109 – Illusion

It was a day like always.

I don’t know what others might have thought, but at least Christine thought so.

As you can see from the expression “there was,” at least it was until just now.

It also meant that it wasn’t like that right now.


The two yellow eyes stared at the unbeliever and heretic who interrupted her prayers with fierce hatred.

Even though the nun, who had already torn dozens of people to death with her bare hands as if she were cutting pieces of paper, was glaring at her with terrifying intentions to kill, something that became the object of her hatred and murder simply accepted it.

Christine was in a moderately deep forest.

It is home to heretics who believe in strange gods, not true gods, and pagans who bow to idols and recite impious prayers.

Christine was in such a place, covered in blood all over her body, and praying with her hands folded in front of her voluptuous breasts.

Around it, all kinds of pieces of meat that could no longer be called human even with empty words were scattered in all sorts of places.

All the chapels that the pagans had prepared in their own way were destroyed and turned into miserable rubble, and the idols they had erected were shattered and rolled on the floor.

The heretics who were preparing sacrifices to their gods repented of their sins with their tears and offered themselves to the true gods.

It was fortunate that her god had a merciful personality. If even such pagans repent of their sins, He is able to embrace them with infinite love.

It was a truly grateful thing.

In the grass not far from the chapel, a kind of mound was formed by hundreds of randomly piled human arms and legs.

The human blood that had soaked into the dirt beneath it showed how long the limbs had been neglected.

As always with chunks of meat left at a moderately warm room temperature, it could have started to rot with a sweet smell, but Christine’s inexhaustible divine power never allowed it.

It is an offering to be presented to her god. There was no way Christine would allow the offering to go to God to rot.

Originally, it was impossible to prevent the decay of a piece of meat that rots at room temperature with divine power and maintain its freshness.

Holy power was the power to purify wrongdoing and heresy, not the power to prevent the corruption of dead creatures.

By any chance, if that piece of rotten meat had turned into an undead, he could purify it, so he wouldn’t know.

However, the origin of the divine power flowing from Christine is based on her faith. Even the act of changing its essence was possible if desired.

As long as Christine had a firm belief that the sacrifices she offered could never rot, it could never have happened that the torn and ripped pieces of flesh could rot.

The power to twist the laws of the world and human life was Christine’s faith and faith.

Even after several hours had passed since they had been forcibly removed from the torso, cross-sections of the bones and muscles maintained a deep red color as if they had been freshly plucked.

The only objects that could explain the passage of time were the sparsely dried blood scabs that soaked the surrounding grass and trees.

The torso, with both arms and legs missing, rolled on the floor with a hole in the neck and a torn back.

Arms, legs, and at least the spine were pulled out, and the appearance of the body with only lumps of flesh remaining was even pitiful.

The spine and head, which were separated from the body, which should have been attached to each other, were lined up neatly in one corner.

All of them were the result of Christine’s classification according to their purpose.

“A beast with black blood, are you saying you blasphemed my god?”

However, the current Christine had no mind to focus on her results.

All Christine’s nerves were focused on the black blooded monster in front of her eyes.

To the mere beast she hated so much that her god ordered her to kill them all, to the blasphemous thing that dared to speak human words and blaspheme the gods.

Her slender hands were no longer gathered in front of her voluptuous breasts in prayer. The chest was not gently pressed by the two gathered hands.

It was only trembling as it was tightly gripped with hate that had nowhere to go.

“Hmm… After all, even if I become weak, have I become too weak? It’s a little disappointing that the black blooded monsters fall one after another to a religious person like that.”

A short distance away from Christine, a humanoid black-blooded monster was standing.

Oddly enough, its appearance was closer to that of a human than the black-blooded monster that Serena faced.

The pupils, which were barely visible, now widened to the point where I could barely discern their outlines.

The long tongue that could reach your forehead if you stick it out, and the jagged teeth like saw blades, were still intact, but the mouth that had been torn down to the ears had now shrunk to a level slightly larger than that of a normal human.

Her height, which was so tall that Serena, who is on the tall side, had to look up for a long time, became so small that she could make eye contact with Christine’s head, who couldn’t even say that she had a tall height.

The skin, which was like armor, also gave a feeling of being soft enough to be a little closer to that of an animal, and it was actually like that.

However, the intensity never waned. On the contrary, it could be said that it became stronger.

“Well, it doesn’t matter anyway, since the power will fully return in a little while.”

But the most bizarre thing was different.

Although apparently in the form of a monster, it opened its mouth and spoke. Moreover, the way he spoke was very feminine.

Even though her tone was quite feminine, her voice was grotesque, like scratching iron. It was a voice that sent goose bumps down the spine of anyone who heard it.

His voice is bizarre, but his way of speaking is normal.

The gap caused considerable discomfort, but it was a good thing for Christine, who was overcome with anger.

