Suddenly Invincible

Chapter 369: Perseverance in the Wasteland


The boundary between the fairyland and the foreign land is killing.

The kings of the barren land were born one after another, they wanted to cross the border, and their aura was extremely strong.

The alien immortal kings of the boundary wall are under pressure.

"Do you really want to start the liquidation?" The immortal giant said, his eyes are cold, like a creature born in the dark, it is full of unknown.

Although they were talking before, they want to start a big liquidation.

But that is not true.

Because the time for this great liquidation has not yet come, no one will break out, whoever moves first, will lose them, so the result is obvious, this killing will continue, but it will not last long.

At the end, both sides will stop and won't do any more.

No one answered, the kings killed.

This battle.

The most fringe universe in the foreign land is completely dead, and the creatures in the foreign land are shocked. For the first time, they know part of the truth in the eternal history. What is it...

Many people are stunned and can't believe that there are still others.

The fairy king of the fairyland, and what is that big world.

In his eyes, Immortal Immortal saw the blurry scene of Immortal Realm, a big universe that was the same as a foreign land but was unfamiliar.

In the eyes of the creatures in the fairyland, they were also dumbfounded.

Once again, they saw the unity of the barren land again, the kind of behavior that seemed to be an inevitable existence of life, such as breathing and drinking water.

Since the ages, they have seen the persistence of the barren land again and again.

"This is that ethnic group."

In a foreign land, there are immortal immortals who know the existence of the immortal domain and the affairs of the wasteland. Watching the kings cross the boundary, their hearts are trembling, and some neutral true immortals have quietly changed their minds.

The war continued, and the world was shattered.

Suddenly, this fierce battle stopped, and the kings of the barren land that had crossed the border did not advance.

The source is because there is a voice in the third home.

It was a figure of divine mind.

at the same time.

In the depths of that foreign land, there was a shocking killing, the immortal king appeared, and the immortal giants came to kill from the boundary.

Dao Tianjun was born and domineering, there was only one color in his pupils, the color of blood red.

He was crazy, he had no worries, his body was stained with blood, there was a blood hole in his abdomen, and the immortal blood kept flowing out, unable to stop it. There was dark and unknown power in the wound, which was left behind by a fallen immortal king giant.

While Dao Tianjun was injured, the king of the foreign land was also severely injured.

The blood is flowing, the blood of the king is permeated, the strong smell of the blood of the king is permeated, there is no smell, and some is a kind of strange fragrance.


The terrible collision, the sound of weapons.

That was the bronze ancient Ge of the Nine-headed King, once again struck Dao Tianjun.

At the same time, a big hand hit from the depths of the universe, filled with various order forces, and hit Dao Tianjun's shoulder with a bang.

Dao Tianjun's body shook, his eyes were cold, and the power of cause and effect lingered in his hands.

Strands of causal power converge from the universe, and it is vaguely visible that there are scenes of sentient beings' future, past, and present.

With a slap, he slapped the big seal of the mountain that hit his chest with a slap.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the big seal.

With a click, this king soldier was broken.

There was an immortal king roaring in the depths of the universe, that was his weapon, and it was actually broken by someone now, which made it hard for him to accept it.

You must know that this is not the only one, there are other kings working on it.

However, instead of killing Dao Tianjun, his weapon shattered, how could he not get angry.

Dao Tianjun secretly said a pity.

He didn't want to crush the king's soldiers, but wanted to kill another immortal king.

Huang Gourd and Silver Blood were killed by him. If he kills one more, he feels that he is very likely to reach the level of the Immortal King after this battle. He only got the Yuanshen for the Silver Blood, and his body is too late. Huang Gourd is relatively complete.

It's just that Dao Tianjun wanted to kill, and the immortal king who was staring at him felt in his heart, cause and effect, and retreated decisively.

The Immortal King is not so easy to kill.


Dao Tianjun didn't stay too much. He headed towards the boundary of the alien universe. A figure of an immortal giant appeared, chaos surging like a big wave, and he stretched out his finger to point towards Dao Tianjun's eyebrows, to destroy his immortal soul. .

"Go!" Dao Tianjun opened his mouth.

With a mouth, a mysterious force spit out, sweeping across the sky and the earth, like a thousand beasts stepping on the sky, impacting away.

The immortal giant stagnated.

This is Dao Tianjun using the power of mantra, the nine-five-five-sovereign law.

Dao Tianjun was very fast, and the Heavenly Dao Emperor Xishu condensed on his fist and hit the immortal giant.

Blood spattered, and the immortal giant was injured.

After crossing the immortal giant, Dao Tianjun approached the boundary universe.

In my eyes, I could see a dark barrier on the edge of the distant universe, and there was an invisible **** in front of it. The **** was a foreign land at one end and a black river of blood at the other, revealing uncertainty and darkness.

Everything seemed to have no way, Dao Tianjun was forced to a dead end.

"You have been driven to a dead end. This is not a boundary that can be stepped on to the realm." An icy voice spread in the universe.

The figure of the immortal king is approaching.

