One by one, they were still showing off one’s military strength before, and they were returning to the people who had the dream of living again. The angry workers fell on the street lamp in front of the Li Ke office building and told them That noble body was constantly swaying in the wind like the previous companions.

The news of Li Ke’s return to Vi also made the whole city boil. The whole city is like a carnival. People are constantly moved towards here, and people are constantly exposed and these traitors. Cooperated, and then was hung the Top Lane lights nearby. So when Hank, who was brow beaded with sweat, and the others brought Li Ke’s guards and non-betrayal police to maintain order, and came to Li Ke’s side, Li Ke’s once huge secretarial group was reduced. Got one third.

“Sir, I’m so glad you can come back. Please believe me, I am absolutely impossible to betray you… In fact, we have been locked in the basement for three days.”

Hank is really innocent. He wanted to inform Sarah immediately after hearing the wind. But as soon as he got up from the stool, he was knocked out by the man he hired to cook, and when he woke up again, he was already in the basement. Had it not been for those traitors who wanted to make them intercede because they saw things unsuccessful, he was still locked up in the basement with other people.

“Well, I know. In short, restore order quickly, so that the workers can hang the traitors in an orderly manner, don’t make the streets all over, and prevent them from breaking the street lights. After all Street lights are public property.”

Li Ke nodded, he said the plain words that made Hanke and the others’ hearts suddenly twitched, but the incident has reached this point although Li Ke did leave suddenly. the reason. But if there are no more problems, even they themselves will not believe it. At the very least, many people are their colleagues and friends, or political allies. Li Ke chooses to be completely liquidated to the end, for them, it is no different from a bolt from the blue.

So they can only handle things with this resentment, and put this resentment on the former colleagues and friends who made them trembling in fear.

After all, as soon as this matter comes out, even the most magnanimous ruler will push their collective aside and bid farewell to the center of power. Moreover, it is easy to be liquidated and squeezed out, not to mention taking care of offspring. Whether they can survive or not, they can only pray.

After all, Li Ke will not play with them.

This is almost no different from killing your parents.

While watching Hank and the others brow beaded with sweat, after leaving with a nervous look, Sarah, who was holding Li Ke’s arm, couldn’t help but ask. She looked at those who were being caught by Li. Ke’s vines were filled with life energy, and Heal, the injured workers and civilians who were shot by Hextech guns, asked curiously.

“But you didn’t do it yourself this time? I thought you would do it yourself to reduce the casualties of the people.”

Li Ke laughed, he saw it when he came back The Void monster hidden near Vi, and hearing the voice of Jana’s conversation, he immediately knew something was wrong. But just when he planned to directly kill the traitors, he saw the angry expressions on the faces of the workers and civilians who kept coming out of the factories and shops, as well as their roars.

So Li Ke left himself a special seat to see how these ugly guys were hanged on the street lights of Vi by people they looked down on and exploited.

“Someone told me that I was never alone, even more how, this is the first time they are willing to use their power to protect their own interests. It’s like seeing a baby bird take off, I will stop I am gratified and worried, and sorry for their sacrifice, but I will not stop it, because this is their own strength, even if I don’t exist, die, and be forgotten, they can still remember this day.”

Li Ke laughed, he knew Sarah knew this too, otherwise she wouldn’t contact Jana and let her pass it all on. After all, the power that I left on her will automatically explode when she encounters an attack. In the situation just now, as long as she is attacked, the traitors will be cleared by the power he left on Sarah. .

“Yes, this will always be their business, otherwise, even if you feed them for 10,000 years, if they don’t fight for it, they will never understand that this is what they already have. “

Sarah is out of the arms of Li Ke. This feeling of being able to think of someone she likes, and having the same insights and ideas on the things she works together makes her very fast and Comfortable, she finally understands why Li Ke will show that strange smile and happiness every time she talks about Ashe. Because this feeling is really great, unlike love and desire, it is another feeling of being filled.

“It’s just…”

Sarah’s gaze looked towards the silhouettes of those crying on the dead guards, and the smile on her face disappeared. The Final Struggle of those traitors eventually took some people away. The guards who died before were also impossible to resurrect, and they left this World forever. The reason is because she wants to use this to let the people in these two cities know who wants to take everything from them and who is their enemy.

She only did this to bring herself closer to Li Ke, but after seeing their fearless, there was a touch in her heart that she couldn’t tell.

“After all, someone died…I still think I killed them.”

A layer of mist appeared in her eyes. She at first just wanted to make those Proud idiots look at what they have done and what kind of power and future they are fighting against, but when she thinks about the end of the death of those who sacrificed to protect herself, the one who needs the least protection, she just There is a strong sense of guilt, feeling that it is not the traitors who killed them, but the person who made the decision.

“This road is to carry resentment and unwillingness to move forward. Although I also think that no sacrifice is the best ending, but… sometimes it is like this. Moving forward is always accompanied by injury. Pain.”

Li Ke was also silent. Of course, he secretly manipulated the air and sand to deflect and weaken the muzzle and power of the Hextech guns in the hands of the traitors, but in the end someone almost died. Under these guns.

“And they always have to recognize their own strength. People who are unwilling to fight and sacrifice for themselves, and those who are unwilling to see their own power will not have a future. Sarah, what we can do, Just try to minimize this kind of pain…”

Li Ke grabbed Sara’s shoulder, and pulled the self-blaming girl closer to her arms.

“…and moved towards a perfect ending.”

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