127 – Emissary

When Serena blew mana into her wind shear, a storm raged in response.

The wind flow gradually began to change around the wind shear. A brilliant golden ponytail tied at the back of her head swayed here and there along with the flow.

The Wind Shear, which absorbed all the mana rushing in, turned into transparent glass and confined the wind and storm within its own blade. It meant that mana was stored up to the limit.

The black blood demon flapped its wings. The air around it was corrupted by its fluttering, giving off a terrible rotten smell. Strangely twisted goat eyes came out and glared at Serena.

“Are you trying to disrupt unity?”

“I just follow the orders of my lord.”

Emotionless and emotionless voices collided with each other.

It was a natural result since demons were originally a species with nothing to be called emotions, and Serena would only have my order to kill demons in her head.

“If it’s truly for the lord, I recommend accepting it. That’s true loyalty.”


The devil’s flat-voiced proposal to Serena, and Serena dismissing it as bullshit, was the limiting point of his actions that I could confirm.

Serena disappeared the very next moment and appeared right in front of the devil. What happened in between was not within my perceptual realm.

All kinds of materials that made up the demon’s body were scattered in all directions. Fragments of flesh and black blood were blown away in a raging storm.

Serena, who had dealt with the demon in the moment of not even breathing, sat down to the ground again.

The blue haze surrounding her body gradually faded, and the wind blowing around the wind shear subsided to some extent.

Caught in the wind, black clots of blood that soared high into the sky poured over the wasteland with a splattering sound at a slow beat.

Despite the black blood pouring from the sky like rain, Serena stood firm with not even the slightest stain on her body.

A piece of flesh was trampled and burst at the foot that he inadvertently kicked out as if it was annoying. As the wind shear was swung, a piece of falling flesh split into smaller pieces and each rolled across the ground.

The wind shear in Serena’s hand gradually became transparent, as if she thought she had completely dealt with the demon.

Up until this point, it was as usual. I give an order, and Serena follows the order and kills the enemy at once. Occasionally, once in a while was not enough, but mostly it was like that.

At least so far.

Serena, who was about to come back to my side, stopped. A pair of blue sapphires constantly scanned the surroundings. The World Eater, which had been about to disappear in the wind, reappeared in that hand.

“Accept it.”

A demon’s voice was heard. It was a voice that forced me to accept something that I’d been sick of hearing since he started acting strangely.

The difference was that now it could be heard from all directions.

“Accept it.”

“Accept it.”

“Accept it.”

“Accept it.”

“Accept it.”

“Accept him.”

With each piece of flesh torn apart by Serena’s storm, a voice called out again and again to accept him.

Fine cracks were engraved on Serena’s face, which was like a lofty lake. I was also dumbfounded by the situation I was experiencing for the first time.

“Accept him.”

“Accept him.”

“Accept him.”

At least, it was the first time I had ever experienced a situation in which the body of a demon was torn to such an extent that it was difficult to put it back together, and all of that flesh spoke to me at once.


Serena’s urgent voice echoed through the wind. Almost as soon as I heard Serena’s voice, a blonde ponytail passed in front of me, leaving behind an afterimage.

The faint scent of Serena wafted over the spot where the afterimage remained. Serena, who ran at the same speed as her voice, stood behind me.

I turned around.

I saw a wind shear that turned into transparent glass, Serena who wielded it and cut down all the demons that approached me, and six demons flying away with their heads blown off.

It was a demon that looked just like it did when it flew up into the sky bleeding black blood before being torn apart by Serena.


Before I could properly question the number of demons being identified, Serena moved again and disappeared from sight. It seemed that he was wielding a wind shear, and he felt the wind blowing behind him.

The devil’s number was no longer one.

I watched the demon fly away with Serena’s head blown off. A vine stalk rose from the piece of flesh that had fallen from his head.

It was now a vine of a color far from red, much closer to black.

The black vines began to entangle among themselves. I made the head, the body, the limbs, and the wings.

Dozens of vines sprouting from a single piece of flesh changed into the shape of a demon. All of the flesh that Serena burst was in the process of making that kind of change.

Suddenly, the wind stopped.

I looked at Serena. Serena took the posture of holding the wind shear cross guard between her waist and holding both of them with her hands.

Before I could remember what that swordsmanship was, the hundreds of demons that surrounded Serena and me all at once cut into seven pieces and rolled on the ground.

Then, each of them grew into seven demons.

Before I knew it, an army of demons that seemed to easily pass four figures surrounded me and Serena, forming a siege.

