114 – Magic Tower – 3

Serena’s defensive magic slashed her feet, and the remaining three attempts quickly ran out.

Since it was a defense magic that Charlotte had cast, it had a level of durability that was different from simple thorns, but in front of Serena, all of them were no different from ordinary tree branches.

When all five defense magics were neutralized, Serena quietly put the World Eater back. Correspondingly, the faintly drawn magic circle on the front door disappeared.

I applied strength to my hand and pulled the doorknob toward me, and the door opened slowly with a scratching sound. It was a door that was almost three or four fingers thick.

Serena’s eyebrows gathered slightly in the center.

“Adamantium, my lord?”

“About half.”

“You mean alloy.”

“That’s right. It’s mixed with mithril.”

There were three types of metals that people describe as metals given by God.

Adamantium, Mithril, Orichalcum.

Among the three, the strongest was adamantium. As much as it is called an indestructible metal, its smelting method is extremely rare, and it is said that processing is virtually impossible.

Rumors spread that even after making up his mind to make a living in the volcano, he had to spend several years in smelting to finally be able to make a small dagger.

Of course, that’s just a metaphor. I even tried swimming in the lava myself, but the lava was not as hot as I thought.

Being so strong, the density was also incredibly high, so the weight went out transcendently. For the same size, it weighed nearly ten times that of steel.

In contrast, the mana sensitivity was poor. Among wizards, it seems that the act of putting adamantium into the workshop is considered a taboo among taboos.

Mithril was the opposite of adamantium. The mana absorption rate and sensitivity were much higher than that of most magic catalysts, but the strength was relatively low.

Of course, as it is called a metal bestowed by God, it is stronger than ordinary metal and it is rude to compare it. It was only compared to Adamantium or Orichalcum.

And the weight is also incredibly light. It is said that it is lighter than silk of the same size, so you can roughly guess its weight.

Orichalcum was exactly halfway between adamantium and mithril.

Lower than adamantium, but higher than mithril, strength, lower than mithril, but higher than adamantium, plus mana sensitivity, plus a moderate weight.

“I used Mithril to cover the outside, and the rest is just adamantium. It can’t be done without mana sensitivity. How did you know right away?”

“I memorized it.”

“Memorize? What?”

“The feeling you get when you cut something.”

That means he cut adamantium.

Well, for Serena, cutting adamantium shouldn’t be that difficult. I can cut steel with a single hair, but I can’t believe I can’t cut adamantium with a real sword.

Except for the fact that the vast majority of adventurers can’t even cut a lot of steel, let alone adamantium.

When I put more strength into my hand holding the doorknob, the ignorantly thick door opened completely. It was very dark inside.

Yes, ‘inside’ was very dark.

Serena took a step back, staring back and forth between the open doorway and the verdant garden beyond the spiky iron fence.

From the outside, the inside of the door must be a well-kept garden, but what you see after opening the door is a simple interior, so this must be something you want.

“Is it hallucination magic, my lord?”

“No. Compared to hallucination magic, it’s a little difficult. It’s a much more complicated magic than that.”

Serena thought for a moment before opening her mouth.

“……It’s space barrier magic.”

“Right. That’s it.”

Simply put, it means that two spaces are overlapped into one inside this one. The key to observing that space is to open this door.

From the outside, it shows the garden, the space outside the overlap, but when you open the door, it shows the inside of the magic tower, the space inside the overlap.

I don’t know how they overlapped the space. I just thought that Charlotte would have taken care of it.

“Let’s go in first. It’s okay to just stand here.”

“Yes, lord. Go in first and I’ll follow.”

“It might be dangerous, so why don’t you go in first and take a look?”

“Because this is the magic tower owned by the lord. It belongs to the lord, so I thought it was right for the lord to enter first.”

This place belongs to me, but what’s inside will try to kill me somehow. Thinking that Serena would be terrified if she found out, she stepped inside without hesitation.

And as soon as I stepped out, I faced the World Eater stretching in front of me.

The World Eater trembled with a sharp clicking sound of metal colliding with metal. Serena was standing in front of me, not behind me.

