144 – Honeymoon? – 4

Olivia didn’t seem to have the slightest thought of dropping her overlapped lips, so she clung to my body and coveted my lips nonstop.

It was impossible to stop the desire once ignited. Olivia’s saliva, which I hadn’t been able to swallow, flowed down my chin from the corner of my mouth and made a long, solid line.

Their tongues mingled violently between their gaping mouths. It was like squeezing my tongue. I thought that if I continued like this, my gums would touch.

The black mana that I manipulated to wrap around Olivia’s waist with both of my arms didn’t even try to release it. Now, the sound of the bones being crushed by the black mana was familiar.

As I hugged her thin waist, which seemed like it would break if my arms were forcibly pushed against it, my body pressed even closer. Now, not only her breasts but also her thighs were rubbing.

“Chewy…… Huu…

I could hear Olivia’s moaning incessantly bursting into my ears. It was a muffled snoring sound because the tongue was entangled in all directions.

The greatsword protruding through his heart had disappeared before he knew it.

It was clear to see that there were not one, but two touches of fat lumps rubbing against my chest, eagerly advocating for themselves.

If the greatsword had still protruded through my heart, my body should have been pierced by the hilt as well.

Even my hand wrapped around Olivia’s waist didn’t feel the touch of hard metal that I should have touched.

The only thing I could feel was the slim and thin waist that made me wonder if this would make sense, and the skin that contrasted with it was incredibly soft.

Olivia kissed me harder and hugged my neck. My body leaned backwards little by little from the tremendous force. The force that pushed me put weight on me.

Suddenly, I realized that the feel of the arm around my neck was slightly more than one. It’s not that I’m thinking that way even in this situation, it’s that I have no choice but to think that way because it’s this situation.

Whatever he could think of, it was far better than imagining the kiss with Olivia itself.

“Master, Master, heuuu…”

Olivia was now almost riding on me. The distance between the pelvis and the pelvis gradually narrowed. The thigh against Olivia’s buttocks was damp.

The body tilted back slightly. There was also a limit to supporting the body so that it does not lie on the floor with the strength of the waist. Because there was no way I could beat Olivia’s power.

There was no way to tell if it was for the purpose of completely laying me on the floor, or if the pushing was just to cling to me a little more and the rest was secondary.

The inclination of the upper body gradually became gentle, and soon the back touched the floor. The feel of the soft carpet made up of her tongue spread all over her back.

Olivia rubbed her body and pulled her lower body up little by little. Correspondingly, the feeling of the dampness of the thighs against each other was gradually raised upwards.

Now, Olivia was unilaterally salivating at me. I moved my tongue and forcibly opened my gums, which were about to close, and a clear liquid flowed between them for a long time.

The feeling of suffocation came a few more times, and only after the tongue was pulled out a few more times and chewed in Olivia’s mouth, I could barely separate my lips. The air around them grew hot.

Olivia’s face was full of blush. He seemed unable to control his emotions any longer. In contrast, my body was perfectly calm, but that was largely due to my super-regeneration ability.


I heard a voice calling me softly. Didn’t answer.

As if she had called but didn’t want an answer herself, Olivia was gently stroking my chest with both hands that had completely recovered.

What Olivia was taking was a posture where I spread my legs out to the sides in a state of kneeling, put my body between them, and climbed on top of it.

Naturally, the buttocks and my crotch came into contact, but Olivia, instead of shrinking from that fact, moved her waist lewdly back and forth, even stimulating the object they were touching.

Because her legs were spread wide to the left and right, her skirt, which was already short, rolled up, creating a very dangerous scene.

A slender hand pressed against my chest. Eye to eye met. Drool dripped from the corner of his mouth.

“Oh, I can’t. I shouldn’t be like this. I still have a lot to do with Master. I haven’t finished feeding him yet, and I haven’t been able to wash up in the bathroom together. Oh, that’s right. Yes, I have to wash Master in the bathroom. I’m a newlywed, so I should. “Oh, no. I don’t think I can stand it any longer. What should I do? I can’t stand it any longer.”

The way he stroked his chest became more and more bizarre. Now, rather than simply pressing down with the palm of your hand, it has reached the level of gently stimulating the skin with your fingernails.

“Master, are you excited too? Right? Do you think you’re going crazy wanting to eat me? Do you want to carve Master’s traces into this womb that is anxiously waiting for Master? I know. I know everything. Heh, because, so do I. Because the womb has come down to its fullest and is begging for baby seeds to be injected here. There’s no way Master wouldn’t do it when I’m so excited.”

Excited, well.

Contrary to Olivia stroking my belly and rubbing her increasingly damp buttocks against mine, I wasn’t aroused yet.

It would probably be impossible for an ordinary man to control the rising load in this situation.

No matter what situation comes in front of you, if you are stimulated, it is a man’s instinct and physiological phenomenon to eventually respond to it. Especially when it comes to pretty girls.

Even if there is a woman who hates it, if she has a great body and looks that are worthy of being said to be beautiful, it means that her body will respond honestly in the end.

But it was a phenomenon that did not work only for me.

Really, very, very rarely, with only one exception, this was the moment when he received the help of his super-regeneration ability.

Because if I accelerate my regenerative abilities to the limit, I don’t know what the definition of damage is, but I can stop feeling sexual arousal at all.

