161 – Love justifies everything

“A place where I can watch all the passing time. It’s something like that I’m in. A world where time no longer has meaning and where space can’t interfere. It’s all thanks to Master. Master doesn’t study time magic. If you did, if you hadn’t built a theoretical foundation for me to look beyond it, if you hadn’t encouraged me, and… if you hadn’t given me a soul bond and opened up the possibility of seeing another world. It was something I would never have reached.”

Olivia’s voice towards me contained both bewitching and sticky. The hand caressing his chest was becoming more and more blatant.

“It is the fruit of our love.”

When Olivia whispered in her ear, her body trembled. Goosebumps ran down my spine. Whether I do it or not, Olivia continued.

“Master, I have a dream. It is a dream that has been my lifelong aspiration, plan, and hope. Master, are you also curious? Will you grant my small wish?”

didn’t want to hear Whatever Olivia said, I just wanted to ignore it.

But I couldn’t. Olivia’s hand stroking my hair kept my gaze firmly fixed on her.

“What it is, is killing the whole world.”

Their eyes met with excitement. Olivia was agitated by herself at the words she had uttered.

“Kill and kill, until only the two of us remain in this world, Master and I. Eliminate, annihilate, annihilate everything else, erasing everything but leaving this little space for Master and me.”

The space between Olivia’s legs touching my stomach started to get damp little by little. Even through the stockings, she could feel the dampness of the cloth covering her private parts.

“I, Master. I can’t stand the fact that there is a world where I can stay even when Master leaves me. You have to stay by my side, and we have to be together forever. I can’t see you even after Master leaves me. I can’t stand the fact that there is a world where I can see, hear, and touch a world where I can live even after Master leaves me.”

Olivia hugged me tightly and stroked my back slowly.

“I’m jealous of all of those things. I’m so jealous I can’t stand it. I’m jealous of the land that allows Master to stand on his feet somewhere else, not by my side. I’m jealous of the sunlight that embraces Master. I’m jealous of the water that quenches my throat, and I’m jealous of the wind that cools Master’s sweat. Because I’m greedy, just as Master monopolizes everything for me, I must monopolize Master’s everything. Just as I only look at Master, Master must only look at me. This small space is enough for Master and I. Never, no matter what happens, I can’t let them leave this place.”

Olivia, who was rubbing her face in my arms, raised her head. There were eyes that radiated a ferocious spirit. It wasn’t my feelings.

It’s just a feeling directed towards everything but me.

“So, I decided to get rid of it all.”

Olivia’s hand, which hugged her back, grew stronger. Ribs screamed. An ominous sound echoed from the sternum.

“Everything except for this little space just for Master and me. Master wants that too, right? I know it all. Master wants me, and Master wants me. How could I not know? Thoughts are Master’s thoughts. Hehe.”

The ribs that couldn’t overcome the pressure that came on relentlessly crushed and pierced the lungs. As I inhaled, my blood gushed out. A handful of red liquid flowed out of his mouth.

“Last time, a bug next to Master interfered and failed, but this time it will be different. I can’t disappoint Master again. Master trusts me, and I shouldn’t betray that trust. It’s a pity that I couldn’t deal with it, but it’s okay. Yes, it doesn’t matter because I ended up staying by Master’s side. Plus, thanks to that insect, Master was able to give me a big gift. In my body, even now, Master is right in front of me. Because he carved an indelible wound on this heart that was beating like it was about to explode.”

Olivia straightened herself up. Then, he raised his fingernails and stabbed them into his left chest, spreading them left and right. Flesh and muscle were torn and clots of blood dripped down.

A weak hand broke all the ribs. Severed pieces of bone splattered in all directions. Olivia put her hand inside her open chest and pulled out something inside.

It was heart.

The heart, which was forcibly pulled out of its original place and placed in Olivia’s hand, is still performing its role with a thumping vibration.

In the middle of that heart, there was a stab wound that had been cut vertically. It was an open wound that almost cut his heart in half. Olivia looked at it with enraptured eyes.

“See? It’s a gift Master gave me. It’s proof that Master loves me.”

Red blood dripped with every beat of his heart. Olivia didn’t seem to care at all about the blood soaking her wrists.

Suddenly, the feeling of driving the sword into Olivia’s heart came back. I forcibly resisted the retching to come up. I wanted to forget it so much, but in the end I couldn’t.

Looking at her own heart, Olivia, who groaned and groaned, carefully put the thing in her hand back into her chest. The body returned to normal in an instant.

The black pupils staring at me began to look hazy.

“Master, please believe in this poor disciple one more time. This time, I will definitely do it. I’ll leave this small space for Master and me, and I’ll get rid of everything. Can you wait until then? Can you please?”

I didn’t answer. Perhaps, it may not have been answered.

Because Olivia has already gone beyond what I can handle. Because I wasn’t someone I could soothe and soothe like Charlotte, Serena, or Christine.

