139 – First Battle – 3

A lump of pure divine power drew the shape of an angel. A pair of gigantic wings appeared from behind Christine’s back, and white light shone around them. It was a cluster of lights made of divine power.

Everything on earth and in the sky was purified and covered with white flames. A hopeless atmosphere once again hung over the land that had been devastated by Purgatory, which was about to land on the ground.

At the center of the divine power in the form of an angel was Christine. Like Serena and Charlotte, her whole body was a mess, broken, burst, frayed, and torn.

The nun’s uniform was covered in blood, and even the white cloth around her neck had turned red. Her bare skin was barely visible through the nun’s uniform.

The straps of the garter belt that covered her thighs and calves broke and dangled around her calves. The color, which had been close to pure white, was stained with all sorts of stains.

Compared to Serena, who was the first to fall into a state of incapacity to fight, and Charlotte, who was still fighting bloody battles while using dozens of types of magic, it was a much more horrifying figure.

Considering what happened to Olivia in the past, it wasn’t too much of a stretch to express her hatred for Christine, a saint and nun of a religious group that worshiped me as a god.

A saintess who uses divine power, from Olivia’s point of view, she would want to kill her first, even if everything else was put aside.

Apparently, Olivia attacked Christine the most persistently. The objects Olivia hates the most must be saints who believe in God and divine power.

“Annoying. Really.”

Olivia waved her hands in an emotionless voice that contrasted with the content.

Dozens of black holes appeared in the air, and whips made of black mana flew towards the angel from each hole. A cracking sound could be heard tearing through the air.

The whips wrapped around the image of an angel made of divine power. The black mana and divine power collided, and the place where they met each other burned like crazy with black smoke.

What Black Mana was particularly persistent in was the angel’s wings. Black mana spread through each feather, and the direction of the wings snapped downward.

Christine struggled to free herself from her restraints. He grabbed the whip with his hand and broke it in two, then made a pair of wings and flapped them loudly.

As it was originally, black mana had to be divine power and superlative. Just like the black blooded monster couldn’t get enough of Christine and was purified.

However, the gap between Christine and Olivia was wide and deep enough to overturn even the two superpowers. Soon, Christine began to slip away little by little in the contest of strength.

The arm holding the whip twisted little by little, and the wings of divine power were entangled in black mana and shattered. Christine raised her strength as if desperate, but that was not enough.

When Olivia’s hand gestures were added, the wings completely snapped and at the same time a black whip struck Christine. The body floated and flew away for a while, then landed in a place so far away that it was difficult to see with the naked eye.

Dozens of pairs of black spheres fell on top of it. Each one was a sphere of power that seemed to cause an explosion. The ground collapsed with a gurrung sound, and dust rose high into the sky.

Olivia took my hand and shook it in an excited voice.

“Master. What do you think? Master, do you think killing them as they are is too merciful? Right?”

Killing is a merciful act. A bitter smile appeared. That was my way of speaking, and it was also Charlotte’s way of speaking that I learned from watching it.

So, of course, I had no choice but to know the meaning of that expression. Because there are literally infinite ways to inflict pain on humans.

“How do we do it? Shall we leave only the neck and lightly hang it up as a decoration for a thousand years? Pull out the tongue, teeth, and lower jaw to keep our mouths shut, to show how deeply Master and I love each other. How is Master? That’s a really good way?”

Even with that Charlotte, it was impossible to make a human live beyond the set lifespan. No matter how much recovery magic was poured, natural death due to aging was sure to come.

At least normal humans did. If aging could be restored with restorative magic, there would be many people living hundreds of years in the world.

Olivia was different. Unlike Charlotte and Christine, who could only change their own lifespan, they could even change the lifespan of others as much as they wanted.

And, all of the life span that was touched was invested in torture. I watched it right in front of my eyes.

Given this situation, it was truly merciful for Olivia to just kill her without torturing her in any way.

Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

Just like Charlotte.

“Huh? He’s not dead yet either? I thought he was going to die soon because he was wriggling on the ground like a worm.”

Serena emerges, coughing bloody through all the dirt and stone debris. His entire body was covered in blood and dirt. The clothes on the body were more like rags than cloth.

Serena seemed to be trying to support herself by driving her wind shear into the ground, but the effect of being hit directly by the black mana at the end was so great that she couldn’t give her any more strength and just collapsed.

At least, the one who looked the most intact was Charlotte, who was still casting magic in the sky. It’s unknown whether Christine is alive or dead, and Serena can’t even stand up properly.

