136 – Taunt

Those words were the decisive blow. This time, a huge crack appeared in Christine’s expression. Due to the divine power that rose from his body, all around him were enveloped in white flames.

Serena and Christine couldn’t confirm because they were so focused on each other, but Charlotte’s expression was also rotting.

The boy is his own, because the beast and the mad bitch are claiming ownership so that they can’t be among themselves.

“What did you say now?”

“It is not the god of four years, but my lord.”

Serena hit the wedge, and Christine’s eyes went blank for a moment, then shed a single tear.

“Ah, God. My God. Please do not forgive this lamb. Because of my disloyalty, God has suffered such blasphemy.”

His eyes sparkled in those tears.

“I will pay for the sin of this lamb with the life of that heretic.”

Christine jumped at Serena with a maddening laugh. After that, a mixture of white and yellow purifying flames flared up, purifying everything he touched.

And it went off helplessly at Charlotte’s light gesture.

It was a possible action because the mana nullification was an ability to block the mana directed to Christine, not the ability to block the mana directed to the by-product divine power.

Serena took her posture as she watched Christine rushing towards her, bursting into madness with tears.

The divine power wrapped around her body was a threat to Serena as well. As soon as the divine power touches Serena, her skin will begin to burn.

As he had previously pushed Christine, who was surrounded by divine power, with a shoulder and received a burning burn on that part, he was not planning on repeating that mistake this time.

Thinking so, Serena stabbed the wind shear at Christine, who had come close to her. If there was no evasion or defensive action, it was an attack that pressed down on the neck.

Serena took the lead in the psychological warfare using wind shear.

It was up to Serena to decide how to respond to each situation, whether she tried to counter the attack, whether she tried to block it with moderate force, conscious of deception, or not to block it at all.

I just confirmed that Christine felt pain, and Serena didn’t show any hesitation on her face as she let out a wind shear.

But if there’s one thing Serena overlooks, it’s that Christine is literally a human by instinct.

“With just such an attack, you can’t defeat me.”

Even though the wind shear reached her neck, Christine didn’t stop. Soon, the wind shear’s blade pierced Christine’s neck.

His throat sank with a screeching sound, and everything inside it was crushed, but instead of slowing down, he was rather pushing in reverse.

Serena was the one who started to think that something was wrong.

It was only natural that Serena’s plan was based on the number of three cases where Christine would counter the attack, respond halfway, or not block it at all.

Could he have predicted that he would come in while allowing the attack as it was? Even while experiencing the pain of being squeezed in the neck.

Moreover, since the place Serena hit was not an insignificant part like an arm or a leg, but the neck, which is no different from a vital point for humans, it was normal to think that it would respond somehow.

I never expected it to be like this.

Serena’s eyes caught Christine’s neck, which was buried deep enough to almost touch the skin on the other side. Even though his neck turned into that kind of look, the speed of his attack did not slow down at all.

I tried to block Christine’s rush by giving strength to my hands, but it was a meaningless action as I was significantly out of strength unless I could use body reinforcement.

“You still don’t know that?”

A fist filled with divine power swung toward Serena’s head. Serena hurriedly lowered her head to narrowly avoid the attack.

As the fist grazed my ear, the sound of beeping shook my eardrums. In that short time, I felt a tingling pain in my ear lobe, as if the divine power had worked.

Serena decided to change her strategy.

‘You have to calm down.’

Ignored Christine, who was about to kill herself at any moment, and closed her eyes. It was a way to calm down, and a way to bypass the mana invalidation.

The targets that nullify mana were divided into three, and each one was a headache.

One is that the aggregate of mana is directed towards Christine.

The other is that even if the aggregate of mana does not go to Christine, there is room for Christine to be swept indirectly.

The last one, even if the aggregate of mana is not directed at Christine, will have the intention of attacking Christine with something derived from that action.

In particular, the range to which the last point was applied was gradually widening over time. There was no way to know if Christine was growing or if her mana nullifying ability was growing.

This was the reason why the mana nullification worked even if he tried to attack Christine again after dodging the attack using body enhancement.

“Are you finally ready to repent?”

As if he thought he had given up on Serena’s appearance, he ignored Christine’s clearly excited voice.

cleared my mind I erased my thoughts, my fighting spirit, and Christine. And only, I left only the will to run forward using mana.


Serena’s body was covered with mana. The body, which accelerated explosively, caught Christine’s back in an instant. It was something I had already done once before.

The moment he opened his eyes and had the will to attack, the mana around his body disappeared, but since he had achieved his goal, it was a good thing whether the mana disappeared or not.

Christine was showing her back, defenseless. Serena raised her wind shear. I was thinking of slashing the sword like this and pinning Christine down there.

“It’s useless.”

Suddenly, with the sound of bones breaking, Christine’s neck turned 180 degrees toward Serena.

Obviously, the body is looking forward, but the neck is bent in the opposite direction to look back. I had also experienced this kind of behavior once before, but I still couldn’t erase the impression that it was bizarre.

“Did you think you could run away?”

“Running away, nonsense!”

Serena hit the wind shear hard. Whether Christine did something grotesque to match her image or not, that wasn’t a reason to stop attacking.

A wind shear landed on Christine’s head. The sound of wind shears being struck echoed throughout the room. Up to this point everything was according to plan.

Except Christine got hit and didn’t end up downstairs.

“I have made it clear.”

At some point, Christine turned her body to look at Serena and reached out her hand. It was only for a moment, but at a speed that Serena couldn’t even react.

Christine’s hand grasped her wrist in the moment when Serena hesitated in a series of unexpected situations.


Gray smoke rose immediately from the wrists that were caught. I could clearly feel the burning sensation on my skin. Serena gritted her teeth at the pain.

I don’t know what the hell it was, but the more I fought, the stronger Christine’s power was. Power and speed, both of them were completely different from the last time they fought.

Serena summoned a wind shear with her other hand that hadn’t yet been caught and struck her in the head in front of her eyes. After hitting it three times with a popping sound, the strength of the hand holding the wrist slightly loosened.

Taking advantage of that opportunity, he forcibly removed his arm and, finally, struck the chin and opened the distance. Christine was still bleeding from her mouth.

I looked down at the wrist that was being held. His skin was burning red, as if he had suffered severe burns. Serena frowned at the sharp pain she felt from her burnt skin.

At first, it seemed to hurt a little from being hit by the wind shear, but now there was no sign of it. It was like hitting him on the head a few times and giving up his entire arm.

The balance calculation was not right.

Serena staggered back. Christine was approaching Serena, arms folded and muttering a prayer.

“Ah, my God. Please let this lamb kill this unbeliever. Allow this apostate to shed tears and repent and be purified.”

There was no option to retreat anyway. As Serena plotted her next steps, Christine lunged at her with a tear-jerking laugh.

It was then.

“Are you doing something fun to please me?”

A voice was heard.

It was the first time I heard Serena’s voice.

A voice that Christine wanted to hear somewhere.

A voice very familiar to Charlotte.

The voice came from the darkness that opened near the boy’s body. Charlotte was stunned. It was because I didn’t notice the fact at all, even though it was an open space right next to it.

So did Serena and Christine, who were startled by the darkness that appeared above the boy.

No matter how much we were focused on fighting each other, it didn’t make sense that we didn’t notice that a space like that was opening right above the boy and not anywhere else.

Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

Jet-black eyes appeared.

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