"I see, it's amazing that you were able to get that person's blood, Fran, you are worthy of being my sister."

"Hehe! When there is something good, I will think of you first, sister."


Suddenly, Remlia's face changed and became very serious.

"I, the current head of the Scarlet Family and the owner of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, am not someone who relies on others...."

""Okay, okay! Big sister, stop pretending to be so majestic, be good! Be good!"

Before Remlia could finish her words, Flandre flew up again and interrupted her directly.

She stretched out her right hand and touched Remlia's head just like Zhiyang did to her.

This action stunned Remlia for a moment. Flandre ran away before her sister could react.

Just a few seconds after she flew away, an extremely angry roar came from behind, and something caught up with her at a very fast speed.

"Fu! Lan!!! I must teach you a lesson today and let you know who is the older sister!"

"How can a willful elder sister have any dignity~! Come and play with Fran~! Hahahaha!"

The two sisters flew out of the Scarlet Devil Mansion one after the other. The scorching sun outside seemed to have no effect on them.

In the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the witch with purple long hair and pajamas, Patchouli Noreki, raised her right hand to support her forehead.

"Alas! Two willful guys"


"It’s okay, Sakuya, I’m going back to the big library, little devil~!"

"I'm here, Patchouli-sama!"

As soon as Patchouli raised her arm, the little devil with long red hair appeared beside her.

He held Patchouli's arm and walked step by step towards the basement.


Izayoi Sakuya sighed, then turned to look at Hong Meiling beside her


"Yes! Miss Sakuya, I'll go guard the door!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Hong Meiling disappeared in a flash. Sakuya Izayoi shook her head again.

Then, without paying attention to the things on the spot, Sakuya Izayoi left after stopping time and chased after her eldest and second daughters....

"Oh, is this their home? It feels quite strange...."



The moment he opened the door, Na Zhiyang was stunned by the scene inside.

There were four people eating hot pot in the room, and a little girl with short black hair and rabbit ears was tied up next to her.

A piece of cloth was stuffed in her mouth, and her head was fixed so that she couldn't turn to the side. She could only watch the four people eating hot pot.

"You guys are here! Do you want to eat something together?"

When Hieda Aqiu saw the two people coming in, he immediately invited them.

Na Zhiyang and Kirisame Marisa came to the table and took a look at the hot pot.

This seemed to be...Rabbit meat hot pot?

His eyelids twitched, and Na Zhiyang looked at the tied rabbit demon next to him again.

It must be you, Hieda Aqiu, when you are treacherous, no one can compare.

Why are you so sure that it was Hieda Aqiu who did it?

Because among the four people here, Na Zhiyang knows that only Hieda Aqiu loves rabbit meat hot pot, and she happens to be a treacherous person....

"This is a bit too cruel....Did Emperor Inaba do anything? Ms. Hieda"

"Haha! It's nothing! I just saw her setting a trap for a girl selling drugs, so I punished her a little."

""Woo woo~! Mmmmm!!!"

The girl selling medicine...I'm afraid it's Suzusen.

Looking at Hieda Aqiu's sinister look, Najihiro can guess it even without mind reading.

This guy definitely knows that it is Suzusen.

But no matter how weak Inaba-tei is, he is still the leader of the rabbit monsters on the ground. Can't he break free from this bondage? He is probably just playing, tsk tsk!

Gensokyo is indeed full of guys who are almost idle and crazy. God knows what they want to do.

No, God doesn't know!

After considering this clearly, Najihiro and Kirisame Marisa sat down and joined the hot pot feast. After eating for a while, Najihiro decided to mention Inaba-tei and looked up at Hieda Aqiu.

"Ms. Hieda..."

"You can just call me Aqiu, it will make you seem closer."

""Yeah! Me too! Just call me Xiaoling."

Hieda Aqiu smiled like an old fox, and Motoori Xiaoling also agreed.

"Okay, please, put this guy down. I think it's time."

"Well, since you said so, then let it go."


Judging from Hieda Aqiu's look, he was probably ready to put this guy down.

But saying this at this time, it's as if he put her down for his sake.

Great, as expected of a representative of the human side, she is really thoughtful.

Just like Yakumo Yukari, this kind of conspiracy that will not offend others is simply out of her mouth.

After a few rubs, the rope that tied Inaba Emperor was loosened, and as soon as the rabbit demon landed, he immediately ran to the door.

He opened the door and rushed out directly, and disappeared in the next second.

It was as if he was really tied up and unable to move just now.

"..."×6There was a brief silence.

Obviously, the six people knew about the situation of Emperor Inaba, so they were somewhat speechless.

But soon, they put the matter behind them. Motoori Korin picked up the basin next to her and put all the lettuce in it into the hot pot.

""Okay, okay, the interesting guys have all run away, let's eat well!"

After saying that, Motoori Korin used chopsticks to press all the dishes into the water, raised her head and looked at Na Zhiyang.

"Hey, it tastes good, right? I made the dipping sauce myself!"

"Indeed, it tastes good"

"Hehe! As long as you like it!"

【Successfully copied, gain the ability: Photographic memory】

【The copy was successful, and the ability was obtained: text recognition. 】

Motoori Korin started to giggle, and it looked like she was really giggling.

Perhaps because she was pretending too well, Na Zhiyang didn't notice any flaws for a while.

He opened the mind reader and took a look. The result was...

‘This guy is so handsome! So handsome, so handsome...’

‘Why don't you talk to me? I'm so jealous....’

‘Hey, hey, he praised me! Who am I? I am Motoori Korin!’

‘I don't know if I can be alone with him and talk to him alone or something....Ahhhh!!!

Na Zhiyang was sure of one thing, Motoori Korin was not pretending, this was just the normal thought of an ordinary 20-year-old girl.

In one thought, she showed her infatuation, jealousy, self-intoxication, and self-conquest to the fullest.

"So, Xiaoling, do you have anything you like to do? Or is there anything you like?"

‘Wow! Why is he asking me this? Does he like me? '



(The three gifts for love generators are a little more than yesterday, but there are only 70 people. I gave more the last time. If there are not enough people tomorrow, I will not give more.)

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