173 – reunion

“Ehehe, Master…”

Olivia covered me with a blanket made from her own skin and crawled over me, clinging to my chest.

His arms were wrapped tightly around his back as if he would never fall again. The strength of the hug was so strong that the sternum collapsed several times.

I was always trying to pay as little attention to Olivia as possible.

No matter how I react here, even if I get angry, Olivia will take that as an expression of love. It was better not to give him any reason to do so.

Even if I tried to do something in my current state anyway, it would be clear that it would be impossible.

After finding out the shocking truth about what Olivia had done to me, I just couldn’t be motivated to stay sane.

My head was still full of doubts about Olivia. What kind of method did you use to make me into such a body that can neither die nor live long before you met me?

Clearly, the time I met Olivia was well over a hundred years after I had acquired this regenerative ability, no, something that is hard to call regenerative ability anymore.

But it was Olivia who made me look like this. I didn’t fully understand. There’s absolutely no way Olivia would lie to me, and that means it’s absolutely true.

It was hard to believe even though the truth was right in front of me.

‘How the hell… … .’

Regardless of this thought, the chains around my wrists forced my arm to move and rested my palm on Olivia’s head. Then he moved his wrist and started stroking his hair.

There was no strength in her hands, so it stopped at the level of simply touching her head and shaking her head, but Olivia seemed satisfied with that alone.

Olivia, who had been stroked with such a happy face for a long time, suddenly raised her head.

“Master, it’s almost time for breakfast. What would you like to eat this time?”

Has that much time already passed?

Even though Olivia and I are both bodies that don’t need to eat, Olivia always packed a meal, saying that it was a wife’s privilege to cook for Mrs. Seo.

That is why I was able to grasp the flow of time vaguely.

If I counted the number of times I ate breakfast, it would be about 20 times, so considering what I missed, I could judge that about a month had passed.

Of course, it was under the premise that Olivia would do it at the right time, but looking back at the intervals between meals, there was no doubt that they would match to some extent.

“I used to boil soup with my eyeballs the other day, I made salad with my fingers the other day, and there are still a few parts that haven’t been served to Master… Um, I don’t know. Master. What do you think? How do you like it? Which part of my body do you think is the most delicious?”

It was a problem because the meal was far from ordinary food made with normal ingredients.

Except for some seasonings, everything I ate was dishes made from Olivia’s body parts. Probably, the amount of human flesh and organs eaten so far would be enough for one person.

“How about the breasts? Master, you like my breasts too? When I touch them like this, they gently bury their fingers in them. How about it, they look really soft? Or you can suck on the nipple like a baby with your mouth. If you want, I’ll make breast milk come out. Heh heh, a baby won’t make it for roughly 100,000 years. Until then, it’s newlyweds.”

Olivia held her breasts in front of my eyes as if to show off, and rubbed them with both hands. The cutting edge standing stiffly through a thin shirt showed off its presence.

“Please answer me quickly. Which part of my body do you think looks the most delicious? Shall I take out a heart and bake it? Maybe it’s a bit chewy because it has a lot of muscle. Or the tongue? The amount is a bit small, but you can pull it out several times, so it won’t matter. “

And Olivia would cling to me and literally devour my body all over the place for a meal, so this was a situation where the term cannibalism was more appropriate than a meal.

Although the part eaten by Olivia was immediately restored.

“Yes, this time the tongue would be better. Master, I’ll tear it off now, so please wait a moment…?”

The smile disappeared from Olivia’s face as she continued to speak with a happy smile despite my unchanging unresponsiveness. What I was about to say didn’t come to an end.

Instead, indescribable anger and murder filled the void.

“……What did you do, Master?”

Olivia exchanged glances with me with perfectly dead eyes. Even if he took out a rotting corpse buried in the ground and looked into its eyes, it seemed that it would be more alive than Olivia now.

“Yes? What did you do?”

I did not give any answer to Olivia’s bloody questioning. Exactly, I couldn’t give any answer. It was because he didn’t understand Olivia’s question.

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Just a moment ago, he said in a lovely voice that he would feed me his body, but in an instant, he changed his behavior like flipping his palm and asked what I had done.

All I did was to be chained to the bed and led by Olivia.

“Master, I can see everything. Just now, Master’s soul began to shake rapidly.”

Olivia then raised her nails and began gently tickling the area around my heart. Head bowed. The distance between Olivia’s red lips and my ears gradually decreased.

“Did you have a soul bond besides me?”

A chilling whisper escaped from lips close to my ear.

“Three more of them.”

It was only after hearing those words that I could roughly guess what Olivia was talking about.

‘… … Was it successful?’

To be honest, even as I said it, I was dubious.

Even if Serena, Charlotte, and Christine had a level of talent that is difficult to call human beings, raising the level of their souls was a story of a completely different dimension.

