166 – Dark Magic War – 3

The first thing that came to Christine’s mind as she watched the invading army, called monsters, were the sacrifices she had offered to God and the sinners who deserved repentance.

Those who had their limbs torn off, their spines pulled out, and repented before God. I wondered if the remnants left over from the sacrifice would be like that if they were alive in some way.

“More coming from the left! Don’t back down!”

“Help me! Help me! Ah!”

The shouts of encouragement from the soldiers and the screams of someone who had the unfortunate fate of being dragged and torn alive by monsters echoed in one.

The boy was also running amok on top of the castle wall, wielding a greatsword recklessly. Next to him was a muscular giant wielding a greatsword as well.

Only one person, Christine, didn’t do much. For some reason, the boy was reluctant to step forward.

Even though they are simply watching from behind, the soldiers seem to be in a great misunderstanding, and the saintess infuses us with divine power! With the same shouts or shouts, they rushed at the enemy.

The boy, who knew that Christine was doing nothing, looked at him strangely, but he kept his mouth shut, probably thinking that there was no need to ruin the atmosphere by saying it.

‘Oh God. What am I supposed to do… … .’

Thoughts were still confused. What on earth is absolutely impossible, what kind of miracles must be caused, and what must be moved for.

I couldn’t guess anything.

Help her god defeat the monsters that attacked the city? It seemed difficult, but it never seemed impossible. It didn’t seem like an action to use the expression miracle.

save people? Christine had no intention of caring whether anything other than the boy was dying. If that’s why you said it’s impossible, it was for a convincing reason.

In the first place, what do you mean by Christina’s body, which is not your own?

While Christine was in disarray, the wires were drawn further and further back. The castle wall had been breached before anyone knew it, and now they were dealing with monsters in a temporary wooden fence.

No matter how hard the soldiers fought, no matter how crazy the boy was, there was no end to the incoming troops.

But the worst opponent was different.

“It’s black rain! It’s black rain! Everyone get back!”

It was black rain pouring down from the sky.

The vast majority of the black rain perished without being able to break through the defense shield that enveloped the entire city, but one or two drops intermittently entered the gap and fell into the city.

People died without even screaming. The human turned into a dried up and twisted corpse fell over.

In a hurry, a fireball was thrown down around it and burned the area, but more than a hundred people who had already died did not return.

It was a disaster caused by a single drop of black rain.

It was only then that Christine realized why the city was surrounded by a seemingly useless mana shield. Not to stop the monster, but to stop that black rain.

The reason why the wizards were not seen here was the same. Monsters can be blocked somehow even with soldiers, but that black rain cannot be stopped by soldiers.

Looking at the pouring black rain, Christine noticed that it had almost the same power as that of the black-haired woman who had stolen her shoes.

‘Then, that’s… … .’

It meant the black mana that God was so wary of.

He looked at the city on fire due to the aftermath of the magic and the dead people who looked like dried up and twisted mummies with blank eyes. People nearby didn’t even feel sad when they saw it.

It was a grueling battle. The monsters were advancing forward, breaking even the temporarily installed wooden fence little by little. Now, at most, even that barrier will be broken through in a few minutes.

It was said that this was a memory from the past, which Christina Hildegard experienced herself. In that memory, he must create a miracle that will make the absolutely impossible possible.

If so, it meant that Christine’s God survived in the end even in this situation.

“Holy Maid.”

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Just then, a boy approached Christine. He was covered in rotten blood all over his body and gave off a stench.

Christine, of course, didn’t care if the boy was stinking or covered in rotten blood. Rather, I even thought of wanting to wipe off that dirt with my body.

“It looks like we need to step back a little bit. They say that the magicians’ mana is about to reach its limit. The range in which the shield can be maintained will be narrower.”

As he said, the range of the shield was much smaller than before. In return, the fires burning all over the city increased in quantity.

“It’s dangerous to stay here. Get out of here.”

There was no way Christine wouldn’t obey her god’s word, and that was the moment she nodded and was about to follow the boy.

“Master. Where are you going again?”

At the clear voice of the woman, the boy’s body stiffened. The hand holding the greatsword turned white. The tip of the knife vibrated thinly.

Christine reacted the same way. that voice. It was the voice of the damn bitch who had kidnapped her god. There was a sense of flesh in the yellow haze.

The bitch who made Christine feel defeated and committed the mortal sin of stealing her God. I couldn’t forget that voice.

“I’m here, watching Master from here. Where are you going to run to? Yes? Yes?”

Surprisingly, this time the spirit didn’t subside at all. Until now, if I tried to raise my murderous intention, my mind would calm down immediately, but not anymore.

That much, it might have been proof that Christina also had a lot of hatred for that bitch.

