"Explode, reality! Shatter, spirit! Banish this world!"

Seeing that there was no one around, Rikka Takanashi said this and flew up. The tornado was gathering, but it was not very strong.

After a few seconds, Rikka Takanashi pushed the tornado forward, and she also landed on the ground, stretching out her palm in front of her.

"Dark ice that resides in the endless abyss, obey my call and appear here!!!" As the words fell, ice cones were launched from his hands, flying about ten meters away and entering the tornado.

The tornado continued to move forward with the ice cones, and finally stopped in front of a tree.

After cutting off most of the tree, the tornado gradually dissipated, and the ice cones inside also fell to the ground.

"Ha~..."Huh~! Yeah! The effect is not bad, I am very satisfied."

(Ha is to inhale, if you don't believe me, open your mouth wide and take a breath, listen to the sound.)

Looking at the scene she just created, Takanashi Rikka nodded with satisfaction and left in one direction.

Not long after she left, a girl with golden twin ponytails appeared here.

She squatted down, picked up a piece of ice that fell on the ground, and felt the cool temperature. The blonde girl showed an expression of disbelief.

"The minister is really...Could it be that the Master is really fighting a monster that ordinary people cannot see?"

Looking blankly at the direction where Rikka Takanashi had just left, Sanae Touma didn't know what expression she should make.

Finally, she shook her head, threw the ice cone on the grass, turned around and left, with a very complicated expression on her face.

"Could it be that even Senior Sister Fennel is also..."...

In the middle of the night, Kasumigaoka Utaha sneaked out of the house and tried out the ability she had just acquired on the empty streets.

She didn't see any bad guys, or ghost-fire boys, but...

At the intersection, I saw a woman with long hair in white clothes floating in the air, and this person was much bigger than the average person.

The moment I saw this thing, Kasumigaoka Utaha felt her hair stand on end.

The other party seemed to have noticed Kasumigaoka Utaha, and walked over here. It seemed that she was stepping on iron poles like stilts, making a stomping sound on the ground.

Not only that, but there was also an unclear hoarse sound coming from her mouth, like a zombie in a movie.

Seeing this scene, Kasumigaoka Utaha, who was in contact with the extraordinary for the first time, was stunned for a moment, and just watched the other party walk over.

When it was about to get in front of it, the ghost-like thing on stilts suddenly accelerated.

Kasumigaoka Utaha was so nervous that she didn't notice that the other party was walking on stilts. In her eyes, the other party seemed to be flying over.

At this time, its speed suddenly increased, and Kasumigaoka Utaha instantly became nervous. In a hurry, she used the Wind Vortex Sword and attached the fire element


With a loud bang, the person on stilts was thrown out, and the white clothes began to burn. He kept rolling on the ground.

Kasumigaoka Utaha didn't know this. After releasing the attack just now, she turned around and ran away. In a few seconds, she disappeared. There was no sound of doubt from the figure in white.

At this time, several people suddenly rushed out from the side. These people were holding cloth or cameras, and other things in their hands.

"Quick! Put out the fire, put out the fire! Hi!"

A group of people stepped on the person wearing white clothes on the ground.

""Get out of here! You idiots!"

The person who was talking shouted at the others and covered the man with a wet cloth.

This worked very well and the fire was quickly extinguished.

"What happened just now?"

"have no idea""Greek milk!"

Looking at this situation, it seems that this is a TV program crew, or a TV program crew shooting a prank show.

"Call an ambulance first! Then report the incident and say...We encountered a superpower!"

On the other side, Kasumigaoka Utaha ran directly to the door of her house, breathing heavily.

After recovering a little, she looked back, as if to confirm whether the thing just now had caught up with her.

"Didn't you catch up? Huh~!"

He quietly opened the door, walked in, and finally lay on the bed in his bedroom, opening the Dimension Chat Group

【(Pedestrian) Kasumigaoka Utaha: Oh my god, I actually saw a ghost! Did you know?】

【(Gensokyo) Kirisame Marisa: Huh? Are ghosts rare? That's normal, right?】

【(Chu 2) Takanashi Rikka: What's going on? What does it mean to see a ghost?】...

When she woke up in the morning, Ying subconsciously turned to the side and hugged the person next to her.

Looking at the other person's sleeping face, Ying felt an indescribable complex feeling in her heart. She could have attributed it to the other person before, but now......It's hard to say. It's hard to say at all.

She stood up, got down, put on her clothes, turned around, curled her lips, grabbed Zhiyang's left foot, and started scratching it.

"Ah! Hahahaha! Wait a minute, haha...What are you doing?"

"Get up quickly, the pigs should wake up."

After saying this, Ying let go of her hand, and Zhiyang's left foot naturally fell down and bounced on the mattress.

Seeing Ying open the door and walk out, Zhiyang sat up directly without any hesitation.

"Your abilities are unlimited before you become multidimensional, right? I'll take you to find Barbatos today. Come here first and help me cook."

"Oh, here I am."

Following Ying into the living room, the first thing I saw was Paimeng sleeping soundly on the sofa.

"Hey hey...Sweet Flower...Stuffed Chicken...Fried Pork with Honey Sauce and Carrots..."Hehehe!"

Seeing this scene, Ying narrowed her eyes, as if she suddenly thought of something, and the corners of her mouth suddenly raised a little.

She squatted next to Paimeng and whispered in her ear :

"Grilled Paimeng, Steamed Paimeng, Fried Paimeng, Boiled Paimeng..."

"Woohoo..."Wow! Help! Don't eat me! Paimeng is not tasty, not tasty, Ying, where are you? Save me!!!"

As if he had dreamed of something extremely terrifying, Paimeng struggled and screamed, and suddenly opened his eyes at a certain moment, and saw Ying in front of him.


"..."×2Looking at Paimon's stupid look, Ying and Na Zhiyang fell silent.

Ying's heart actually flashed a little bit of guilt.

Of course, this feeling was quickly suppressed.

"Cough! Okay, okay, you're having a nightmare, Paimon. I'm ready to make breakfast. What do you want to eat?"

"Eh? Yes...Dream?

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