Think about this kind of thing and you will know the reason, but Li Ke really didn’t realize it was a good idea to mix with himself, so he just let them go. He did not comfort those who wanted to become his followers, but found the women who were cooking, asked them for some dried meat, a handful of raw wheat, and a good-looking potato.

This is the tool he intends to use to persuade Ashe for a while. His travel expenses and the up-front expenses for learning spell are all up to Ashe. As for cultivating hardy crops, you need to take your time. After all, even if you cheat, you can’t get it done overnight.

Even he feels that even if he saves enough money, the progress of hardy crops is estimated to be less than half.

“You said you made me diverted halfway, and even the basic skills like Dissection are those who come back through murder review. What kind of farming do you do?”

Use the fire in the camp. Li Ke, who boiled water for himself and chewed the dried meat, looked at the black ground exposed after the snow was swept out, and couldn’t help but wonder if he wanted to plant something now.

But when he thinks that this place is a temporary camp, Li Ke will make that’s all. After all, it’s not that simple if he wants to do it. Instead, he will find a way to create a large vegetable garden and think Way to get him a set of insulation device.

After all, no matter how hard a plant is, there should be a limit to it. At the very least, it should not be able to freeze the ice, otherwise the plant is basically impossible to survive. Therefore, whether it is a greenhouse or the heating facilities in the greenhouse, it is necessary for Freljord, which is only three months in summer, or even two months.

But the problem, whether it is a greenhouse, or farming, or a stable heating facility. All need a very stable environment. After all, plastic sheeting must be used for greenhouses, and everyone knows how easy plastic sheeting is to break. If it is often destroyed by people, the money lost will be counted at all. It needs to be re-examined, and the production of food is bound to suffer huge damage.

This is an endless loop without a solution. Without a stable environment, there is no stable farming environment. Without a stable farming environment, there is no way to guarantee the birth of a stable environment! If there is not a person with great perseverance and great courage to do everything in production and continue to introduce advanced skills, then this endless loop will be completely impossible to break.

“In other words, if you want to farm, you must first kill all the scum around you? And the internal spies and the inconsistent voices have to kill one?”

Li Ke came to this conclusion.

“I always feel that there is nothing wrong with this logic, but I also feel that something is inexplicably wrong…”

Li Ke pours his horn cup into it. Hot water, then wait for him to cool down slowly.

“In the past, a stable society didn’t need to think about this thing. When I think about it now, I find that whether it’s in political books or history books, it’s all slowly and bloody tears.”


Li Ke has some headaches. He is very contradictory now. He rationally tells him that he should quickly sell food to make money, then learn spell, enjoy life slowly, and then learn spell slowly to find a way to go home and live forever. But his inner impulse made him want to stay, organize an organization, and then integrate this sad, but still messy place, so that they don’t have to starve anymore. After all, the experience along the way has made him understand enough about the bitter cold here.

“Are you hesitating?”

It’s just that when he was a little worried about this matter, Cherna finally came back from work and brought some wine.

“No, just thinking about something.”

Li Ke doesn’t want to admit that he has the difficulty of choosing this kind of choice because of his homesickness again. After all, it shows that it is always impossible. Like novels, a way to achieve the best of both worlds. Either one of these two things may succeed, but there is also a great possibility of failure.

“…Ashe’s tribe is very generous and gave us ten barrels of wine, but I can also see that they don’t have enough food. Because they don’t give us too much grain. , But fresh meat. But if they have enough food, they don’t need to do this. Instead, they will give us some flour and wheat with some meat.”

Cherna did not ask any more questions. , But sat next to Li Ke and reported to Li Ke what she had observed.

“Does this mean they are slaughtering the herd to give us food? It seems that the deal I prepared is also very important to her, so after a while for dinner, you let them Prepare a piece of farmland for me, and I will show a kind of land for our Ashe Young Lady.”

Li Ke nodded, drank the water, and pointed to the snowfield outside their camp.

“I think this will cause her to get you at all costs, which is to invite you to become her blood ally.”

But Cherna is not as optimistic as he thought. , She no longer felt that Ash would be a legendary character. She who no longer trusted the old gods and past legends, now she no longer believed in Ash like she did before. So she directly used the worst idea to figure out what Ashe would do.

“So if you do this, a war may break out between us and their tribe. And it is to capture you.”

Li Ke is just laughed.

“Really? But it’s okay. If she’s only this level, then I don’t have to worry about anything.”

He looked around at the camps that had just been set up. Good ordinary persons, there were some hesitations, but after thinking about it a little bit, they still made a decision.

“Eat early for dinner, and don’t go to bed, put away half of the tent, and wait for my signal.”

Cherna noticed something, she held her glass tightly, Asked tentatively.

“You want to test her? Then these people…”

“It’s almost a test, so you can do it more obviously. As for her failure…I said Whatever comes out will always count. If Ashe is not the best choice, then I can’t think of who can make them live and work in peace, so I will take them out of here and go to Demacia to survive. But the premise is that we have enough Money.”

Demacia is not so easy to join. After all, these people are Freljord people who often come to rob them, but there is nothing absolute in this world. Money is always a good piece. If it really doesn’t work, Li Ke can also find a way to form a caravan in Demacia, so that they can support themselves while also making money for him.

After all, I am also impossible forever carrying a group of burdens that do not seek to make progress but only long for the salvation of others.

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