All of them were the same size and shape as the black blood demons that first appeared. Even the fact that he was holding the World Eater in his right hand was perfectly the same.

“Unity must be achieved.”

“In a world where there are only two left.”

“You will be granted eternal life.”

“Accept it.”

Even though there were so many demon mouths surrounding Serena and me that the number reached four figures, the sentences they said continued precisely.

It was confusing because hundreds of those exact sentences were being spoken at once.

Serena scanned her surroundings with busy eyes. There was no sense of crisis or concern about the situation in those eyes.

There was only one knight contemplating how to carry out my order to kill the demon.

The demons constantly ran. Serena also constantly wielded the wind shear. The wind blew, afterimages remained, and technology was used.

Flames entwined around Wind Shear’s blade and fluttered its wings, directing the wind mixed with flames towards the charging demon. It was a technique that applied fire winding.

The wind that flew like flames cut his throat, and the flames burned his head. A black vine that had been hit directly by the flames was burned helplessly, leaving behind something shriveled.

From that something, a vine stem emerged again. The same goes for the body that was burned together. A number of demons that seemed to be well over five appeared.

Serena’s actions were so fast that it was hard to catch with the naked eye, so even though the demons attacked me without thinking about my body at all, they couldn’t reach me, but that didn’t break the situation either.

The decision was quick. The wind shear cut through the ground they stood on instead of the demon’s body. All the ground nearby was crumbled and the bodies of the demons tumbled into the deep hollows that had just formed.

It was just a stopgap anyway. They weren’t wearing wings as decorations, so it was clear that they would immediately take off one after another and attack.

However, it was enough time to revise the plan even for a moment.

Serena, who used the wind path to completely grind away the demons that had fallen into the pit, came next to me.

Even though he moved in all directions and cut down thousands of demons in a short period of time, his face did not disturb his breathing. A question in a calm tone followed.

“What will you do, lord?”

“Well. I’ve never heard of a demon being able to change like that, so I’m a little surprised. No, I should have been surprised that there were demons with black blood in the first place.”

“If my lord orders me to kill it, I will do it at all costs. Even if it means upsetting the whole place.”

“It doesn’t matter if I overturn this place. It’s a place where there are no people around anyway. Instead, it’s okay if I test something before that?”

“If my lord wishes, I will only obey.”

“Serena, how many pieces do you think you can cut into pieces?”

One of them flapped its wings and soared into the sky. It was just the right timing. Sensing my intentions, Serena moved the wind shear slightly.

That was enough.

The guy stopped moving. And then, before long, it turned into thousands of fluttering sheets of thin paper and fell limply into the pit.

A vine stem rising from a thin piece of paper was the last thing he saw.

“Can I give you the exact number, lord?”

“Just tell me the number of digits. How much was it?”

“It’s well over the four digits, and I think it’s very close to the five digits.”

Almost close to five digits, la.

Calculated for a while. There were no monsters that split. It was mainly a characteristic of slime-type monsters.

However, they also clearly had a limit to division.

Before the demon first exhibited these traits, when it was torn apart by Serena, it had created a demon out of hundreds, if not hundreds, of its own flesh.

And even though Serena sliced the devil’s body into thin slices that were close to a five-digit number, the division was successful.

Looking back at the fact that the limit of normal division monsters barely reached double digits, it was an absurdly large number.

While I was lost in my thoughts, several more demons climbed up and attacked me as soon as they saw me.

“Take care of those as well.”

As soon as I finished my words, the wind that blew around Serena threw the demon back into the pit. The sound of their flesh being crushed could be heard from below.

“I’ve done it, lord.”

The sound the demons made in the pit grew louder and louder, but Serena and I didn’t even have a sense of crisis.

I just worry about how to deal with these troublesome guys.

‘I think he’ll like it if I throw it at Charlotte.’

It seemed worth leaving at least one.

The reason I stopped researching black blooded monsters was because I thought that there might be people who would venture into black magic while researching them.

However, Charlotte firmly nailed me to never think of touching black magic for any reason, so I had no worries about that at all.

Right now, when they first appeared, they were openly experimenting in front of me.



And, there was no need to cut or destroy them one by one.

“Those things, I don’t think you can handle them simply by cutting them. Right?”

Before he could say he was sorry, he stroked Serena’s head first. The soft silky feel of her hair penetrated between her fingers.

As I expected, Serena’s expression seemed to be depressed for a moment, but as soon as my palm touched it, it quickly recovered.

“So, let’s try with a bigger technique.”

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