That cursed her God. The only thing that mattered to her right now was that fact.

Even if her god called Christine a slut with nothing but obscene chunks of fat, then Christine was confident enough to affirm her god’s words.

Rather, like a prostitute among the pagans whom he had killed so many times, she must have taken off her clothes and knelt in front of God, spread her legs wide and trembled, trying to make those words true.

However, the act of insulting oneself by others is completely different.

Because Christine was chosen directly by her God.

Because her god personally chose her, personally bestowed her grace on her, and promised her salvation that she would lead her to their own heaven on the day she fulfills her mission in this life.

So, cursing Christine was tantamount to cursing the God who chose her.

It was an act that truly deserved punishment.

“And… you don’t like it either.”

The black blooded monster growled. In line with that growl, the surroundings slowly began to rot. The air was toxic, the soil melted.

Christine didn’t lose and fought back. The rising divine power spread out in all directions, purifying all heresy within its reach.

“That God you speak of, somehow I think you’re referring to someone I know. I feel something like that. If this feeling is true, I’d never kill you gracefully. Ripping and restoring, tearing and restoring, I’ll tear your mind to shreds and then throw it into the toilet to dispose of the demons’ sexual desires, so be prepared.”

Christine nodded slightly. There was no longer anything to mix with such heresy. He lowered his stance a little by bending his knees, then sprang out leaving a deep fissure in the ground.

Her god was insulted because she didn’t act in time. It was a terrible sin. I had to kill it as soon as possible and pray for repentance.

On Christine’s back, a mixture of white and yellow holy power soared, forming a pair of wings. The wings clucked from side to side and spread sacredly. A few feathers made of divine power fluttered.

His entire body was covered with divine power. The path the nun passed through was immediately purified and oxidized to a handful of ashes.

The black-blooded monster saw it and neither avoided nor retreated. He just stared at Christine, who was running calmly.

However, the time to do so was very short.

It is Christine who runs away with her eyes turned upside down. If not as much as Charlotte or Serena, who resolutely used body enhancement, she could easily surpass the recognition speed of normal monsters.

Soon after, Christine’s fist landed on the black blooded monster’s left face. The black blood monster that had been hit with a fist flew away and rolled on the floor.

Yes, it would fly away and roll on the floor.

Christine, who saw this, paused for a moment and put on a puzzled expression.

My head didn’t explode.

Two yellow eyes looked down at the right hand that had just punched the monster in the face. A right hand covered with divine power, unable to control its anger and trembling with overflowing power.

Obviously, I hit it with all my strength, with the momentum to explode my head in one shot, but that heresy simply flew back.

It was Christine’s power to make the ground ripple like the surface of the water, and to pull out the bedrock that makes up the land.

Even though Christine’s strength and divine power were added to the attack, it was only blown away.

I couldn’t understand.

“Aha… I get it roughly.”

While Christine froze for a while due to the unexpected situation, the black blooded monster that had been buried on the floor rose up.

As if there was no blow at all, the right side of the face that had been hit by the fist was completely sunken, and the skin was slowly burning due to the remaining divine power.

“Aren’t you an ordinary religious person?”

However, the wound was returned with a gesture from the black blooded monster. Even the divine power that burned his skin completely disappeared.

Tears flowed from Christine’s eyes when she saw this. It was a tear filled with emotions of sadness.

“Ah, my God. Was my faith lacking? Was my faith lacking? Why did you give the lamb such an ordeal?”

“Yeah, somehow. No matter how weak I was, I wasn’t the kind of person who would die like this. Did you lock yourself in? Not too long ago, I tried to solve the black blood, but it failed because of a bitch who uses magic. At that time, I couldn’t even make my own form and ran out of strength. went out.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please, please, God forgive me. Christine, as many times as my God wants—”

A strange conversation ensued. No, it was a huge disrespect for the word to call the action unfolding now a conversation.

You couldn’t call it conversation when both sides were talking only what they had to say without listening to each other at all.

Christine was busy crying and begging forgiveness from her god, while the black blooded monster was busy muttering something.

As her prayers of repentance to God for forgiveness continued, the wings of divine power that soared from Christine’s back burned even more fiercely.

Up until now, he had only been slightly taller than his torso, but now he was much longer than Christine.

The divine power bursting from the wings became even stronger. White flames mixed with yellow covered all surrounding objects and began to purify them.

“After all, I’m not an ordinary religious man. But why? I feel very bad when I see you. It’s strange. It’s really strange. It’s different from just seeing a religion man. Why? Why? Huh? What’s the reason? Because it’s so strong? No. I’m going to win anyway. Why the hell—”

The words of the black blooded monster that had spoken up to that point stopped.

The nearby ground melted away, pushing away even Christine’s divine power.

“You, who is that god?”

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