149 – World after Defeat – 4

Christine’s faith was a boy.

To believe in a God who will descend to earth and save Christine, and to give infinite faith to that God. Belief in God was Christine’s faith and salvation.

However, apart from such a firm belief, the boy was just a human with super regenerative abilities, not a god.

Although Christine’s mad faith led to deification and the essence gradually expanded to other meanings, the essence of the boy was still human.

Moreover, the present boy did not believe in God, and he could not bestow any divine power on Christine. Christine and the boy were just a one-sided trust relationship.

If so.

If there was an existence that the boy devoted his faith to.

What would that existence mean to Christine?

By the time Christine barely came to her senses, a full day had already passed since then.

Moving her weak hands, she managed to manage the loosely spread body and the hem of the nun’s uniform turned upside down, and forcibly brought her wobbly legs together.

From behind the open wooden door, divine power that Christine couldn’t even dare to handle leaked out.

Christine wanted to cry. It was because it was difficult to control his emotions easily because he witnessed so much divine power right in front of his eyes.

I didn’t have the courage to go beyond the door. The limit was to keep one’s head on the ground, leaning over and sticking to the floor, holding on to one’s spirit.

If I made a mistake, I didn’t know if I would go black again.

“AA AA AA…….”

Did humans say that if they receive a shock they cannot handle, their throat gets clogged and they cannot speak properly? It was an expression that exactly matched the current Christine.

The collection of holy power that is incomparable to her own and the holy relic left by her god was right in front of her eyes. Christine couldn’t bear to go there.

Kneeling at its strength, bowing to its sacredness, blinding its eyes to its splendor, it only shed tears at its sacredness.

Christine spent another full day lying flat with her head on the ground. Then, barely, very barely, I was able to lift my head.

The sun was shining in the middle of the wooden room.

It didn’t matter if that sunlight really broke through the bricks that blocked the whole area, or if some kind of divine power worked and made it look like sunlight.

It only mattered that it looked that way in Christine’s eyes.

“This… God left behind…”

In the center of the sunlight, there was an altar. It was a rectangular parallelepiped altar carved with various patterns carved from a huge piece of marble.

The place where the holy relic was located was the very center of the altar. The holy relic placed right in the center of the altar in the middle of the room at the center of the mage tower, it was the perfect storage room.

Christine made her way to the altar on her knees. It was a very careful move, in case someone might be in the relic.

Until now, he had collected all the items left behind by the boy, but it was the first time he had seen a holy relic with such overwhelming divine power, so it was worth it. The trembling of the body could not be stopped.

Only when the distance between the two narrowed to a point where they could reach each other without spreading their elbows out, Christine was able to realize the identity of the object on the altar.

The identity of the holy relic was a bandage.

A bandage with dried blood and soot all over it, as if it had been used to wrap something. That was the identity of the holy relic. It seemed to be quite long.

Christine was convinced as soon as she saw it. It must have been. The holy relic her god had commanded her to find must be this bandage. It is not understood with the head, but with the heart.

I forcibly stretched out my arm, which moved wildly, and carefully picked up the bandage on top of the altar with both hands. As soon as his fingers touched the bandage, pure divine power flowed down his back.

It was felt.

The enormous faith she had in her god. The faith she had in God.

all of that.

“Huh… huh… inhale, whimper…”

I burst into tears because of the fragments of faith that God had that were passed down from the bandages. A lukewarm liquid ran down his cheek.

There was no way for Christine to know why the sacred relic left behind by her god was in the form of a bandage.

I just convinced myself that there must be a reason for that.

Tears soon turned to joy. From the moment she held the holy relic in her hand, divine power rushed through Christine’s whole body. My whole body was burning hot and it was hard to control the overflowing power.

The boy was the human who, by simply existing, provided Christine with the divine power to shake the laws and create the world.

If so, there was no need to explain what changes would occur when Christine accepted the holy relic, proof of the boy’s religious beliefs.


In the end, Christine collapsed on the spot, unable to withstand the divine power flowing through her body. The exhaled breath was filled with soggy warmth.

Even if I rubbed my thighs as my instincts told me to, my heated body did not easily subside. On the contrary, it seemed to be getting hotter and hotter because of the action.

Christine couldn’t stand the heat any longer and was about to slip her hand between her legs.

“Sir, the relic…”

The bandages in his arms began to move wildly. Christine, who saw this, was startled and tried to grab the bandage, but soon realized her intention and fell to her knees.

Bandages wrapped around Christine’s eyes. It was very kind and very warm.


Paradoxically, with my eyes closed, I could see my surroundings more clearly. It was to the point where I wondered if it was true that my eyes were covered.

In addition to that, I felt the comfort of being embraced by God.