At least here, as affirming Olivia’s words, there was no such thing as a cataclysm where the lower body was erected.

Of course, the moment I release the acceleration of my super-regeneration ability, I will become no different from ordinary men.

“I’m so excited right now that I’m going crazy. I can’t control the trembling of my body. Master’s smell, Master’s warmth, Master’s taste, Master’s appearance. Every one of them fascinates me. So, this is Master’s fault. It’s Master’s fault. Because Master is so charming, Master keeps tempting me…!”

Olivia’s eyes looking down at me slowly began to lose focus. It was a sign that he was on the verge of losing his reason. It felt like a clear view of the future.

Olivia brought her right hand that had been caressing my chest to hers. My left arm was still pressed against my chest to keep me from getting up.

Tok, the button closest to the neck was undone.

Between them, my immaculate skin shyly revealed itself. Perhaps it was the traces of the intense kiss that had just happened, the white skin was slightly sweaty.

Tok, the neck and the button next to it were undone.

Even compared to Christine, her chest, which boasted an enormous weight that could not easily be pushed, was released little by little from the pressure of her clothes.

Between the breasts, which showed considerable presence, there was a deep valley made only of flesh. It was shadowed by mounds rising high on either side.

“Ah, that’s right, Master. Today is a happy day. It’s a day to celebrate. Isn’t that right? Master thinks so too? Surely, you think we should do something special on a day like this? Of course, every day between Master and me is special. I’m going to do it, but I always love you, I always like you. Even though every day is a day no different from an anniversary. Still. Still, it’s okay to commemorate the first relationship that we met again after a long time is a little more special than other days, right? I almost forgot this. Yeah, I almost got into trouble. Stupid.”

The focus returned to the black pupil that seemed like it was going to take me down at any moment.

I didn’t stop the movement of my buttocks rubbing sticky against my lower body, but I felt that the atmosphere that seemed to attack me had faded a little.

But that never meant anything good. Unless there was some specific reason, in the end what would happen was delayed just a little bit.

“So, I want to add a little bit of music. Two people making love in the midst of resounding music, isn’t it really romantic, Master? I’m sure you’ll like it too. I can assure you. If it’s your first experience with music, it’s for sure. It will remain strong in Master’s memory.”


For a moment, I was bewildered by the words that were much more normal than I thought, but I was convinced that the music Olivia was talking about would never be normal.

What would that Olivia refer to as music–


It came to mind.

It is a memory that I never wanted to recall, and at the same time, the true identity of what Olivia calls music.

Thin fingers lightly stirred the air. A black subspace appeared in the spot where the hand passed.

In the meantime, I saw a human with his limbs tied tightly and his belly skin ripped open, revealing his internal organs. It was a woman who froze in a posture with her mouth wide open as if she was screaming.

It was a face I knew, a face I had buried in my memories, a face I wanted to stop resting on, and a face I should never see again.


It was that woman’s name.

“Um… is one not enough? Yes, it would be better to take out two more. There may be a section where one cuts off in the middle, so if you make enough and put out about three, the music won’t cut off in the middle, right?”

Olivia stirred her hand a couple more times. Likewise, a black subspace appeared, and two more women with faces distorted with pain appeared from within the subspace.

All three subspaces that appeared next to Olivia were like that. The postures were varied, but the fact that the skin on the stomach had been ripped open, exposing the internal organs was the same.

And, the fact that all three have the same appearance.


In contrast to me, who had a completely dazed face, Olivia was carefully adjusting something while staring into the black subspace.

“Ah… is the sound a bit low this time zone? Shall we change it to another time zone?”

Olivia beckoned and one of Helena’s faces disappeared, revealing a new one. It was just Helena, whose posture was tied up a little differently.

“Come on, play.”

Like a conductor directing an orchestra, Olivia’s arms gracefully signaled. At that signal, Helena, who had been frozen as if time had stopped, started screaming.


“aaagh, help me! Help me! It hurts so much!”

“I was wrong, I was wrong!

The three Helenas, stuck in a black subspace, were reproducing the screams they had uttered in the past. The expression on his face revealed through the subspace looked very painful.

A few whimpers blended in between the screams, but the screams were so loud that they were quickly drowned out.

Olivia was carefully observing the scene.


No matter how long that observation lasted, the first Helena, who had been screaming for a long time, suddenly stopped moving. Then, he began rewinding his actions at high speed.

The limbs that had been struggling in pain turned in the exact opposite direction they had been struggling so far, and the head that had been moving from left to right now moved from right to left.

And, back to the beginning.


A scream rang out once again.

“Yeah, I think it’s done. That’s enough. What do you think, Master? Really perfect music? To be able to have a relationship with Master while playing such romantic music. I will be the happiest person in the world. Soon the world will be with me.” Is it natural that there will be only Master left? No, Master should be just as happy as I am. Uhm, then let’s say Master and I are equally happy. That would be best.”

Olivia’s eyes turned hazy once more. Contrasting with that vagueness, a terrible scream rang out and filled the small room.

Tok, one more button on the clothes that rose up along the curve of his chest was pulled.

The upper part of the black lace underwear was vaguely exposed. The valley between her breasts deepened. The mountains on the left and right of the valley grew larger and larger.

“I love you, Master.”

Flick, the next button was dragged.

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