“It鈥檚 not difficult to enter the underworld, but before that, we have to find Foyego, the King of the Blade of the Ruined King, before we can proceed easily. The next action.”

Lissandra continued to maintain the ice mirror, and showed Li Ke the powerful battle strength of the underworld in all directions, as well as all kinds of war machines shaped for battle, and those The soul giant beasts who obey Mordekaiser’s orders. This powerful force undoubtedly made Li Ke frown, which meant that if he hadn’t met Atox, he would have no resistance to such an existence.

The strong fortress, and the army called the Infinity Edge, once Mordekaiser really returns to this World, with Myriadth intervening and few Ascenders, this World is really true Will be pushed flat by this guy. Some of the souls standing by Mordekaiser’s side have powers that are not inferior to Leona and Dai Anna. And at first glance, it is known that it is the guy from Ap Carry. In Mordekaiser’s army, he is almost as infinite as the ant Infinity Edge.

This is not the slow-walking Mordekaiser that pulls you into Little Hei鈥檚 house and beats you alone in the game, but can summon countless necromantic forces, tens of thousands of people. Surround your existence together. Moreover, these Sion soldiers have at least the characteristics of not being tired and not needing rest. With the power of the mortals of this World, it is pure nonsense to want to resist.

“Why are you looking for him? You give me directions, and then I opened the Teleport door near the void of the lair and I was done.”

I glanced at the gloomy rain clouds in the sky, already Li Ke, who made the planet’s climate abnormal on a large scale, may even enter the rainy season that lasts for hundreds of years, asked.

“Because without the assistance of the dead spirit strength in this world, your pressure will be greatly reduced. After all, the Teleport door that opens the world and the underworld is undoubtedly fighting at the same time. These two worlds, although your power is indeed boundless, it is a good thing for you to reduce some consumption, isn鈥檛 it?”

Lissandra is pretty sure that Li Ke can hold the two worlds. Because even a summon master who is a little proficient in summon spells can open the door of the two worlds for a short time by his own power, but it cannot maintain that’s all for a long time. The pressure to just open a huge Teleport door is naturally different. Lissandra, who doesn’t know the limit of Li Ke’s endurance, will naturally choose a more relaxed method.

“So, where are we going to find that Foyego? Shadow Isles? Looks like I’m going to run around again.”

Li Ke looked at the face with regret. Ashe holding his arms, his warm body makes him want to stay and be warm with his wife, but since things should be done now, then he

“Of course not, carry The Queen of the Blade of the Ruined King Foyego, the girl of the soul of Isurd will soon arrive in your capital city, and in order to make our plan more smooth, there are still many things to deal with and Some materials need to be prepared for the layout, so you can relax for a while and take a good rest. After all, the biggest threat has been removed by you. You can wait for your creation to clean up the void creatures in Demacia and Noxus and create Your weapon.”

Lissandra bowed slightly, the clothes on her chest suddenly loosened a little and almost fell off. But Ai Xi and Sejuani, who didn鈥檛 want this woman to join Li Ke鈥檚 side, covered Li Ke鈥檚 eyes with one hand, and refused to let Li Ke, who only likes beautiful women, see something that shouldn鈥檛 be seen. .

It’s just that they only got Lissandra’s ridicule, because she didn’t show anything, just showed the gully.

“Well, Lissandra, this plan is given to you first, I hope you don鈥檛 let me down. Yuriel, you go to the border of Noxus and Demacia first, and then continue to expand the trees, I will deal with it I will go back to find you after finishing the matter here.”

Li Ke is a bit speechless, but he still acquiesced in this matter, after he nodded to Lissandra. extend the hand used his own strength to condense a piece of pale blue Inhibitor, and threw it to his creation, Yuriel. This strictly speaking is a self-discipline weapon he made. Let him deal with Demacia first.

Without waiting for the two of them to answer, Li Ke, who was a little anxious, picked up Ai Xi beside him, stood up amidst the exclamations of Ari and Lilia, and brought that one with him. dragon horn moved towards Aoun’s direction and flew over.

Sejuani was a little bit disappointed as she watched the two people soaring into the sky, but immediately after her, she turned her head and looked towards Lissandra with an indifferent face, showing a provocative smile.

“Ha, blue’s bitch witch, I see how you wink your eyes this time, you scumbag Ahri!”

She took a sip on the ground in disdain, instinct Tell her that if Li Ke really becomes the emperor in the end, then the woman who threatens Ash and her the most in this land can only be this shrewd woman like Ahri. Her grasp of crafty plots and machinations, as well as the lower limit, is not something that she and Ashe can mention on equal terms, so she is very alert and unhappy with Lissandra.

What she didn鈥檛 expect was that she was not waiting for Lissandra鈥檚 frigid irony and scorching satire, but shiver coldly on one side, and she was hugging the reserve called Lilia. The one called Ari’s fur coat.

“Who are you scolding?”

This walking bib and fur coat almost jumped and blamed herself, and Sejuani, who found herself hurt her by mistake, also treated her own The act of scolding was a bit speechless, and when she saw Lissandra’s disdainful smile at her, her unhappiness became even stronger.

“It’s okay, don’t scold yourself!”

Facing the smelly Ahri cursed brought by Li Ke, Sejuani left here with her own people, she wants to expand quickly My own influence will prevent myself from becoming a small transparent in Li Ke’s royal court.

And after Lissandra shook her head and laughed at Sejuani, she took her frost priest to prepare the materials needed for the ceremony. Only the Ashe tribe and the people brought by Li Ke were watching the flustered and exasperated Ari and Lilia, who had left Ari鈥檚 tail and shiver coldly, were speechless, but soon returned to Cherna鈥檚. Under the leadership, they did their own things, leaving only Ari and Lilia who had nothing to do.

It’s just that they all feel that something is wrong.

As for where did Ashe and Li Ke go?

Anyway, it鈥檚 not from Aoun. The flying Li Ke just randomly found a gorge with no one and fell to the ground, and then pressed his long-lost wife to the snow in her exclamation. in.

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