Suddenly Invincible

Chapter 110: No beginning bell ringing

   In the peak outside the Purple Mountain.

   Dao Tianjun didn't know how his comments had changed the wasteland.

   He is now practicing the Nine Secrets and Third Secrets he got this time.

  Jie, Zhe, Dou.

   Spring goes to autumn, it is said that there is no Jiazi to practice in the mountains.

   More than a year has passed.

   At the top of the sky, the world suddenly became dark.

   The roar of deafening and deafening swayed across the sky and the earth, unparalleled, the momentum was vast, the sky was thick with lead clouds, silver snakes danced wildly, and purple electric lights shone.

   Boom! !

   A certain mountain outside the Purple Mountain exploded.

   can clearly notice that there is a long figure sitting in the mountain.

   His skin is radiant, his black hair dances wildly, and there is a bright fairy light on his body, a dragon pattern on his left chest, vaguely as if he is about to transform into a dragon, and there is a dragon coiling around his body. It is a real dragon with blood and blood, lifelike.

   This person is Dao Tianjun.

   For more than a year, he has been cultivating hard, and he has swallowed all those magical medicines, and today he is going to overcome the catastrophe.


   A roar came from Dao Tianjun, uploading Xiaohan, and descending to the netherworld.

   At this moment, his eyes opened.


   Heaven and earth trembled at this moment, as if a fairy came to the world.

   Outside, across the holy city far away, someone sensed it!

   "Who is crossing the catastrophe."

   "The Great Tribulation of the Dragon Transformation? Now that I can survive this calamity, either for the supreme pride, or for the sect, the deacon of the Holy Land, who is it..."

   Such a voice spread in the holy city.

  In an instant, someone couldn't bear the curiosity in their hearts, and rose into the air, driving the rainbow toward this world.

   in a village not far from Zishan.

   Everyone was trembling. It was a clear sky. In the blink of an eye, the thunder and thunder covered the sky like a vast ocean.

   "Crossing the robbery?"

   Someone in his village thought of something, even more shocked.


   There was a thunder sound that almost burst the eardrum, like the legendary horned dragon, the mountains and rivers trembled, and everything was silent.

   Looking from a distance, the purple mountain flashed and thundered, and the heavy rain poured down, making the area over there hazy and invisible.

   There are cultivators nearby, all of them stopped.

   They looked at the purple mountain range.

   That area is too mysterious, very mysterious.

   Dao Tianjun jumped up in the air, he walked up the sky step by step, strolling in the leisurely courtyard, he was extraordinary.


   Heavenly Tribulation bombarded down, like a waterfall pouring down, electric lights like a dragon, biting fiercely.

   During the thunder tribulation, Dao Tianjun did not swallow the thunder tribulation as before. He wanted to test the strength of his own body and punish him against the thunder.

   Before the Thunder Tribulation had not completely erupted, it was swallowed by Dao Tianjun.

   This time.

   The real Thunder Tribulation appeared in front of Dao Tianjun. There was no sun or moon in the sky, and the clear sky had changed, and the vast thunder and lightning was touching.

   Dao Tianjun's body is radiant, and the whole figure is like a **** of heaven coming into the world.

   Looking at this scene, the monks in the distance are all awe-inspiring.

   No matter how terrifying the thunder is, he seems to be an immortal peak in the sea, unmoving, the chilling thunder strikes him, and he can't shake him in the slightest.

Roar! !

   Thunder Tribulation broke out again, even more terrifying power.

   Dao Tianjun directly resisted, his flesh still shining, his body radiant, and his black hair dancing wildly.

   This is the apocalyptic thunder catastrophe can not leave a trace on his body.

   Someone from afar broke through the sky.

   Some people have arrived in the holy city, or they are driving the rainbow, or stepping on the sword, and some people are riding in the gods.

"It's him!"

   At the moment when he looked at this piece of heaven and earth, someone recognized who Dao Tianjun was!

   "After a year, he finally reappeared in the world." Some cultivators were excited, and their eyes flickered.

   Someone turned around and turned back immediately.

   They are going to inform the thirteen forces.

   "In a year's time, he has grown too fast." The elders of the big sect were horrified.

A year ago, he met Dao Tianjun and gave Dao Tianjun a pass. However, after seeing Dao Tianjun again in just a year, he has a kind of palpitations, as if facing a strong man of the same level. .

How can this be!

   He was extremely shocked. You must know that he is one of the hundred educators of Zhongzhou, the Supreme Elder of Mingyue Education.

