“Have you heard the legend of the King of Blade of the Ruined King, and the brutal emperor named Mordekaiser in the ancient legend of Noxus?”

Lissandra wiggled her finger gently, and another ice mirror was erected, but there was only a black smoke in the mirror.

“Know Mordekaiser, Blade of the Ruined King, I also know, but how can we draw those guys out? And once the void creatures are guided to the underworld, they are likely to be It will erode the underworld and further collapse this World, Lissandra.”

Li Ke knew that Lisandra was planning to let Mordekaiser fight against things, but he didn’t expect how to avoid the underworld. Also threatened. And the most important thing is how does he open the door to the underworld? For this World, the world with the most stable relationship is the barrier between the underworld and the human world. Anyone can enter the underworld only when they die.


Li Ke raised his hand and suddenly realized that even when he was weak, he did often’near death’, entering one after another. Dark world, and see the ghosts of those who died in their own hands. I also came back from the underworld again and again because of my desire to survive. It’s just that he was too weak at that time, and when he came back from the underworld, he could only feel like he was almost dead, and he couldn’t remember that he had been to the world of the dead at all.

That is now, when his race has changed from a human to an unknown one, he reluctantly recalled that his leader took the initiative to forget and avoid the scene of his own madness at that time.

Now that I want to come to this, there must be a reason for my own magic, but I really broke this rule a long time ago and let my soul jump repeatedly in the underworld and the mortal world.

It was a miracle that Kindred didn’t kill me at the time…

Li Ke couldn’t help feeling a little flustered.

“You seem to underestimate the power of the man named Mordekaiser, and the power of the Blade of the Ruined King, even though their power is not worth mentioning in front of you, but for In this World, they are not the existence that mortals can fight against.”

Lissandra is somewhat blushed with shame, Li Ke is too strong because she is beyond others, so she can’t feel the strong mentality of others. Can understand. But she still couldn’t help but feel a little envious, because she also wanted this degree of ignorance.

“Foyego, the king of Blade of the Ruined King, although his power is not worth mentioning in front of Mordekaiser, the power he possesses can fight against the void to a great extent. The use of the Blade of the Ruined King curse and the black mist he mastered can greatly delay the regeneration and devouring abilities of the void creatures. And Mordekaiser, as long as we place the opened door in front of his castle, then Void creatures not only have to fight in the underworld, which is not conducive to them, but also have to face Mordekaiser’s army of steel necromancers that have been accumulated for thousands of years.”

When Lissandra spoke, the difference in her mirror A neat steel army appeared, as well as a young man with a pale face and hair holding a sword sitting on the throne of a Blade of the Ruined King.

The almost bounded army exudes a strong aura. Almost each of them is several times taller than an ordinary person, and exudes a spiritual Qi that can instantly kill an ordinary person. And the youngster named Foyego gave Li Ke a rather troublesome feeling. It was a strange feeling that he did not exist in this world, but he did exist in this world.

But I have to say that whether it is the army or this pale-faced man, they do have a lot more power than others, and they seem to be able to help them share the pressure.

“They can involve and destroy part of the void power to help you solve some troubles. And I happen to have a way to motivate Foyego, the king of Blade of the Ruined King. And open the door to the underworld. So as long as you are willing to help me, then I can do everything I say.”

Lissandra smiled, her young and beautiful fleshy body now shows a youthful breath, And Li Ke couldn’t help but speed up the heartbeat for this smile. The strength that Aurelion Sol deliberately left also began to affect his body in this brief moment, making him involuntarily thinking of Sivir’s smooth wheat-colored thighs and Sarah’s soft and white chest.

“Since they have enough power, let’s do it.”

Li Ke, who was attacked by distracting thoughts, answered Lissandra, but he was still vigilant in his heart: this Distracting thoughts shouldn’t be able to disturb him strictly, but he still can’t help thinking about those things.

He is still in the state of ascendant. The internal organs and nerves of the body within the body have long been impossible by the hormones of the body within the body. Even the brain has become a cluster of strange energy. So the desire of a mortal should no longer be able to control his will. But now he really has the desire and throbbing that he only had when he maintained a mortal posture. This weird situation really made him care about it.

But this is a good thing, because he found that as his soul continues to grow stronger, even in a mortal state, his desires and emotions are getting lower and lower, gradually changing It was dull, and my views on many things began to change.

For example, being intimacy with his lover, he never felt bored before, but now as long as he wastes a little more time, he wants to give up this boring behavior and do something for himself Helpful things. But this is not the most serious thing. The most serious thing is that his concern for his career has also begun to decline. He cares more and more about the shining stars and wants to touch the stars in the sky and be with their light. Dance together.

“Could it be said that my inner reluctance to desire and mortal emotions allowed my body to autonomously simulate this part of the signal, so that I can continue to have mortal desires?”

So this is actually a good thing, and the information and knowledge that Li Ke knows can only think of this probability for the time being. It’s just that his unnaturalness was discovered by Lissandra, who has been following him. She, who has part of Li Ke’s power, can see more things than Ashe and Sejuani.

Oh? Does it seem to be interested in my body?

The corners of her mouth can’t help but rise. If Li Ke is interested in her body, then it means that she can be as comfortable as Ashley and can gain a lot of Li Ke’s power without much effort. Essence. Instead of doing everything possible to express yourself, I hope Li Ke can give her strength. This transaction is very cost-effective, and you can experience the emotion and beauty of the mortal era, and you can gain strength that is not lost to anyone.

So under Li Ke’s gaze, Lissandra stretched out her hand and pulled her neckline down a bit, revealing some different colors in the pure white.

Ashe sauce’s eyes became sharp.

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