However, Charlotte’s condition was not good either. I could see that my breathing was getting a little quicker.

Presumably, it was an early symptom of mana exhaustion.

I had never seen Charlotte suffer from mana exhaustion. From the first time we met, he had mana several times that of a decent archmage, and even talking about it now hurts.

That Charlotte threw her magic to the point of mana exhaustion, but Olivia didn’t even blink an eye even while repelling them all.

‘It’s not normal mana, it’s black mana, so it’s natural.’

Charlotte used blue mana, and Olivia used black mana, so the comparison itself was meaningless.

Olivia was the only one in this world who knew about black mana.

Charlotte was repelling all the black magic that flew towards her in the air. It was deadlocked. I wasn’t pushed back, but I couldn’t move forward either.

Rather, as time passed, it was a feeling of being pushed back in output little by little. The black magic that was destroyed in the air was approaching, gradually narrowing the distance to Charlotte.

‘No matter how much those three are, they won’t be able to beat Olivia.’

This wasn’t speculation, it was certainty.

Not to mention when the three of them played separately like now, even if the three of them attacked together for whatever reason, they wouldn’t have been able to defeat Olivia.

Because Olivia was already something hard to call human. At least that was the last I remembered of Olivia.

‘… … There’s no way to deal with it, though.’

How to make Serena, Charlotte and Christine stronger. A way to become far stronger than the potential that soul bonds draw from. It was normal to be there. There was no way.

Until now, I just had no intention of properly telling Serena, Charlotte, and Christine that there was such a method. It was all he mentioned in passing.

The reason was simple. Because Olivia was the first person I taught her how to do it. And, it was a way to risk one’s life as collateral.

I kept thinking. If even one of the three, Charlotte, Serena, or Christine, succeeds in throwing out the mold of being human, I might be able to end my immortality.

However, he had no intention of gambling with the lives of three people.

If I had to risk my life, I would gladly participate, but since that wasn’t the case, I keep hesitating.

Besides, I was very worried about what would happen if, by chance, I changed like Olivia. I didn’t want to go through this twice, so I didn’t tell the three of them the right way.

Now, I thought it would be just a meaningless worry.


Olivia leaned over and gently stroked my cheek.

“I told you. Master has only me. Just as I look at Master, Master must look only at me. Look at that. Look at those lowly things down there.”

Immediately after those words, Charlotte was pierced through the chest by black magic and fell to the ground. A small cloud of dust rose from the crashed spot.

The condition of the other two could not be said to be good either. Serena couldn’t even stand up, and Christine didn’t move at all.

“Do you think we can get along with such lowly things? Do you think we should have feelings for bitches who would die if we hit them? No, we can’t. Only people like me and Master who can live forever can have each other.” “I can hold it. You’ll understand it, right? I only need Master. All I need is Master. All I need is Master. This never changes. It doesn’t change. Kill everything else, and just keep us alive. Forever.”

As always, I tried to dismiss it as nonsense, but I raised my head because Olivia’s words in the middle caught my heart. This one thing seemed to have to be pointed out.

“……Like you and me, what do you mean by that?”

At that question, Olivia smiled as if she had been waiting. With that smile, a blade made of black mana appeared in his left hand.

“I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that, Master.”

The blade touched Olivia’s throat. Blood dripped from the spot where they touched.

“Watch me.”

Olivia then stabbed herself with a knife without hesitation. A blade made of black mana cut through Olivia’s neck more than halfway.

Red blood gushed out like a fountain from the spot where the blade dug in.

A surge of blood soaked my body and Olivia’s body. There was a fishy smell of blood in his nose. More and more blood was seeping out.

It must have been how long since I froze, dumbfounded by Olivia’s actions, and the flowing blood stopped as if a faucet had been turned off.

And it started going back into the neck again.


It looked familiar. The blood that soaked the whole place returned to his body, the blood that soaked into his clothes returned to his body again, and the scent of blood that circulated everywhere disappeared.

Finally, the wound in his neck healed. As if the blood that had just been gushing out was a lie, Olivia’s body had returned to its original state.

I couldn’t close my gaping mouth at that familiar yet disgusting look.


“Do you understand now, Master?”

Olivia gently hugged my neck.

“I’m not perfect yet. But, I’ll be perfect soon. Because, like Master, I’m on the verge of living forever. I can do it. Definitely. I’ll make it happen. This time, I promise that I will never, never die alone leaving Master behind.” .”

I was dumbfounded. I had no idea.

Olivia got the same abilities as me?


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