Suddenly Invincible

Chapter 103: Kill a clean

   looked at this scene.

   Everyone is shocked.

   "I only said once that the older generation cannot intervene in the affairs of the younger generation. If they are doing it, I will slaughter your orthodoxy."

   Fu Xuan's voice sounded again, it was so plain, even with a kind of playful abuse.

   However, everyone was silent at this moment.

   They knew that for the first time they felt powerless, the kind of powerlessness of ants facing a real dragon.

   At this moment, they are extremely anxious, thinking of countermeasures in their minds.



   In succession, several soul stones closely related to the Son and Daughter were broken.

  The complexion of these protectors changed drastically, and some of them turned red.

   This is when Dao Tianjun killed the three saints one after another, making them angry at Xiaohan.

   Someone wanted to speak, but what they felt was the icy chill, how could Fu Xuan not understand what they were going to do.

   "Good, good." The protectors looked ugly, and they just walked away.

   The saint son and daughter they protected is dead, they need to go back and tell the holy land.

   This matter will not end so easily.

   Someone left, and some did not leave. The saint son and daughter who defended the way were not dead, how could it be possible to leave. At the same moment.

   In the valley, the emerald green has disappeared, and some are the abyss of the red ground, and the cracks in the gullies.

   Dao Tianjun walked like a wild ancient human race, showing the most primitive killing and cutting of man, grabbing the head of an elder of the Dragon Realm, and smashing his head with a snap.

   "Ah!" There was a scream, Dao Tianjun looked up.

   Ye Fan killed the sword holy son.

   The only son and daughter left in the field are less than half of the time when they came.

   As for the other people in the Dragon Transformation Realm, they were all killed and clean. It was too tragic.

   "The formation is not working."

   At this time, Dao Tianjun and Ye Fan all heard the voice of the Black Emperor.

   Hear the words.

   The three of them all walked away.

   The speed was extremely fast, and disappeared into the valley in the blink of an eye.

   Looking at this scene, the Zifu Shengzi and others were not excited, on the contrary, they were uneasy. At that moment, they thought of something.

   "Protect yourself!" The Son of Wanchu roared, and he was about to split.

   at the moment he yelled.

   The momentum of this heaven and earth moves the sky, and the aura of death ripples.

   The Black Emperor directly detonated the Emperor Dao Killing Array, with unmatched power arbitrarily, the void was filled with cracks, and the valley became powder.


   It is as if the sound of stars colliding with each other is turbulent.

  Ripples and waves, the waves cleared the sky, and the whole land disappeared directly!

   "This power is really scary."

   Pang Bo whispered softly, beside him were Dao Tianjun and Ye Fan, as well as Big Black Dog and Duan De.

   "There are still people who haven't died." Duan De took out a strange disc and said after looking at it.

   Just when he was about to speak and let others shovel the weeds and roots.

   Ye Fan and Dao Tianjun have already rushed over.

   "The Son of Purple Mansion."

   Dao Tianjun looked at the person in front of him unexpectedly.

   The Saint Child of the Purple Mansion was covered in blood, he had a blood hole, and his breath was dying. He actually survived, which is surprising. If you know that this guy was beaten to death by him, he should not survive.

   I have to say that this guy is very resistant.

   "You..." The Son of the Purple Mansion was shocked, watching Dao Tianjun's arrival.

   In the dark, he had crushed the jade that summoned the Taoist protector. Seeing Dao Tianjun approaching, he was anxious, why didn't the protector come.


   Zifu Shengzi felt that his neck was caught.

   Dao Tianjun lifted him up, looking surprised, "Why is Zi Qi a little bit like this."

   The moment he came, he was absorbing the purple qi associated with the son of the purple mansion, and found that the remaining purple qi was just a little bit, and soon he thought of how the son of the purple mansion would survive.

   Purple Qi, too many uses.

   It is precisely because of the accompanying purple qi that he can stand till the end.

   "You..." Zifu Shengzi wanted to speak, but Dao Tianjun was holding his neck tightly, unable to speak.

   click and wipe.

   After Dao Tianjun absorbed the associated purple qi, his soul came out and wiped out the soul of the son of the purple mansion, and at the same time squeezed his neck.