The divine power that had been tormenting Christine’s body until just now, increasing her strength, had also subsided. The lower abdomen, which was on the verge of going wild because it couldn’t control its pleasure, became comfortable.

It was a miracle.

A great miracle that the holy relic bestowed in response to Christine’s sincere faith and faith.

All the tears that flowed were sucked into the bandages. Thinking that the holy relic had been soiled with his own dirty tears, he frantically groped around his eyes, but the cloth covering his eyes was still dry.

Clearly, the tears are flowing and the bandages are taking in all of them and yet not getting wet. If this is not a miracle, then what is a miracle?

After praying lightly for four hours, Christine left the room where the relic was kept. I closed my eyes, but there was no difference from opening them. It was amazing.

I went back the way I had come up and looked around the mage tower. The interior of the tower was still empty. It was a very surprising fact.

It must have been after obtaining the holy relic, I wanted to kill all the heretics who set foot in this holy temple and offer it to God as a sacrifice of thanks.

“To not set foot in the holy temple. Did those foolish heretics finally gain enlightenment? Did they come to have the belief that the things of God should never be polluted? Alas, God. Thank you for your infinite grace.”

Since the spatial overlapping magic that allowed it to be disguised as an ordinary mansion was destroyed due to mana nullification, it was natural for the towering Mage Tower to be fully revealed.

The defense magic used to control access also changed to the same situation as the space superposition magic by nullifying mana, and Christine tore off the door made of adamantium.

If there were people who wanted to enter the Mage’s Tower, they could do so.

Even so, there was no sign of anyone breaking into the magic tower. Considering the fundamental human tendency, curiosity, this was absolutely impossible.

Originally, Christine was someone who wouldn’t have cared about such things at all, but this Mage Tower was different. Wasn’t it the temple where the holy relics were stored? I couldn’t help but pay attention.

Christine stepped slowly downstairs. The scenery on the first floor did not show much difference from when I first came here.

Although he felt the sacred power emitted by the holy relic as soon as he entered the mage tower and cried out loud, he remembered at least that scene. The appearance of the first floor exactly matched the landscape in my memory.

The senses of the whole body were amplified to a tremendous level by the relic, but even with such sensitive senses, there was no trace of intrusion.

It’s a pity, but the sacrifice can only be found outside. Christine left the magic tower. It was more than two days after entering the tower.

“Were you waiting outside?”

And as soon as he left the magic tower, he encountered knights in silver armor. The knights were standing in front of the mage tower in an upright posture with their swords strapped to their waists.

Standing in front was a female knight with fiery red hair, and to the left and right were female knights with plain hair, spaced apart from each other, forming a kind of boundary line.

It was the Royal Knights.

Beyond the knights, there was a crowd of people staring at the mage tower with curious eyes. Looking at the temple with such dirty eyes, I had the urge to pluck them all out.

Christine came out of the mage’s tower wearing a nun’s uniform and covering her eyes with blood and soot-stained bandages. Someone pointed a finger at her as if to see that, and naturally, people’s eyes focused on her.

A red-haired female knight calmed the crowd by shouting and then approached Christine.

It was Alessia.

“Excuse me. You came out of this tower, right? If you’re a nun, can you tell me which religion you belong to? We’re a little embarrassed because this tower suddenly appeared.”

Christine heard Alessia’s words with one ear and let it out with the other. From the moment he confirmed the appearance of the crowd, there was nothing but the thought of offering them as a sacrifice.

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Just before I raised my holy power and swung my fist, I heard someone whispering firmly in my ear.

ㅡ I’m sorry.

My body trembled. I turned my head and looked around, but there was no one that I could have spoken to. Everyone could only mumble at Christine.

—-That kind of thing is not right.


Christine stuttered involuntarily.

My head was weird.

It’s the voice of a woman she hates herself, and she sends a strong warning not to do it to a subject that is not even her god, but strangely, I didn’t feel any negative emotions at all.

Rather, she felt as if she had to, as if she had to obey the voice as if she were obedient to her god.

ㅡAll human beings have the right to be treated kindly.

With those words, bright divine power leaked from Christine’s body and covered the surroundings.

The eyes of everyone in contact with the divine power began to lose focus. Christine was perplexed. It was the first time in my life that I had used divine power in this way.

To Christine, divine power was nothing more than a flame of condemnation and purification that could draw out greater power if worn on one’s body, and would incinerate heresy when exhaled.

Not hurting anyone with divine power was something I hadn’t even thought about.

As Christine was left blankly at the first sensation she had ever felt in her life, a softer voice whispered in her ear once more.

ㅡYou may go.

Christine stepped forward as if possessed.

I didn’t even decide where to go, I just followed the voice.

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