Not only is the process of recognizing a higher concept not easy, and even if you succeed in recognizing it, if your head doesn’t accept it, your brain will melt and die.

I, too, didn’t want to gamble with the lives of those three at stake, so I’d been putting off that realization until now, and before I was brought here, I thought it was a judge’s match, so I hinted at it.

But it was done Not even one was lucky enough to succeed, but all three.

‘… … Now, it’s my question whether I can handle those three.’

If the three really went beyond human limits and entered a completely different world, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to handle them after that.

To put it in the extreme, there was even a possibility of becoming like Olivia. The time when Olivia started to twist in earnest was also after achieving a rise in status.

“By the way, isn’t it perfect? Giggling. It seems like you’ve struggled with the form, but it’s still not enough.”

Olivia let out a sneer. not perfect? In other words, it meant that even though he had set foot in another world, he had not reached the level of raising the level of the soul.

In a good way, it means that there is still room for growth, and in a bad way, it means that it is slightly lacking in dealing with Olivia. Which of the two should be accepted was entirely up to me.

Suddenly, Olivia, who was laughing, shut her mouth.

“You dare to steal my master without knowing the subject?”

The smile faded at the end. It felt like the ambient temperature had dropped a few degrees. A bitter cold enveloped his body.

“Hee, hee hee… hee hee hee hee…”

Then he lowered his head and began to laugh grotesquely.

“I let them be bugs anyway, so they polluted my master? Yes, I will kill them. I will kill them unconditionally. No, just killing them is unforgivable. Absolutely unforgivable. Let’s lock them in time and turn them into ornaments. Yes, that’s it.” I’d like it. One has all the organs spread out, the other one has all the joints pulled out, and the other one can be tapped on the head and thinned out. Yes, then. Let’s do it. You dare, dare to cross my master…?”

Olivia, who gritted her teeth and repeated bleak mutterings, lifted her head and looked at me with eyes like a bottomless pit where not a single light could enter, raising the corners of her mouth and smiling.

“Master, I’m sorry for the moment, but I think this poor disciple will have to leave for a while.”

It was a smile I had never seen before.

“So, please wait. This time I will definitely kill them and hang them on the wall as ornaments.”

And it was a smile I never wanted to see again.

“this is…….”

As the bonded spirits lead, Charlotte arrives at the place where her husband is presumed to be, and frowns at the surrounding scenery.

Isn’t this the space that Charlotte ‘discovered’?

Such a space that I accidentally found a long time ago. The floor with no curves is made of an unknown metallic material, and the wide sky is only black darkness.

Do you really have your own wife here? A question filled her throat, but Charlotte soon dispelled it.

It was a place she had arrived by following the pull of her soul, bound to the person she loved. The possibility that the attraction was wrong converged to zero.

If that’s the case, it’s the same as Charlotte’s love being wrong.

“The answer was closer than I thought.”

If this was really the space created by that bitch, it would be safe to say that Charlotte was already one step closer to the truth.

Why didn’t I notice this simple fact? The simple truth that this space he had visited many times was filled with black mana.

Charlotte suppressed the anger and self-loathing that were trying to seep into her mind and body. I didn’t want to cloud my judgment with anger.

After realizing the truth, the darkness of the sky, which was only felt as a distant background, approached even more fiercely. It was a disgusting place.

As soon as Charlotte, who had calmed her throbbing heart, tried to open the transfer door again, a cross-shaped stab wound appeared not far away, without any sound or warning.

Seeing that slash, Charlotte’s face, which was already very stiff, hardened even more in horror. As far as Charlotte knew, there was only one bitch who could come here with a sword.

The middle part of the cross-shaped slash opened to the left and right, and someone with a familiar appearance, whom I never wanted to meet, stepped in without hesitation.

It was Serena.



As soon as they checked each other, the two frowned without saying anything first.

Serena and Charlotte were thinking the same thing. Should I kill that damn bitch right now, or kill the bitch who kidnapped the boy and then kill her? The option of not killing did not exist from the beginning.

“Four years-“

“Shut up. I don’t want to hear a word from that beast-smelling mouth.”

Serena grunted at Charlotte, and Charlotte gritted her teeth at Serena.

Of course, it was very useless to have a fight here and lose a lot of power, but I had no intention of joining forces with the other side. I’d rather deal with it alone.

Charlotte, who had reached that point, was about to draw mana from her body, and Serena was about to activate wind shear in her right hand.

cooong! The earth shook with a sound.

The two reflexively turned their gaze to the place where the sound came from. If the bitch who kidnapped their love appeared in front of my eyes, that damn bitch was my top priority.

However, contrary to the expectations of the two, it was not Olivia who appeared.

“The subject of heresy defiling God, what are you doing here?”

It was Christine who appeared tearing through space with her bare hands.

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