   When the Saint Child of the Purple Mansion died, he was angry, and at the same time a thought came to his mind.

   Why did the protector not appear.

   He was puzzled, this time is enough for the protector to go back and forth hundreds of times, why he didn't show up.

   Could it be...

   When he thought of the reason, it was useless.

   Throwing the son of the Purple Mansion away, Dao Tianjun's soul swept away, and he began to look for other sons.

have to say.

   can become the existence of the Saint Child series, the means of life-saving is absolutely first-class, except for one person who died, everyone else survived, but they were all seriously injured.

   Ye Fan three people started to kill everyone.

at this moment.

   announced the number of the seventeen saint children in this ambush, plus the thirteen powerhouses in the Dragon Transformation realm were not killed by them.

   "Really tired." Pangbo said.

   As he said, he looked at Dao Tianjun. There was a wordlessness. Apart from a blood hole in his arm, there were only a few small wounds left on this guy. He only needed to rest for a while.

   At this moment, Pang Bo has a deep understanding of Dao Tianjun's strength.

   is very strong.

   Compared to his brother, Eucharist Ye Fan is only strong but not weak.

   Dao Tianjun's eyes suddenly looked at the four directions, and he locked two areas where there were two different spirits, which were very vague, but he caught them.

"What's wrong."

   Ye Fan asked about Dao Tianjun's abnormality.

   "Someone is spying." Dao Tianjun said the content of his spiritual consciousness.


   At this moment, several figures appeared, with demon spirit and spiritual power.

   are the Qingjiao King, Northern Territory Bandit, Chilong Lao Dao, Crow Dao people.

   When these people appeared, Dao Tianjun sensed that the prying person had retreated. In an instant, he knew who the prying person was, the enemy!

   Hua Yunfei? Or is it the Son of Shaking Light? Or someone else.

   Tao Tianjun said to himself in his heart.

   "Thank you seniors for your help." Ye Fan respectfully salutes when he sees a few people coming.

   These people were invited by him in order to block the protectors.

   "You don't need to thank me, we didn't do anything." Old Chilong shook his head.

   Hearing this, Ye Fan was startled.

did nothing?

   "Those defenders were stopped by someone, and it's not me who will wait for the action."

   Northern Territory Bandit Tutian said.

   "I was stopped by someone?" Ye Fan looked surprised when he heard the

   Immediately, he quickly guessed who it was from the eyes of other people. Chilong Lao Dao and others all looked at Dao Tianjun when Tu Tian said it.

at this time.

   Fu Xuan's figure came from a distance, with an arrogant fairy wind, shaky clothes, white hair dancing empty.

   "I have seen brother Dao."

   Chilong Lao Dao and others all said to Fu Xuan.

   The strong is respected. This is an unchanging principle. Even if some of them are older than Fu Xuan, they will respect Fu Xuan as their brother.

   "I have already said hello over there, come to pick you up." Fu Xuan said.

   Hearing this, Ye Fan and Pang Bo looked at each other, and they could see the excitement in each other's eyes.

   "Thank you senior."

   They also salute and thank you.

   Fu Xuan waved his hand. This incident really meant Xie Dao Tianjun. Although he worked hard, he used the name Dao Tianjun more in the wasteland.

   When he thought, the condition of his negotiation was that Dao Tianjun was the one who the Dragon King liked to talk about the matter.

   He couldn't help but touch the tip of his nose.

   Unexpectedly, he Fu Xuan also had this day and came out to discuss matters as a junior.

   But this matter, he would never tell Dao Tianjun, because Dao Tianjun knew that he was absolutely screaming in front of him, and even talking to the camera, Fu Xuan thought it would be a headache, this stinky boy doesn't know how to respect the old and love the young.

   That's right, Dao Tianjun was like this in Fu Xuan's eyes.

   If Dao Tianjun knew that he would absolutely roll his eyes, he would be a bit worse than Fu Xuan shamelessly.

   while on the side.

   Chilong Lao Dao and others probably know something.

   After all, Ye Fan invited them over, and there should have been reasons. They also tried to persuade them, knowing that Ye Fan and others are about to leave Beidou, otherwise they would not let Ye Fan do this kind of thing...

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