
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then Najiyo guided a force throughout his body.

At a certain moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and it seemed that a golden light shot out of his eyes.

In the next ten seconds, Najiyo's body began to grow. His original height of only 1.82 meters became 18,200 meters.

This is an ability copied from Ibuki Suika.

Dharma Realm!

Although it is not very strong compared to Hecatia's Star Shifting Technique, it can still be used at this time.

This sudden enlargement stunned Atomic Samurai, the A-class heroes just now, and the S-class heroes who had just arrived.

They thought there was some new monster appearing.

You know, the giant brother is only about 300 meters tall, you can imagine what this concept is.

However, no one traded... attack.

Because, Na Zhiyang did not cause any damage to the city, after performing the Dharma of Heaven and Earth, he was still flying in the air.

Now everything in this world has become very small in Na Zhiyang's eyes.

After taking a quick look at the surrounding scenery, Na Zhiyang bent down and gently reached his hand into the ground.

He grabbed a slender"snake" from the center of the vortex, and then with a force, he pulled it out of the ground.

After being pulled out of the ground, the centipede elder began to twist his whole body after seeing the scene in front of him, as if he was frightened by this scene.

But it was useless. Na Zhiyang grabbed the head with one hand and quickly grabbed the tail with the other hand to straighten it.

Then he threw it up, kneaded the centipede elder into a ball with his telekinesis, and then clapped his hands.

Kaji~! Zizizi...

【Kill the Dragon-level monster (weak continent), gain experience: 8.6 billion.

After doing all this, Na Zhiyang also returned to his normal state, and then shook his hand with some disgust.

He found that the blood of the centipede elder on it could not be shaken off, and the water element seeped out of his skin.

He took away the stains on his body and threw the water ball somewhere else. Na Zhiyang looked up at the heroes who had gathered around him.

【Successfully copied, gain ability: Flowing Rock Crushing Fist】

【Successful replication, acquired ability: cell regeneration】

"You are the 30th in A-level that Tornado mentioned....Muscular man?"

It seems that my title is a bit strange.

"What was that move you just used that could actually make it so huge!"


Before Atomic Samurai could finish his words, Silver Fang Bang interrupted him with a cough.

"Don't mind it, little brother. If it involves any secrets, we won't ask."

"It's okay to tell you, this is the Taoist Dharma Realm, well, you don't have to think about it, you can't learn it."

Atomic Samurai seemed to be unconvinced and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything after all.

Because...Bang stopped him with his eyes.

S-class heroes are not ranked by strength.

Bang relied on his upright character. Under this premise, no matter how strong he was, Kamikaze would give Bang face.

""Okay, if you have anything to say, go talk to Tornado. I still want to kill some more monsters. Bye!"

As soon as the voice fell, the man disappeared. The three S-class heroes looked at each other and finally asked someone to clean up the scene.

At the same time, at the headquarters of the Hero Association, the screen in front of Child Emperor showed pictures and videos taken by satellite.

Child Emperor kept typing on the keyboard, and a series of data flashed on the screen, as if he was analyzing something.

"Incredible, really incredible! The body size has increased, but the density of the body has not changed at all!"

On the screen, every part of the skin was constantly enlarged and reduced, and Child Emperor checked it very carefully.

For him, each of these data was very important.

He became more and more devoted to the research until he got stuck on a difficult level for a long time.

"Oh! It would be great if I could get some samples from Mr. Najiyo. What should I do?..."

Child Emperor began to hesitate and made some plans in his mind.

But in the end, he shook his head and abandoned some of the plans he had made.

"Oh! How about trying to ask the person in person? Haha! It's unlikely...."...

"No matter what, this kind of thing is too incredible..."

In the anime world, at the Kotori Yui home, Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at her good friend in front of her, feeling a little bit unbelievable.

After talking with the director of the Countermeasures Bureau yesterday, the Kotori Yui sisters returned to their home, including Kato Megumi.

After all, there is no place safer than here with Murasame Reine protecting them.

However, the two of them still planned to move to Kato Megumi's place later, after all...

Kato Megumi’s house is a villa!

"Juhua, is it really okay to tell me this? Even if we are good friends, this will cause you trouble."

"Don't worry, Xiao Jing, the director has already ordered the entry of the supernatural era for all people, and it is estimated that the information of superpowers will be made public in the next two days."

For Hiratsuka Shizuka's concern, Xiao Niao Yu Juhua was somewhat touched.

But there was only one thing

"By then, the awakening methods of special abilities, martial arts, magic, and our human enemies will be announced."

"so..."Does Yang No know?"

Hearing this, Touka Kotori's poker face rarely showed a smile, and she crossed her arms and crossed her legs.

"I have only told you now, how about it, Xiaojing, are you happy?"

"Happy, happy, I am so happy."


""Phew! I'm so tired.""


The two were chatting when Takanashi Rikka suddenly appeared from the side and fell directly on the sofa.


Seeing her sister lying like a corpse, Touka Kotori was silent for a moment, but finally decided to say something.

"How's your record, Rikka?"

"Five wins and five losses, haha! As expected of me from another world, I am so terrifying!"

It seems that Rikka just came out of the arena and played ten games with her other self.

Lying on the sofa, Rikka turned her head and glanced at her sister.

When she saw Shizuka Hiratsuka next to her, Rikka Takanashi stood up immediately.

"Hiratsuka teacher!"

"Don't be so nervous, Rikka. I won't eat you. Your sister and I are good friends."

Looking at Rikka Takanashi's nervous look, Shizuka Hiratsuka forced a smile and squinted her eyes.

Because of the frown, three vertical black lines appeared on her forehead.

"Ah ha ha...I thought you, Mr. Hiratsuka, had already left."

Takanashi Rikka laughed dryly and calmed down.

"Do you really want to drive me away? Then I won't leave today."


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