This is what they turned around and closed the road that Dao Tianjun was going to take. It was an illusory illusion that Dao Tianjun had no way to go. It was a river of black blood, together with the real source of darkness, that the King of Immortality could not touch. .

Dao Tianjun stood on the edge of the dam.

This was the former Jiehai dyke, which was shattered in the Ancient Era of Chaos, but now it appears here. It was obviously moved by someone with great magic power, and part of it was repaired.

Without any despair, Dao Tianjun's eyes flowed with glazed radiance.

He did not follow the universe as the target and judge the path according to the rules of heaven and earth, but based on the power of cause and effect in the dark.

The immortal kings will be wrong.

Dao Tianjun was not going to the realm, but through cause and effect, he saw a path of life, a cause and effect, where he was born, not a place of death.


The king of the foreign land was doing it, driving Dao Tianjun to a dead end, and they immediately took action without any delay.

There are seven immortal kings before and after, and more than half of them are immortal giants. They are the supreme immortal kings who have come out of the boundary. This killing scene is amazing.

Dao Tianjun's forty-nine gods are hiding in the roar.

Immortal Dao, Immortal Dao, Waste Dao and other powers emerged, with the rules of time and cause and effect intertwined among them. Dao Tianjun looked at an immortal king who had been injured before, his eyes were cold.

Xianhui was surging, with shocking visions. Behind Dao Tianjun were five vast figures. They were very vague, as if they had touched taboos and were not manifested by the heavens.

In the end, it turned into Dao Tianjun's facial features, tall and straight, like the emperor who might cover the sky forever.


The bright fairy light is shining, the universe is turbulent, and the river of darkness is also surging, as if the river was turbulent by this killing.

This is a terrible storm of killing.

Caused by Dao Tianjun and the seven immortal kings.

The dark and icy universe was turbulent, and it took a long time to collapse. It was triggered by the ultimate collision, and there was a shocking vision.

Dao Tianjun's body was stained with immortal blood, and he walked toward the wounded Immortal King.

And the killing of the other immortal kings behind him will also come.

Before the blink of an eye, Dao Tianjun had collided and fought against the Immortal King hundreds of times, fighting fiercely.

The long river of time flows in this universe, and the black blood water is roaring and surging, intertwined with the years, and the vision shakes the sky.

At this moment, let alone Dao Tianjun, even the other immortal kings were shocked.

They glanced quickly and saw an unbelievable sight.

That is the tip of the future.

The alien universe was shattered, and the fairyland was sinking, too tragic. This world seemed to fall into endless darkness forever.

The number of creatures was scarcely scarce, the rules disappeared, the order collapsed, the two realms were corpses, the blood flowed into rivers, and the eternal capital was ruined, and there was no complete universe and big realm.

There is a terrible sight.

There is a roar in the world, it is the sound of destruction, not a cry of killing, but a wailing, there is no existence of the king, and there is no existence of immortals, everything seems to be extinguished.

This is a vision of the future.

In the future, if the king does not exist, the immortal does not see, everything will be dying.

A sight that makes your scalp numb.

However, the scene soon became blurred, like a passing cloud, a non-existent illusion.

The ambiguity of the scene made people uneasy and frightened.

Vaguely, Dao Tianjun saw other scenes. The creatures were dying, one by one, the unimaginable light covered the universe, and the light spread to the past and the future.

Some creatures are wailing, crying and angering, and there are creatures of the extreme realm in the posture of scolding the sky.

"...My race, my children."

"Wife and child died in front of me... I saw..."

"Mountains and rivers are forever silent, this is..."


This is the vision of the future. People are talking, and the intermittent voices are fuzzy and dim. It is the vision of the future. You can't hear the words in it, but can only hear some vague words.

The secret is obscured, so that people in the past and present will not know.

Those words were very light, and some were shouting, without exception, they were all with despair.

The vision of the future.

There are roars, alien creatures, the universe is sinking, and there is a faint voice.

"Who is the enemy?"

"This life is short. I have no pity for me until now. Are you waiting for me by the riverside."

"Dead together is the greatest comfort."

The sound of the sigh was sentimental, and there was a strong person speaking, which made people's heart tremble, and the sound was transmitted for a long time.

Along with it, there are patches of blood.

From beginning to end, no immortals, no kings.

What will happen in the future, is the king dead? The immortality of the foreign land is invisible, and there is only a breath of sorrow in the nine heavens.

"What's the meaning of the vision of the future manifesting in this There is such an idea in the mind of the immortal king.

No one just thinks about it.

They are not afraid at all, and the future scene will not disturb their Dao Xin no matter how terrible they are.

When you reach this level, you will only believe in your own way and go all the way.

A kind of sight, will not affect.


Dao Tianjun's killing has never stopped. It was a quick glance at the future, which puzzled him, made him puzzled, but could not shake his Dao heart, and would not panic.

His posture has shocked the ages, and a strong man who has the past and the future to watch hastily glimpsed his face, his face moved.

But all this quickly disappeared.

The face is invisible, the only thing that can be seen is the figure with his back to the sentient beings, which is trembling, Dao Tianjun's face is covered by time...


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