Whatever I said here, even if it meant cursing and beating Olivia, it was clear that he would consider it love.

“Love can become eternal only when Olivia is left in Master’s world, and only Master is left in Olivia’s world.”

Olivia’s body slipped down. A sticky liquid remained where the buttocks brushed.

“Olivia you-“


Before I could say anything, a thin finger pressed against my lips. An outstretched index finger pressed against my lips and pushed into my mouth, crushing my front teeth.

“If I kill the other bugs or obliterate the whole world, that’s what I have to do.”

Olivia threw off the top that was covering her breasts. The fruit hidden in it swayed and revealed its milky-colored presence.

“Because I love Master.”

A face full of desire came to my eyes.

“With that one, everything can be justified.”

The lips overlapped.

ㅡDo you know what it means to be fixed in time?

At that question, Charlotte bit her lip and expressed her denial. It hurt my pride, but it was the first concept even Charlotte had heard of, so it was inevitable.

The dragon continued his explanation, pushing a calm voice into Charlotte’s head as always.

—-Fixed in time, it means that all the laws of the world are watching that child. In the midst of everything else being swept away by time, doesn’t that child stand still at the very moment when he is freed from his bondage? On the contrary, since the child’s act of passing time went against the laws of the world, that’s why he has no choice but to live forever. If the child gets hurt, it is like escaping the fixed state in time, so the concept that makes up the world intervenes and restores the child’s state to its original state. Whether it is a positive change or a negative change.

It felt like the puzzles in my head were finally coming together. That was it. The reason why her Giabi couldn’t increase her strength and activate her mana circuit.

Time stopped, so it was natural. No matter how much you train your body, your body will be fixed at the exact time it was cursed.

“If you know the cause, you must know the method. Tell me. What Jim must do to solve the fixed time.”

Charlotte gnashed her teeth as she met the dragon’s gaze. I wanted to somehow solve the fixed time that her Giabi had.

If the situation isn’t going well, it wouldn’t be bad for Charlotte to live with the same curse as Giabi and live forever together.

ㅡChild, can you see time with your eyes?

Charlotte stiffened at the dragon’s question if she could see the time. It’s possible if it’s perceiving time, but that’s not the meaning of that question.

Literally, it meant being able to see the passing time with your own eyes.

—-If you can’t see time, can you see the space intertwined with that time?

Charlotte couldn’t answer this time either.

I understood the concept of space itself. Among the magic Charlotte is using right now, isn’t there a magic that isolates the space itself or overlaps two spaces in one place?

However, the meaning of the space that dragon spoke of was something closer to a more primitive essence than that. The meaning itself was different from what Charlotte was dealing with.

In the first place, it was said that it was a space entangled in time. I couldn’t see time, so I couldn’t see the space that was intertwined with it.

Both of Charlotte’s tightly clenched hands trembled.

—-That’s why, the child can’t solve it.

At those words, which were like a death sentence handed down, Charlotte gritted her teeth and burned her eyes.

That lizard told himself that it was impossible to solve this problem, but he had no intention of giving up Giabi. If it couldn’t be solved, it was enough to crash until it could be solved.

No matter what the cost, I will not give up on love. He won’t give up on his gabi.

Even if it means overturning the laws of this world.

—-However, if I help the child, the story will be a little different.

“……What is it?”

It was completely unexpected. Charlotte’s eyes widened slightly.

ㅡIt means that you will be able to see what you cannot see.

Charlotte was silent. It was because I couldn’t fathom the inner thoughts that those words implied. Charlotte was about to keep her mouth shut, but the dragon added.

—-My heart to teach the child properly hasn’t changed, but the child’s heart to save the lover he longs for won’t change either. If so, there is a possibility that you should solve the problem you are facing first. The talent that a child has is well worth bowing down to. I’ve never been so excited about teaching dragons at Rare, but I can’t contain my joy watching the kids. It’s amazing.

To summarize the dragon’s words, this was it. In his own eyes, he did not think that Charlotte would ever break his heart, so he would solve the problem he was facing right now and then teach him in earnest.

“……How long will it take?”

Honestly, it was an offer with no reason to refuse.

—-That is up to the child to do.

“good night.”

Charlotte nodded. I don’t know why that lizard was doing this to me, but I didn’t want to reject it when it came from the other side.

I’ll have to figure out why I had to bow down to Charlotte later.

—-However, it would be a task to understand the concept of a higher dimension that humans could not even dare to imagine, even if dragons did not know it. If you make a mistake, the impact could break your eyes and even melt your head. Are you okay though, kid?

The dragon delivered a quiet voice as if trying to test Charlotte’s resolve. It was both a warning and a threat.

“You lose your life? You mean Jim?”

Of course, Charlotte had nothing to be frightened by such a warning.

“Until we get Jiabi back, Jim won’t die.”

Those eyes lit up.


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