"Oh~! I'm going to another world, do you want to come with me?"

Looking at the three people in front of him...Three monsters, Kirisame Marisa agreed without thinking

"Okay! Then come on!"

"Yeah~! Let’s go to another world to play!" ×3

The four of them walked through the aperture-shaped door together, and the door closed as soon as they passed through.

Kirisame Marisa was just taking them to play, and as for what consequences would result...

I didn't think about it at all!

As soon as they flew out of the aperture, the four of them stopped. It seemed that they were in a room.

There was a man sitting on each of the two chairs in front of them.

【(Teyvat) Ying: Aren't you going to come over? Why haven't you come yet? @雾雨玛里沙】

【(Fantasy Village) Kirisame Marisa: Oh! I didn't go to your place, I came to the group leader's place】

【(Teyvat) Fluorescent:...】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: It's not just me! I also brought three monsters】

【(Gensokyo) Kasumigaoka Utaha: Isn't this a kind of minotaur?】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: That...What is a Minotaur?】

【(One punch) Tornado: Ahem! There are some things that children shouldn't know.】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: I'm not a child! Tornado-chan!】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang:...】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: I didn't check the group just now, are you guys doing this? 】

Looking at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, Na Zhiyang didn't know what to say for a moment.

Na Zhiyang and Zhongli were looking at them, and the three little girls were also curiously looking around, and finally locked their eyes on the two people.

"Huh? How strange, you don't have eyes on your body?"

The first person to speak was a little girl with golden hair, a high ponytail on the left side, and a lace hat.

The little girl was about 140 cm tall and wore a red and white dress.

There was a pair of...Like wings with crystal pendants on a skeleton

【Successfully copied, gain the ability: Structure Point Destruction. 】

Structural Point Destruction...It should be her ability to destroy objects.

【The copy is successful, and the ability is obtained:...】

"Hmm? I don't have eyes? Do you see Marisa has eyes?"

No eyes, is it because of the chat group?

The blonde girl turned her head and looked at Marisa.

At the same time, the little girl with green short hair, yellow clothes and green skirt, wearing a hard hat, ran to Zhongli.

Zhongli seemed to be completely unaware of this.

Even though the little girl's eyes were like...The eyes tied to my body like tentacles came closer.


The blonde girl answered, and Zhiyang understood at this moment that the reason she couldn't see her target was not because of the chat group, but because of the system.

【The copy was successful, and the ability was obtained: no malicious attack】

【Successfully copied, gain ability: Demonic Power (superimposed)】

【The copy is successful, and the ability is obtained:...】

""Huh? There isn't one? Is it because you are the group leader?"

Kirisame Marisa was a little surprised by this. She still understood Fran's situation.

"Hello, I am the group leader of the Dimension Chat Group, Na Zhiyang."

Na Zhiyang introduced himself with a smile on his face.

After listening to the self-introduction, the blonde girl straightened her body and stepped her right foot a little behind her left foot. She grabbed both sides of her skirt with both hands, lifted it up slightly, bowed slightly, and performed a standard aristocratic etiquette.

"Hello, I am the second daughter of the Scarlet family, the sister of the owner of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Flandre Scarlet.

At the same time, the black-haired girl holding a steel fork and also having three pairs of strange wings beside Flandre also introduced herself.

But compared to Flandre, she seemed more reserved.

"you...Hello...Ahem! Hello, I am Fengshou Nue (yè), you can just call me Nue."

After she finished introducing herself, Na Zhiyang cast his eyes towards Zhongli.

After noticing this, Zhongli seemed to suddenly realize something, his eyes suddenly widened, and his pupils shrank.

It was only now that he noticed a little girl with short green hair beside him.

""Hey? Can you see me too? That's great!!!"

He opened his arms, ran two steps towards Zhiyang, stopped, and turned around twice.

Then he suddenly hugged him, raised his head and looked up at Zhiyang's face.

"Hello~! I am Gu Mingdi Lian, hehe, big brother smells so good"


Are you kidding me? You are a monster who has lived for hundreds of years at least, and you call me big brother?...

The devilish trio is now together. What did Kirisame Marisa want to do by bringing these three here?

【Successfully copied, ability gained: unknown】

【The copy was successful, and the ability was obtained: existence control. 】

Looking at the appearance of Gu Mingdi Lian, Na Zhiyang hesitated for a moment, reached out and took her hat. He put his other hand on her head and touched it, then put the hat back.

"Na Zhiyang, these are...Are they demons from another world?"

Feeling that the three people were only slightly weaker than him, but stronger than ordinary demons, Zhongli asked directly.

If it were someone else, Zhongli would definitely not ask like this, but Zhiyang said that he liked to be straightforward.

"Forehead...How should I put it? These three people are all monsters, and their personalities are...They are all children."

Nodding, Zhongli said he understood

"And me, and me too!"

"Haha! Marisa, are you waiting for someone to introduce you?"

""No way~! Flandre!"

Kirisame Marisa complained loudly, expressing her dissatisfaction.

Then she imitated Flandre's previous behavior and performed a noble ceremony.

"Hello! I am Kirisame Marisa, human, and a magician."

""Puff! Hahaha!"

The action was so stiff, even a little stiff.

Flandre couldn't help laughing. No, she couldn't help laughing at all.

"You guys are here to play, right? Let's go outside."

""Okay, okay! Big brother, do you want to play with us? Don't break it right away!"

Flandre was very excited about playing, and Zhongli also stood up at this time.

"In this case, I will not disturb your leisure time. See you next time."

"Oh~! Walk slowly!"

Seeing Zhongli open the door and walk out like an ordinary person, and not forgetting to close the door, Zhiyang also stretched out his hand to the side.

With a light stroke, a gap appeared.

"Isn't this the way that old woman moves?"

Fengshou Nue was the first to speak, and Zhiyang didn't care so much and walked in first, leaving a word before entering.

"Don't just stand there, hurry up and follow me!"

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