Suddenly Invincible

Chapter 188: Weird monster, Li Chungang's blood

Zhongzheng's full voice echoed here.

Dao Tianjun glanced over.

It was a man in cyan armor with a divine sword on his back.

If you just listen to this sentence, people will feel that there is a feeling of despising Dao Tianjun, but when he noticed this person, Dao Tianjun knew that this was not looking down.

It's that this person is too upright.

As he said, just break through the instability of the realm and challenge the victory.

The armoured man's face is upright, his sword eyebrows are bright, his eyes are full of masculinity, and his righteousness is so high.

Li Zhongzheng, the name of this armored man.

"This guy……"

Dao Tianjun looked at the righteous Li Zhongzheng speechless.

Originally, I wanted to find someone to hammer it. How can I hammer someone with your words.

"Fighting with you now, victory is not martial." Li Zhongzheng said.

Hear the words.

Someone glared at Li Zhongzheng.

"It's this one-strained sword baby again." In the ear, Tianjun heard someone cursing like this.

Sword baby?

Dao Tianjun is weird.

"Brother Zhongzheng is right. We are incapable of defeating the little deserter at this time."

The deep and deep voice floated from a distance.

In his eyes, Dao Tianjun saw a two-meter tall iron tower man, wearing linen cloth and animal skins around his waist.

The most eye-catching thing is that bald head.

Dao Tianjun was stunned.

At this moment, Li Zhongzheng looked at the bald head and frowned, "Aoshan, I am older than you."

Hearing this, Ao Shan rubbed his chin.

"Are you older than me? Whoops, I forgot again, I blamed my being old, I always thought I was an older generation."

I have to say that it is the first time that Dao Tianjun has seen someone feel proud of being old.

That's right, the bald man in Ao Shan seemed to be honored for it.

"Rugged man." Li Zhongzheng whispered, as if Ao Shan did this more than once.

Immediately, he glanced at Dao Tianjun and turned to leave.

Coming fast, going fast, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"I blame the fool of Zhongzheng, otherwise I will definitely make a move." Ao Shan stood in the distance, his tiger eyes flashing, and his teeth grinning, very dissatisfied with Li Zhongzheng's words.

The sound is very loud and does not conceal the scheming in my heart.

Everyone saw the corners of their mouths twitching.

The people in Xiaohuang Village were stunned, and they often heard the names of Ao Shan and Li Zhongzheng when they came to the center.

One of the "monsters" of the younger generation.

It's just, how do they feel that there is something wrong with their brains.

"Little landlord, I'm leaving, goodbye." Ao Shan also left, completely disregarding what he had just said.

Secretly, some people also left.

Li Zhongzheng's words made many people choose to leave.

As he said, victory cannot be achieved by force. They are people in the barren land, fighting internally, but they will never abuse them. Unity has always been the center of teaching.

"That guy..." Dao Tianjun looked at Ao Shan's figure.

For a long time, the two words came out from Dao Tianjun's mouth.

"Very strong."

"The little landlord also knows that Aoshan is very strong."

At this moment, a clear male voice came.

Dao Tianjun looked back.

At this moment, he has landed on the small square, the sky is clear, blue and white jade.

Two figures came from behind.

Huo Dongyun came and looked at Dao Tianjun with interest.

"I don't know where the little deserter noticed that Aoshan is strong, or where does he think Aoshan is strong?"

He was asking, there was a flicker of color in his pupils.

Aoshan does not show mountains or water, and even acts as an idiot. Dao Tianjun, the little deserter, actually said that he is very powerful, and his tone seems very certain. If you look closely at his words, he will know that this seems to be a certain pass. Things are affirmed.

"Bald head."

Dao Tianjun did not conceal, but expressed his own opinion.

Hearing this answer, Huo Dongyun looked astonished.

What is the answer?

When Huo Dongyun was shocked, Dao Tianjun observed the two men.

The handsome man is extraordinary.

It can be said that this handsome face is second only to myself.

Dao Tianjun skipped this directly and looked at the woman next to him.


The moment Dao Tianjun saw it, he thought of a word from a previous life.

Tong Yan.

A pure and childlike face is definitely not inferior to Xia Jiuyou and the sage of Yaochi, and she even shines because her turbulent waves are too scary.

? d? e? f?

It should be thirty-six days, Dao Tianjun initially estimated.

The most noticed is her temperament, gentle and quiet, her eyes are like water, the water is like a clear lake, and her small mouth is red.

With a devil-like figure, innocent face, and the gentle temperament that will always be harmful to men and absolutely nemesis, this woman is fatal to men.

Unconsciously, Dao Tianjun's "sword" moved slightly, expressing his most respectful respect.


Huo Rouyun looked at Dao Tianjun's eyes and dodged slightly.