   He has practiced for 753 years, and he has reached his current state, only one step away from the half-step power!

   Even he knew that he would be able to break through to half a step in three years or even less than a year.

   However, he now feels heart palpitations in Yuanguan Dao Tianjun.

  What is this concept? !

  How old is Dao Tianjun, how old is he, and the age of the two is dozens of times that of Dao Tianjun.

   The elder didn't know how to say it, and stood blankly in the sky.

   As for the others, they were equally shocked.

   In one year, Dao Tianjun has accomplished what others have done for decades and hundreds of years.

   There are the existence of the holy child who are silent, and they find that Dao Tianjun feels too dangerous for them, and it is dangerous to them that they have a kind of powerlessness.

   "It's him!" someone muttered lowly.

   The killing intent was quietly spreading, and that part of the thirteen forces had also arrived.

at the same time.

   Thunder continued to hit Dao Tianjun, but he was still pacing free and easy, as if he didn't see Thunder Tribulation as a thing.

   Ushered in a more violent thunder.

   In the impact, Dao Tianjun's cultivation base became more consolidated, the word secret broke out, and a small injury healed instantly. He stood firm like a **** of war, standing tall and moving across the world.

   others are fine

   The vicinity of Zishan was completely destroyed.

   There are monks who slap their tongues, and their hairs are erected all over, with an ominous premonition.

   The earth was cracking and spreading towards the Purple Mountain. The mysterious peak suddenly burst out with infinite mysterious power, and everything was blocked.

  咚! !

   A huge bell ringing, spread from the inside of Zishan.

   After a while, all of them stood upside down with chills, and there was chill on their backs. Without any hesitation, all of them turned their heads and ran towards the distance.

   The sound of the bell is more terrifying than the thunder.

   Huge cracks appeared in the void.

   All the thunder tribulations that are about to fall are turned into nothingness in the blink of an eye, glowing dots.

   Dao Tianjun staggered for a while in the tribulation, he could block the thunder tribulation, but the percussion of the endless bell made him almost fall into the sky, this is the mighty power of the emperor!

   Although it is not a real outbreak, it is already terrifying.

  In an instant, the intact Dao Tianjun directly became a blood man. The imperial weapon left by Emperor Wu Shi was so powerful that it was unimaginable. In other words, everyone else was killed instantly.

   "He's not dead?!" Someone was surprised and inexplicably.

   The sect elder who fled to the distance was also dumbfounded. He felt his blood boil and his body was hit, but Dao Tianjun, who was in the sound source, survived.

   "What kind of physical power is this too powerful."

   San Xiu was smacking his tongue, surprised again and again.

The sound of the infinite bell is not loud, and what it does is to protect to defeat Thunder Tribulation, but that kind of power is by no means comparable to that of the cultivators of the Dragon Realm, even if it is half a step. Choose to retreat.

   Some people from the thirteen forces came, they saw this scene, and the killing was even more intent.

   "Almost dead."

   Dao Tianjun was covered in blood, and said softly.

   Listening to these relaxed words, some people are speechless, can you not say so relaxed, you really almost died.

   "It's better to end the Tribulation sooner, otherwise it will really be killed by the Wushizhong." No matter what people around him think, Dao Tianjun has clear eyes and looks at Zishan.

   He doesn't want to really provoke Wu Shi Zhong, if he really provokes anger, it is equivalent to provoke a great emperor.

   It's not bad to kill yourself.

   If you imprison yourself, or even come to a tool to slice yourself, it will be really fun.


   Dao Tianjun's body was roaring, his gods were fully opened, and fifteen gods rushed out of a large black beast.


   There was a snapping sound swaying across the sky.

   Fifteen mysterious ancient beast shadows swallowed the robbery cleanly.

  With only two cups of tea, this thunder tribulation disappeared, leaving many people dizzy with such a picture.

   The beast shadow returned to Dao Tianjun's body.


   If the thunder robbery can make a lot of it, it is Dao Tianjun who is like a blood man, and he recovers as before with just one breath.

   After experiencing the catastrophe, people will sublimate within a certain period of time.

   Dao Tianjun is different from others, his sublimation is different.

  锵! !

   Suddenly, there was a shocking murderous outbreak.

   Killing intent is vertical and horizontal, full of spiritual energy, like the assassination of immortals who are feathered and immortal, beautiful in white clothes, but revealing a frightening cold...


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