“Why did you say this?”

Li Ke easily jumped off the carriage, but as his feet stepped on the cold ground, in the The sky also rang loudly and loudly, and the earth trembled suddenly. In the sky, there were instantaneous dark clouds rolling, lightning and thunder. The gust of wind came as expected, and at the next moment it brought countless goose feather-sized snowflakes. Li Ke within the body The power of those dormant Demi-Gods began to be constantly active because of this land, but before they showed anything, they were directly suppressed by another power of Li Ke within the body Come down.

The people around are all panicked because of the vision of Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth, and the eyes looking towards Li Ke are full of awe, allowing Li Ke to feel clearly The power of a belief is gathering in oneself. But what’s interesting is that Darius in front of him only glanced at the constantly rolling clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky, and then looked at himself again with a calm face, and said his reason.

“Because your talents must be destroyed if they cannot be used by Noxus, and your talents should not be wasted among other cities that are not worth mentioning. If you spend the past few years In Noxus, I think the situation of Noxus will be better than it is now. Darkwill can only ask An to surrender his throne willingly and let you rule Noxus, instead of becoming the now hidden hero. Separated, Noxus may fall apart.”

The eyes are clear and the will is firm. Li Ke didn’t feel the slightest lie from him. It can be said that this is Darius’s true thoughts. He truly believes that if he stays in Noxus for the past two years, he will be able to do better than now, and he will not make Noxus’s current situation turbulent, and he is at risk of extinction at any time. But for Li Ke, Darius’ worries from the very beginning do not exist.

“Perhaps, but in my opinion this is not a trouble, as long as those people don’t make the situation too bad when I solve my own troubles. Now these Noxus bureaucrats And politicians, their effect on me is limited to this. Of course, if I behave well, I am not unable to show my kindness.”

Darius hearing this can’t help but clenched tightly. Olaf, he pursed his lips, and finally asked.

“So, can you make Noxus stronger by doing this? Without competition and battle, and the reincarnation of constantly eliminating the weak, can Noxus still be strong? No matter how strong your power is, how Let a broken country come to life again? Will you really let Noxus continue to exist?”

He didn’t see the future of Noxus from Li Ke’s writing, so he was very worried. Li Ke will destroy Noxus and build a new kingdom from the ashes of Noxus. Regarding this question, although Li Ke was curious about why he also wrote something by himself, he did not answer and ask directly, but asked instead.

“If the Noxus people are living in Demacia, but he still desires to move forward, and for this, he will continue to work hard for Noxus, their common family. Do you think they are still Noxus? If so , Then they changed the name of their Noxus person and called him another who. But let his behavior mode and philosophy remain the same, Darius, is this person still Noxus? If it still is, Darius, may I ask Is the name and living environment really the decisive factor in determining how a person should be called? Is his name important in a powerful country that no one can provoke?”

Darius did not speak, Because Noxus has never cared about the origin of its members since its establishment. As long as you are still willing to work for Noxus and are willing to continue to grow stronger, then you are a Noxus person. He cannot deny the fact that a person’s future is determined by his birth and name. it’s wrong. And Li Ke’s meaning is also very clear, that is, he will not continue to retain the name Noxus, but he will still retain the tradition of Noxus: the capable is supreme, whoever attains shall be first, regardless of high or low, no racial gap , Only ability to determine a person’s status.

It’s just that I’m not familiar with the Noxus anymore. Li Ke’s “Noxus” will be more gentle and peaceful. He will try to turn every weak person into a powerhouse because of what he wrote. Among them, the theme that runs through the whole article is this, and Li Ke, whom he knows, is indeed a kind and good person who can do these things.

Relief for the whole world.

A very terrifying dream, a dream that may drag everyone to death at any time. Because this World simply is not ready to meet this dream, this World is doomed to survive only by powerhouse, and the weak will only be wiped out by the dangers that are everywhere in this world! Noxus’s original intention is to make his citizens a group of powerhouses that can survive, not those weak who will be eliminated by the world. If Li Ke’s’Noxus’ doesn’t have a way to make everyone stronger, then his dream It is a castle on the beach, a single wave can smash it.

God, devil, Fiend, rare beast, ambitious, black wizard, there are too many people who can threaten this world, Li Ke is only one person no matter how strong, people in his country will only rely on his words , This country is simply not Noxus!

“But this is a cruel world, and countless threats are threatening us. Your idea is very beautiful, but this World is very cruel! Countless threats will make this unrealistic The dreams of “Darius” are in vain!”

Darius is a little excited, and those who have not read the manuscript of Li Ke are confused about their debate, because in their opinion, the emperor Li Ke It’s just saying some sophistry. For the famous Darius, this is just like Qingfeng’s sophistry. What kind of influence is simply impossible?

“But I’m here.”

Li Ke’s reaction was also very flat, and before saying this, he also felt that something he was familiar with was coming. . And this feeling did not exceed his expectations. After he finished speaking, there was indeed a rolling thunder approaching from a distance, as well as a roar that seemed to come from ancient times.

“The destroyer of your stupid world is here.”

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