"Little Landlord, what are you doing?" Huo Dongyun originally wanted to ask what the bald head has to do with being strong, but when he noticed Dao Tianjun's look and the changes in his younger sister, he immediately said.

Hearing this, Dao Tianjun looked at Huo Dongyun and Huo Rouyun.

His expression was plain and his heart was still in the water.

"What is the relationship between the two and the emperor of fire?"

The topic of Dao Tianjun was obvious, and it distracted the two of them.

"The Emperor Huo is my father." Huo Dongyun nodded.

"No wonder." Dao Tianjun nodded thoughtfully, he had noticed as early as when he was watching Huo Dongyun.

It is somewhat similar to the appearance of the Huohuang.

Suddenly, Dao Tianjun looked at the two.

Huo Dongyun introduced himself to Dao Tianjun, Huohuang's child.

The two of them were born thousands of years ago, but this life is destined to be wonderful, the fire emperor deliberately sealed the two with gods, and they were not born until this life.

"The great world is suitable for you." This is what the Fire Emperor said to them.

"Speaking of this generation, we are not the only ones who have been sealed before." Huo Dongyun seemed to be quite talkative, and said again, "The upright fool Li Zhongzheng was also sealed before, and has a much longer time than us."

"He too?"

"Yes, he said it was not a creature from my wasteland, but the adopted son of an ancient ancestor, who brought it back from outside."

When talking about this, Huo Dongyun smiled.

"Which ancient ancestor?"

"An ancient ancestor of the time of Emperor Void, the quasi-di cultivation base."

Huo Dongyun replied.

Hearing this, Dao Tianjun's pupils twinkled.

The Great Emperor Void, the ancestor of the Ji family, was the darkest period of the Desolate Ancient Era, hundreds of thousands of years have passed since now.

Li Zhongzheng turned out to be hundreds of thousands of years ago? !

He was sealed by the source of God, and he was not born until this era.

"To be honest, Li Zhongzheng can be so strong, beyond everyone's expectations."

Huo Dongyun looked at where Li Zhongzheng had left.

"He can be adopted as the adopted son of the ancient ancestor and brought back to the wasteland. It is not because of his outstanding talents, but because he has a blood relationship with a good friend of the ancient ancestor in his youth. The good friend of the ancient ancestor is not very accomplished, but... I remember His name is Li Chungang..."

Lee Soon Gang?

A figure emerged in Dao Tianjun's mind.

That is a book I have ever chased.

"The sky doesn't give birth to me, Li Chungang, kendo is like a long night."

Subconsciously Dao Tianjun said a word, a word that made people feel painful.

"Hey, you know the little landlord." Huo Dongyun's eyes lit up.

The reason why he would remember Li Chungang is because of these words.

Once, after he heard it, his whole body was full of enthusiasm, and even he was not alone. Anyone who knew Li Chungang had heard this sentence. I have to say that this ancient ancestor friend, although he is dead, this sentence is Let people remember.

"I also saw it accidentally in books."

Dao Tianjun casually said a reason.

Huo Dongyun did not delve into it. He also saw it from ancient books. "To be honest, Li Chungang's words are very touching. I also know why Gu Zu is so peerless but befriend him. This sentence alone can tell. two."

"I heard that it was too dark in that era, and many people died early, and the relative of Zhongzheng fool fought a way in that dark era, but it was a pity that he didn't reach the end and was killed by someone's design in the middle."

At this moment, Huo Dongyun stopped talking in tuberculosis mode.

He looked at his sister unexpectedly.

Why doesn't my sister say a word?

He would come to talk, instead of leaving like Li Zhongzheng, Ao Shan and others, because the younger sister said he was coming to say hello, but did not say a word when he arrived.

Huo Rouyun stood quietly on the spot, half of her body behind, her eyes drooping slightly, she did not dare to look directly at Dao Tianjun.

"Huh?" Huo Dongyun's mouth twitched, with a bad premonition in his heart.

My sister's performance is too weird.

"Hello." Dao Tianjun said politely as he looked at this watery woman.


The soft sound, like a spring breeze, makes people feel as if they are in the spring breeze, so soft.

A terrible woman.

Dao Tianjun muttered in his heart.

The more so gentle, with such a temperament, this is even more insatiable than Hu Meizi.

A glimpse of it from the corner of your eye.

He found the young creatures in the square. Many people were looking at this place. From the awe on their faces, you could find that they knew these two people.

And every man looked at Huo Rouyun with a heart-stopping heart, and turned his head after a glance.

A otaku sage mode.

"In a few days, we will see you in the Void God Realm."

Huo Dongyun found that his sister looked strange, making him think something was wrong.

Must leave quickly.

This is what he thought in his heart.

"Goodbye." Huo Rouyun said politely.

