[(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Hahaha! Kotori-chan is so easily fooled!】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: Why do you have to call me like that too?】

【(One punch) Tornado: It’s a good name, that’s it, Xiaoniao-chan】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori:...】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: Yeah, if you want to call me that, just do it, Tornado-chan~! 】


In One Punch World, the trembling Tornado was sitting on the sofa at home, and suddenly the telekinesis burst out.

Then the surrounding floor cracked, cracks appeared in the wall, and the sofa he was sitting on also broke a leg

"Hehe, hehe, you are so brave to say that, Minami Kotori."

After waiting for a while, and finally adjusting his mood, Tornado opened the chat group again.

【The group owner uploaded 'Human Limiter Release' to the ability sharing】

【(One punch) Tornado: What is this thing? Is it from my world?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: That’s right, from Saitama. Are you familiar with this name?】

【(One punch) Tornado: Huh? That bald guy has this ability?】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: The human body restraint is removed, and she also said...】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: This ability can only be used by humanoid creatures?】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Oh my god, this introduction is incredible!】

【(Gensokyo) Kasumigaoka Utaha: From the moment the limiter was lifted】

【(Fantasy Village) Kasumigaoka Utaha: Everything you do will increase your physical strength】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Is this something used for physical training?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: Okay, okay, it’s good enough as long as we know it’s a good thing, let’s sync it quickly】

【(Fantasy Village) Kirisame Marisa: It's strange, aren't group leaders in novels always secretive?】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Why did you give it to us without taking any benefits?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang:...】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: Tsk tsk! I gave you so much trouble for nothing.】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: Then I can say that I am greedy for your bodies, is that okay?】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: Group leader...That's too straightforward.】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: I think it is unlikely】

【(Teyvat) Ying: Just take it. Why don’t you want something that’s given to you for free?】

【(One punch) Tornado: Free things are the most expensive.】

【(Comprehensive Anime) Rikka Takanashi: Well, my sister told me that the thing I fear most is owing favors to others.】

【(Teyvat) Ying: Why worry about this? Just don't repay the favor.】

【(Teyvat) Ying: What? If you owe someone a favor, you have to pay it back? Who stipulated that?】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Wow! Ying, you and Reimu are comparable in some ways.】

【(Chuunibiao) Rikka Takanashi: We have already synchronized, but it seems like it is of no use?】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: Indeed, the effect is not great, what’s going on?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: Because you are still very weak!】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: Hurry up and increase your own strength】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: You can actually do this with normal fitness methods.】

【(Chu 2) Takanashi Rikka: Are you kidding us? Ordinary fitness method?】

【(Teyvat) Ying: It does have an effect, but it's too small.】

【(Teyvat) Ying: But if this effect continues, it will be very scary.】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: Eh? Can’t I lend this to someone else?】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: I just tried it and wanted to lend it to Enoka and the others】

【(lovelive) Nan Xiaoniao: Chat group prompts that only group members can use this】

【(One punch) Tornado: Tsk! You really give away all the good stuff.】

【(One punch) Tornado: Kids are like this. When will they mature a little?】

【(Fantasy Village) Kasumigaoka Utaha:...】

【(Fantasy Village) Kirisame Marisa:...】

Everyone in the group has thought about lending their abilities to friends.

But now that I suddenly saw this sentence, no one wants to admit it.

""Tsk! What a bunch of kids."

As she said this, Tornado flew back to her villa.

Just now, after she understood the benefits of this thing, she immediately flew outside. After learning that only group members could use it, she flew back silently and mocked the group members.

The place she just flew to was the direction of the Fubuki Group....

Of course, the other group members didn't know this.

But all of this was seen by Najiyo as he said goodbye to Saitama.

"Tsk tsk! I knew it, she was just pretending back then, now this is in line with her character~!"

Smacking his lips, Na Zhiyang flew towards the place where the weirdo was.

【Kill the Tiger-level monster and gain experience: 440,000】

【Kill the Tiger-level monster and gain experience: 160,000】...

【Kill the tiger-level monster and gain experience: 420,000. Congratulations, you have leveled up!】

‘View Panel’

【Host: Na Zhiyang】

【Race: Human】

【Strength: Destroy 666/500 billion (Extreme Burst: Mainland)】

【Ability: Ability Copy (Black)】

【Constitution: Succubus Constitution (Gold)]

After confirming his current panel, Na Zhiyang prepared to go back.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something.

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: @Tornado, are you ready to go back? I've upgraded】

【(One punch) Tornado: So fast? I get it, let's go back!】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: @Ying, what's the matter? Should I go back to your place?】

【(Teyvat) Ying: Go away, go play by yourself, don't come】

【(Teyvat) Ying: We two girls are playing, what are you doing here?】

【(Teyvat) Ying: Or do you want to taste the Jueyun pepper concentrate?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: Well! Forget it, I'll go back first.】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: No way, are you afraid of eating chili peppers?】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: I’m not afraid, but there’s no need to be afraid】

【(Group leader) Na Zhiyang: Besides, I don’t really like spicy food.】

【(Fantasy Village) Kirisame Marisa: With a little bit of flavor, the taste is still very different, right? 】

Na Zhiyang did not continue chatting, but chose to return directly.

As soon as he came back, he saw a sneaky figure from behind.

"Oh my god! How can a thief target us?"

"I...I’m not a thief!"

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