An arm outstretched to the right blocked my face. The cold surface typical of World Eaters completely covered the field of view.

“What are you?”

Serena gritted her teeth. I did ask what it was, but that’s probably just a formal question.

Because at the point of attacking me, I don’t think I’ll let the other person live.

An ominous metallic sound was heard. Soon there was the sound of slow footsteps walking in this direction.

I groped my arm and found a mana stone protruding from the wall. When I felt the cold feeling unique to the mana stone at the tip of my finger, I pressed it hard.

The lighting magic emitted light and the inside of the mage tower became bright.

At the same time, the open iron door closed by itself. That was the reason why he did not use light bulbs and instead used lighting magic using mana stones.

“You guys…”

“Ah, that was it. Yes, you should come out first.”

Serena took the World Eater and turned the tip of the sword forward.

It was a kind of armor that was walking towards me and Serena.

The right side of the head of the helm was sunken, and the visor was rusty and rattled as if it would fall off at any moment.

In his right hand was a moderately long longsword, heavily rusted and chipped.

The rust that completely covered the sword also encroached on the gauntlet holding the handle, as if the cross guard and handle were not enough.

Even the armor under the helm could not be found intact. His shoulders were dented, the color characteristic of rusted iron visible in places, and he heard a creak with every step he took.

His whole body was covered with scars from cuts and dents. I saw something that I didn’t know if it was melted or soot left over from the fire.

“How did you know that I came and came like a ghost like this? No, is it natural that you’re a ghost?”

Hearing my voice, the armor made a creaking sound unique to rusty iron and took a stand. Serena also wrapped her body in mana and lowered her body as if she would jump out at any moment.

“Can I cut it down, lord?”

Serena was about to cut it to pieces the moment my words fell out.

“Oh, wait a minute. Before that, check one thing for a while.”

Grabbing the World Eater in Serena’s hand, she turned and looked at the area where she blocked the attack earlier.

It was fine. Let alone rust, I didn’t even see anything rusty.

“What, are you fine? Is it because it’s a demonic sword?”

“It only blocked one attack. There’s no way this sword could be damaged, lord.”

“Huh? No, that’s not what he meant. This is his ability. It makes all the metal that comes in contact with that sword rust.”

He was commonly called the grudge of rusty iron. The armor holding the sword was just a medium to be swung, and the body was on the sword side.

Its ability is to rust all metal it comes in contact with. It was a guy who was virtually instant-kill only for metal, where rust spread to other parts even if he brushed for a moment.

There were no exceptions for minerals that generally fall under the category of metal, and even adamantium, orichalcum, and mithril, which would never rust under normal circumstances, were turned into scrap metal.

I know because I did it.

“There will be no exceptions if it is a substance that is classified as metal… World Eater is fine. Why?”

“I don’t know either. I’m sorry, lord.”

“Why are you sorry? You can just say that and pass it on. It’s not our job to find out why.”

I let go of the World Eater after I finished observing it. Serena took a stand again. The rusty armor creaked as it charged Serena.

“Don’t break it, just suppress it moderately, okay?”

“I’ll accept it.”

Serena’s body was wrapped in blue mana, and then Serena pulled out the World Eater’s scabbard from her waist.

Then he put the World Eater back into the scabbard and held it upside down. In the form of holding the sword in hand and aiming the cross guard and handle at the opponent.

The next moment, Serena’s body left a blurry afterimage before returning to normal.

At some point, his attitude had changed. The World Eater and its scabbard that he had taken out were still attached to his waist as before he had taken them out.

A step later, the rusty armored helmet collapsed completely with a roar and landed down.

The blow was so hard that the armor on the top of his head sank vertically to his waist.

The breastplate, which had an unexpected reunion with Helm, trembled and scattered rusty metal pieces everywhere. Both arms flailed awkwardly through the air.

Soon after, the armor fell back with a thud. Stunned, I looked at Serena. Serena lightly bowed her head.

“I’ve done it, lord.”

“……How did you do it?”

Everything else was fine, and it sat down to the waist exactly as thick as the World Eater’s scabbard. The sunken section was perfectly vertical.

“As the lord commanded, I hit him.”


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