176 – sun

Christine realized that she had been seriously mistaken all this time.

She only thought that by reading a new concept from the past and accepting the power of a god into her soul, she would be able to defeat that heresy that took away her god.

After accepting the divinity of the past, even by Christine’s standards, whose threshold for strength has risen tremendously, she has become incomparably stronger than before.

He could tear apart space with his bare hands or even calmly commit something that could only be called a miracle.

Christine’s power comes from faith and faith, so when she accepts the power bestowed by God and her divine power becomes stronger, faith and faith naturally become stronger, and then the power becomes stronger again, repeating the cycle.

Even though the other two heretics, who were in conflict with each other, seemed to have accomplished something, the momentum itself was different, but still, he had no doubts that he would be the one who won in the end.

However, Christine soon changed her mind.

It’s not that you can win because you’ve gained this kind of power, it’s because you’ve gained this kind of power that you can finally establish an equal fight.



Eliminating the cries of monsters coming from all directions from her head, Christine thrust her fist into the monster in front of her eyes.

No, it might be more appropriate to say that he swung rather than drove in. The monster was evaporated by the divine power surrounding her body before her fists even touched it, and Christine’s hand cut through the air.

Only the aftermath of the fist that passed through the air melted dozens of monsters rushing from behind. The remaining bodies could not overcome the inertia and tumbled on the floor, tangled among themselves.

Christine immediately stopped her arm and raised her elbow, thrusting it into the stomach of the monster on the other side. The same thing happened this time too.

The target of the direct attack was burned away before the elbow touched its abdomen, and dozens of monsters behind it were also powerlessly crushed and returned to mere liquid.

The next attack followed. Christine lifted her feet to knee height and thud! It roared and rolled with all its might.

Shockwaves exploded in all directions. The monsters that filled the whole area were pushed back in one stomp and collapsed, and Christine’s surroundings temporarily became quiet.

This time, the monsters directly hit by the shock wave did not survive. White flames mixed with yellow continued to purify in various places.

A pair of wings sprouted from its back, radiating bright light. Thousands of monsters covered in that light died without even screaming.


ㅡKiii Iik!

However, they attacked without knowing how to give up no matter how many times their comrades died. The empty space around Christine began to fill up with monsters again.

After hearing that heresy provocation, the number of monsters killed by Christine, who had a murderous intent to the fullest, had already surpassed 100,000.

Dozens were annihilated with a single gesture, hundreds evaporated with a single kick, and a thousand units of monsters were purified and disappeared the instant a divine explosion occurred, so even the number of 100,000 was close to the actual minimum.

No matter how small you hit, you would have caught this number.

Nevertheless, the number of monsters that reached the horizon increased as it increased, but showed no sign of diminishing.

‘Where is that heresy?’

Christine set off a divine explosion at the approaching monsters and blew the whole area away while looking for Olivia. He didn’t come here to clean up these low-level monsters.

The fact that these black-blooded monsters were strong enough to bring the kingdom close to destruction even if only one was released on the continent didn’t matter much to Christine.

All that mattered was to tear to pieces the heretic who had dared to do evil to her god, at all costs.

“Are you disturbing me?”

A large monster resembling a wolf opened its mouth wide and attacked. Its mouth was huge enough to swallow Christine in one bite.

Perhaps it was because it was a monster created only for the purpose of killing the woman in front of him, and he didn’t care at all about his skin being burned by divine power.

Christine caught the wolf’s jaw close to her. The place where the hand touched melted as if evaporating, and Christine’s arm naturally went into the guy’s head.

Next, he lifted his foot and stepped on his lower jaw. The teeth were crushed at once, and even that was not enough, and all of them sank down to the lower jaw. A small shockwave burst out and shattered the surrounding area.

The protruding snout no longer had its original form. The upper jaw melted as soon as Christine touched it, and the lower jaw had been crushed by a foot.

Even in that state, the black-blooded monster that went mad trying to bite Christine, fell to the ground and stopped moving only after Christine swung her arm and completely destroyed the upper part of her head.

“What’s wrong? You’re not tired already, are you?”

Christine’s body flinched as Ethan’s sarcastic voice pierced her ears. It wasn’t because he was hit hard, it was because he was filled with unbearable anger when he heard that voice.

Christine tried to find the figure of heresy by causing another divine explosion to clean the surroundings, but it was difficult to secure the field of view because the monsters were so large.

So, I decided to change my strategy.

If you couldn’t see the other person on the ground, it was enough to go up to the sky.

“Though I walk through the dark valley of tribulation, I know that God is with me.”

As the prayers were recited, the pair of wings that rose from the back glowed in a holy color. Several black-blooded monsters that had recklessly rushed towards Christine melted on the spot.

Demonic spirits whose bodies exceeded the size of a building had a little grace period before they completely disappeared even after being directly exposed to the divine power, so they reached out or jumped up to try to catch Christine.

Of course it was useless. They could not even reach Christine and were engulfed in a purifying flame and disappeared from the world.

Christine soared high into the sky, putting her hands together in front of her chest. And prayed silently to her god.

In an instant, the sky cleared.

The warm sunlight shone through the cracks in the black mana. Sunlight was created in a world without the sun.

This was the world Olivia had created, so there was no such thing as a sun in the sky. Because there was only one thing that existed in the sky of this world, Black Mana.

However, as Christine soared in the air with her wings wide open and her hands gathered in front of her chest to pray, the sunlight that had pierced through the black mana was blazing down.

It was nothing but a miracle.

“Therefore, get out and walk. God is with you, and you find rest in his grace.”

The divine power surrounding Christine’s body grew even stronger. The sunlight that penetrated the black mana gradually increased its intensity.

The black-blooded monsters trampled each other’s bodies and built towers with their bodies, desperately trying to reach Christine somehow, but the bursting divine power never stood by.

The area where monsters were purified and disappeared became wider and wider. Christine, in the center, still closed her eyes and prayed to her god.

“God rejoices in your faithfulness.

A pair of wings grew on Christine’s back as she continued to pray.

The wings, which had grown to a total of four, including the original pair and the newly sprouted pair, received the holy energy and spread out to the left and right.

Now, both from Christine’s point of view and from the point of view of the black blooded monsters, the area that has been purified has increased to the extent that each other looks like a dot.

“God knows all that you have done.”

The condensed light source burst out and colored the whole area with light. The light was strong enough to make one feel as if the sun had set on the ground.

The sky was clear.

“That’s why I won’t be afraid.”

Christine, who had completely purified all the places where the divine power came in, opened her eyes after removing the pods she had been wearing for prayer. I couldn’t hear the screams of the monsters anymore.

All the monsters were melted down by divine power, but the heretic that Christine hated the most was looking at Christine with eyes saying that it would be interesting to be alive.

Of course it had to be. Because that would have to be torn to pieces with Christine’s hands.

“Hmm… no matter how incompatible black mana and holy power are, I didn’t know that it would melt them all. It’s annoying to snap my fingers again.”

“Ah, my God. Did you answer the call of this lowly lamb? Thank you. Thank you.”

If a celestial being were to descend to the earth, it would surely take this form.

Christine, with a halo shining from above her head, flapping her two pairs of wings rising from her back and praying to a transcendent being, looked like an angel.

Tears streamed down Christine’s cheeks. It was because she felt her god in the fragments of enormous divine power. A really warm, reassuring feeling.

Looking at Christine like that, Olivia hardened her face coldly.

“My God? Are you still out of your mind?”

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