within and covered the ground.

In addition to killing Olivia, it was a magic that was activated with the intention of killing Serena and Christine as well.

Serena wasn’t the type to let that happen. After slicing the meteorite into space and saving mana, Serena kicked off the ground and rushed at Charlotte. A black flame followed behind him.

The space where the four fought was literally forming a hell road.

Because of Christine, the sunlight of the divine power to designate everything in the world as heretical and purify it with white flames brightly illuminated the whole world.

Because of Charlotte, a red rain of fire, brimstone, and magma rained down like a shower, and rivers of flame and lava flowed on the ground.

Because of Olivia, black flames spread and burned like wildfire. Flames burned above the flames, flames burned above the lava, and flames burned above the divine power.

The black that covers white and red and spreads darkness reminds us of the earth drying up and twisting due to an epidemic.

“Do something pointless.”

However, even in such a hell, he did not dare to think of entering only one place.

It was near Serena.

Regardless of whether the wind shear flashes, divine power, blue mana, or black mana, they were swept away equally.

The blue wall looked at the battlefield unemotionally. Compared to when we first met, nothing had changed. Even though the soul was freed and gained power beyond it.

Except for the fact that there were two to three opponents to kill. Serena slightly twisted her wind shear and got into her stance.

No one here had any intention of giving up the boy. For love and for happiness. This fight was a fight that must end when three out of four die.

Or, the only person who can stop all four appears.

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