“I don’t care. I don’t care where you run to. I just need to kill them all. I just need to kill them all, leaving only Master and I in the world. I will. I will. I will. Until only Master and I remain in the world, I will kill everyone else.” .”

At that bloody warning, the city clamored. The people who were already terrified by the rain of black mana raised their voices in panic.

“It’s the devil! The devil’s voice is clear!”

“We’re all going to die! They said that would kill us all!”

Fear was contagious in an instant. Even if the guards shouted the words to calm down, it was useless. The clamor grew louder and louder.

The boy, who was looking at the figure with confusion, let out a long sigh. Then he bit his lip and met Christine’s eyes. Those dark eyes were full of sadness.

“Holy Maid.”


“Did I… did I do something wrong?”


“Shouldn’t I have refused that woman’s request? Shouldn’t I have refused her invitation to kill all of my comrades and run away together, saying I’ll take care of her forever?”


“Shouldn’t I have resisted being told that they would lock me in the basement and never let me go outside?”


“I… I don’t know.”

The boy, the God of Christine, bowed his head.

“After the situation reached this point, I even tried to negotiate with that woman. I’ll follow your words, so let’s stop now. He said that there was no need to worry anymore because he would wipe out all humans and leave only himself and me. That’s funny. What on earth are you telling me not to worry about?”

It was the boy’s heart he had heard for the first time. So, I listened silently.

“I made the wrong choice and the world has changed like this… can you say that it’s not my fault?”

Christine couldn’t answer. In my heart, I wanted to kiss that foot and say, of course, that it was not God’s fault, but it was because I couldn’t say anything as if my mouth was blocked.

No matter how hard I tried to open my mouth, words wouldn’t come out, and I couldn’t even let out a croak.

“Holy Maid.”

At the voice of an old man, the boy who was on the verge of being buried in sadness turned his head. Christine’s gaze also naturally followed the boy.

There was a priest approaching, wearing a worn-out robe and holding a palm-sized statue of the Goddess in his bosom. Her hair was dyed white, and her face was wrinkled.

The boy who saw the priest took a step back. This meant that he was not in a position to intervene.

“All followers except one have completed their mission.”


Before Christine could even question her words, the priest held out the statue of the goddess he was holding dearly in his arms. As I took it involuntarily, I felt a warm aura in my hand.

“So, now I have to complete my mission.”

He knelt down and pulled out a small dagger from his bosom.

“Now we will be nothing. The fact that the Charity Church existed and was believed by people, and the fact that the god of our Church existed in people’s hearts will all disappear. And even those memories will be forgotten from people’s thoughts. , all traces of it will be gone.”

The priest brought the dagger to his own throat.

“But if I can save people with this, I have no regrets.”

The blade cut into his throat.

“Please take care of the back work, saintess.”

The dagger was drawn without hesitation. The front part of the neck was cut in half, and red blood gushed out from the cross section. The priest’s hands and robes were stained with blood.

The old body collapsed forward slowly.

Christine stood there blankly, watching him.

No, ‘Christina’ stood there blankly.

My body didn’t move. Even though he was clearly looking at the world with his eyes, he couldn’t control his body. I felt trapped in the coffin of Christina’s body.

Christina held the goddess statue tightly in her arms. Then, the statue of the goddess turned into a golden halo, absorbed into the body and completely disappeared.

Christine, no, Christina turned to look at the boy.


The boy called out to Cristina in an anxious voice, but Cristina kept her mouth shut and just smiled benevolently.

From his body, divine power that shimmered in gold suddenly burst out. It was such an enormous divine power that the boy had to cover his eyes for an instant.

Christina’s body rose little by little into the air.

“It’s not your fault.”

All eyes in the city were on Christina. The saintess, who had already been the object of all kinds of attention, was floating towards the sky wrapped in a golden halo, so it was well worth it.

Among them, there were people who shed tears saying that a miracle had happened. Even if they did not shed tears, most of them prayed to whom they did not know.

“So please don’t beat yourself up.”

Cristina put her hands together and prayed to her God. The golden color surrounding her body grew stronger to an incomparable level.

“If there is only one wish.”

The sky brightened.

From high above, divinity poured down.

“I just want you to remember me.”

Oh my god, the gods have descended.

The feeling of floating that had consumed his whole body gradually faded. The darkened vision began to brighten again. Fragments of space and time that were scattered in a mess gathered together to form a geometric shape.

Countless times were overlapped, and enormous space was overlaid to paint the world. And Christine stood in the middle of the moment of creation.

I blinked. It was only then that I realized that I had opened my eyes. There was still no sense of reality. The yellow pupils dilated to take in the light.

“Keheuk, heuu…!”

Christine was in the woods.

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