After saying this, the two left under Huo Dongyun's urging.

On the road.

Huo Dongyun asked his younger sister, "Sister, what happened to you just now? Why do you look at the eyes of the little deserter so weird?"

"Brother, do you believe in love at first sight."

at this time.

A soft and watery voice came with a different kind of sentiment.


There was a beating in Huo Dongyun's heart, his head buzzed, and he felt the sky spinning.

The big thing is not good! ! !

"I don't believe it." Huo Dongyun shook his head desperately.

After that, he speeded up under his feet, and even dismissed Huo Rouyun for being too slow. He pushed Huo Rouyun directly and thought of leaving for the country of Huo.

I want to tell my father...

the other side.

Dao Tianjun brows frivolously, how could he not know Huo Rouyun's strangeness, and a mutter appeared on his face.

"That Huo Rouyun is weird, mysterious..."

Immediately, he disappeared in place.

After living in Xiaohuang Village for a day.

He went to the small courtyard where Fu Xuan was, and he wanted to ask about something.

"The brat was so awkward yesterday."

Not yet near the small courtyard, Fu Xuan's ridicule was heard in Dao Tianjun's ears.

Hearing this, Dao Tianjun frivolous brows.

He flashed away and appeared ghostly in front of the small courtyard.

Looking at the yard that had not changed as it was four years ago, Dao Tianjun's pupils gleamed.


A violent chestnut came directly.

However, what Fu Xuan hit was the air, and Dao Tianjun had been prepared long ago, and flinched with a gorgeous waist.

"I thought about my baby as soon as I came back, don't you know the youngest youngest boy?" Fu Xuan's beard curled up, but soon he changed into a smiling face.

"Wonderful old man, what are you doing."

Dao Tianjun was stared at her hairy.

Fu Xuan still smiled but didn't speak.

After a while, he finally spoke, "Buddy, you should have fished out some water when you left the pool."

It's a dog.

Dao Tianjun said in shock.

How did this strange old man know? He didn't remember that Fu Xuan was nearby.

And according to his cognition, Fu Xuan is a strict wife, or a beloved madman. When Shi Yun woke up, he should be with him in this yard. It was impossible to control himself. How could he know.

But soon Dao Tianjun guessed the reason.

Fu Xuan looked at Dao Tianjun's expression and smiled in his heart.

"Your boy is so virtuous. Looking at the water pool, if you don't get something out of it, Fu Xuan will follow your last name directly."


Dao Tianjun was speechless, this strange old man knew him too well.

He judged based on his own temperament, and he didn't need any reason at all.

"Is there anything for me?" Fu Xuan's eyes were bright, and he spoke straightforwardly.

"Zhi, old bandit, I took it out desperately. You have to grab it like this. It's still not a human being. Elder Ge told me, did you take my resources? "

Dao Tianjun stared.

He learned from Elder Ge, what Fu Xuan said that day.

Misappropriated a lot of "public funds", and there is no plan to pay interest.

The corners of Fu Xuan's mouth twitched, and the two old guys really broke my good deeds.

"No, I absolutely do not do that."

He didn't admit it to death.

Even if he admits, he won't pay interest.

To use a sentence Dao Tianjun once taught him, speak loudly, I will speak louder, you can't beat me, listen to me.

Dao Tianjun gritted his teeth.

Apart from anything else, he directly turned into a divine sword and slashed Fu Xuan frantically.

Fu Xuan learned Dao Tianjun, wringing his hips and hiding.

"Well, Fu Xuan, how old are you."

There was a wonderful sound from the attic.

In an instant, Fu Xuan stopped his actions, and Dao Tianjun also stopped.

"Tianjun, fast in." Shi Yun said again, letting Dao Tianjun in.

In the attic, Shi Yun looked at Fu Xuan and Dao Tianjun dumbly.

On the other side, Xia Jiuyou was stunned, her beautiful eyes unblinking.

It was the first time she saw Fu Xuan like The first time she saw Fu Xuan, she felt that this person was similar to her grandfather, and he was kind but with a sense of power. I didn’t expect Fu Xuan to have this side. .

"Patriarch Shi Yun, I miss you so much."

Dao Tianjun strode forward and reported Shi Yun with his arms wide open.

"Good boy." Shi Yun rubbed Dao Tianjun's head. Although Dao Tianjun was an adult, Shi Yun seemed to be a child.

After hugging Shi Yun, Dao Tianjun took out a half cup of water and handed it to Shi Yun.

"Patriarch Shi Yun gives this to you."

"Why is it so?"

This sentence was not what Shi Yun said, but Fu Xuan. He was really surprised. He blinked his eyes and looked at the precious water in the half cup of small teacup in Shi Yun's hand, and immediately spoke in disgust...



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