"What kind of video is this? Is it so funny? Let me see it too!"

"I want to see it too, let me see it too!"

"What can make you laugh so hard?"


The situation here quickly attracted the other eight people, and they all gathered around in a flash.

"Oh, that..."

Nan Xiaoniao was a little overwhelmed for a moment.

The video was indeed funny, and she wanted to share it with her friends, but...

After taking a deep breath, Minami Kotori turned her gaze towards Shize Nicole.

"Nicole, this video is about you, are you sure you want to post it?"

"Eh? It's about me? Then you should watch it, please watch it quickly."

"Okay, that's what you said."

""Hmm, hurry up and play it. I want to see what it is."

At this time, Yazawa Nicole had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

Minami Kotori projected the content in the chat group and clicked on the video of Kirisame Marie's sofa.

The video was only a dozen seconds long. When you clicked on it, it was Yazawa Nicole putting her hands on her head and making a cute gesture of scissors.

"Nico Nico Nico~!"

"Nico Nico Nico Nico~!"

The camera changed once, and then changed again, but the same sentence was said.

"Hate it! Who cut this? Hahaha..."

"This is not enough to make me laugh, right? Is there anything else?..."

Just when everyone was confused, the video suddenly changed from Yazawa Nicole to a van. The sound made by the van when it braked was exactly the same as the sound made by Yazawa Nicole when she was acting cute.

"Puff! Hahahaha!!!"×N


"What was that just now? Play it again! I don't think I saw it clearly!"

"Wait, don't...Don’t let go!"

"Hey, Nicole, just stay here and let us watch it again. You agreed to play it just now."

The video was played again, and everyone burst into laughter. Yazawa Nicole was already lying on the ground in frustration.

"Haha, kill you guys...If I kill you, no one will know, ahhhhhh!!!"

""Wait, Senior Nicole!"

The commotion lasted for a while before it stopped. The courtyard of Nishikino Maki's house was messed up by several people.

"What?! It's so weird...."

In the villa, today, Nishikino Maki's parents were at home for the first time and did not go to the hospital.

Nishikino Maki did not know that these two people were at home.

Looking at the nine girls making a fuss in the courtyard, Nishikino Maki's father should have scolded them, but he thought about it....

‘Let's forget about it today....’

Thanks to these people, my children can step into this field that ordinary people cannot touch.

This ordinary person is not the difference between the poor and the rich, but the difference between the extraordinary and the ordinary.

"Oh! I always thought it was just a rumor, but I didn't expect there are really extraordinary people in this world....Honey, what do you think?"

"What can I do? Just let it be!"...

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: Your video is so funny!】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: We all watched it and laughed.】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Have you seen them all? Quickly take a picture of Yazawa Nico!】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: I want to see how she reacts?】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: (video.mp4)】

【(Gensokyo) Kasumigaoka Utaha: It actually came out, Minami Kotori】

【(Fantasy Township) Kasumigaoka Utaha: Did Yazawa Nico agree?】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: Hey, that...It seems that I didn't ask】

【(Chuuni) Rikka Takanashi: Is that okay? Send without consent. 】

At the same time as sending this message, Rikka Takanashi in the Chuuni world received a private red envelope.

The content of the red envelope was a table of food from Xinyuexuan.

"Hey, Saint Cook, this is the food from Xinyuexuan."

Touka Kotori's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light, and she looked at the person next to her.

"Rokka...Is it okay? Let them know."

In the living room of Kotori Yu's house, there were five people sitting around the table.

The Kotori sisters, Touma Sanae, who was in the same club as Rikka, May 7th Fennel, and Nibutani Morika.

Hearing what Kotori Yu Juka said, the three of them looked over at the same time.

"It's okay, they are all my friends."

"...I see"


"You guys eat first, someone in the group called me."

After saying this, Takanashi Rikka's eyes focused on a certain spot in the sky.

The others looked at each other and chatted for a few words. When they found that Rikka still hadn't recovered, they simply started eating first.

"Six flowers, chat group...Can't you watch while eating?"

"Eh? Oh! That’s right! I never thought of that!"

【(Chu 2) Takanashi Rikka: I am so stupid, really, so stupid】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: What's wrong? What happened?】

【(Chu 2) Takanashi Rikka: I actually never noticed that I could do other things while chatting】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori:...】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori: Ahahaha, that...It’s good to find out! 】

Minami Kotori would never say it out loud, she actually didn’t know

【(One punch) Tornado: If you want to post something like this, it’s better to get the person’s consent.】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Oh no! It’s okay! No one in the group is an outsider】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Besides, these videos are all from the Internet】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Many people have seen it a long time ago, right?】

【(One Punch) Tornado:...】

【(lovelive) Minami Kotori:...】

【(One punch) Tornado: That's fine, whatever happens.】

【(Gensokyo) Kasumigaoka Utaha: Wow! We are such good friends! 】


"You're back, Yuanzi. How do you feel?"

"Um...Um, haha~!"

Machida Yuanzi did not reply immediately, but stretched first.

"It feels good, the work is not tiring, it is quite interesting, and I can even chat with the daughter of the boss of Suzunaian."

While speaking, he walked to the bed and jumped on it.

"Shiyu, are we really going to live here in the future? I still feel like it's a dream."

"I won't open my eyes one day and find that it was all a dream, and everything will go back to where it was before, and I will be a hard-working editor again."

Looking at Machida Sonoko's expression, Kasumigaoka Utaha shook her head helplessly.

Then she opened the chat group and received a red envelope sent by Na Zhiyang.

"Don't worry, it won't happen. Come eat first. I'll go out and take a look tomorrow too."

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