Just had a fight with the demon who could destroy the world, and then came back to deal with the king of the mortal kingdom who wanted to live forever because of the fear of death. Moreover, the troubles on Ionia are bound to burn to his own head recently, and the war after Shurima must have something to do with him. Then the gods in the sky also obviously have some crafty plots and machinations for them. On Freljord’s side. Li Ke’s family affairs are also very headache…

Thinking of this, Li Ke suddenly had the urge to drove and transform into the Noxus capital to kill him. After all, their gang died. It’s really a good thing. Noxus will be able to elect a bunch of rulers in a very short time even if there is turmoil under their system.

Li Ke thought this irritably, and then when he wanted to find a reason not to do it…

“It doesn’t seem to hurt.”

Li Ke touched his chin, and suddenly realized that he couldn’t seem to find a reason not to let him do this. After all, Noxus’ biggest role for itself is to bring small countries together and have a common enemy, but it seems, probably, Noxus has completed this mission?

From top to bottom, from left to right, Noxus has beaten all that can be hit on the map, and all that can be offended are offended. Although the Spring and Autumn Period is at its peak, the bane is on the verge of exploding. I will directly bring this unpleasant thing directly…

“Everything in Freljord can be handed over to you, and you will also have the opportunity to mobilize the country. The right of all talents, and if you want, no matter which land you are looking at, as long as you are willing to bring troops to fight down there, there will be your eternal territory. King Your Majesty will always guarantee your support…and these You only need to ensure that the King Your Majesty and those who are helpful to Noxus get a wholeheartedly opportunity to serve Noxus again.”

The words of the assassin master interrupted the destruction of Li Ke. Noxus thought, he still did not wait for Li Ke to reply, but lowered his voice.

“Even if you don’t agree with Noxus’s current will, it can be transformed into the will you agree with now. Moreover, your identity will no longer be a gladiator, but a true general, the emperor. The heir of Your Majesty’s most trusted friend, the star of the empire, what you do will become the will of Noxus just like the emperor Your Majesty. And everything I say comes from the emperor’s will, my dear Li …Oh, it seems I should call you Immortal, son of Noxus, the noble General Reinhardt.”

What a king bomb, if what the other party says is true, then as long as Li Ke nodded, Then Noxus basically has a new emperor. Although there will definitely be various situations in the execution, the emperor will not overdo things, after all, what he desires is in his hands.

And this condition seems to be very generous, but Li Ke also knows in his heart that according to the military force he has shown, and the life force he has, there is more or less what he shows to Noxus Maliciously, it is too normal for them to give such conditions.

Otherwise, what else can they do? Kidnapping hostages? Sarah is near Li Ke, something impossible to do, and Ashe…

I’m welcome to say, if Freljord were so good to fight, the Noxus would have taken it long ago.

And Noxus tearing tickets is simply a feature and tradition that does not need to be questioned. They don’t expect a guy from them to bet a guy from a slave will believe that they will keep their promises. It’s still a bit countable how my own reputation is.

“In other words, as long as I am nodded, Noxus will change from a greedy wolf to a two-headed eagle? But what kind of contradiction will occur between two heads? You should compare I’m more clear?”

Such conditions will inevitably lead to the division of the empire, which is something that can’t be prevented at all.

“Of course not, I think General Reinhardt will not forget the Gana you created? You see, other countries have their own patron saints, but our Noxus does not. , This is very bad. Since those cowardly countries can be blessed by gods, how can the powerful Noxus people fall behind? Since we can defeat them by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood when there is no god, then our gods It must also be wiser and wiser than their gods, and stronger, isn’t it?”

After the assassin master said this, he moved his lips a little, and looked for it in the room. After the non-existent wine, I looked at Li Ke with some disappointment.

“So can we drink celebration wine?”

Fuck, a kind of herb.

Li Ke absolutely didn’t expect, the Emperor Noxus actually wanted to become a god!

Although it is not unavailable in the stories he knows, Sion Warrior Sion is not only a test product for resurrecting skills, but also a skill that uses faith to turn a person or a dead into a god. tester.

It’s just a pity that Swain was cut off by the rebellious Swain.

Not only did the imperial emperor not be able to wait until the day when the two skills were mature, but he also didn’t know until he died. The skills he longed for had already been mastered by his own consultants, but he was not interested in letting him. Such a thing joins them that’s all.

“…Really, an ambition that people don’t know how to evaluate.”

Because he single-handedly contributed to Jana’s return, Jana will actually believe in everything about the gods. All told Li Ke. Li Ke can be very clear that if the emperor did this, and luckily succeeded, then he will undoubtedly die.

His spirit will be overwhelmed by the idea of ​​faith. If there is no divinity and the ordinary person of Divine Spark comes into contact with the strength of Faith, it will be like a human who walks into space without a protective suit. Immediately began to violently die. Although divinity and Divine Spark are also forged by faith, it also requires their own beliefs and abilities that are consistent with their beliefs.

In other words, you must either have the merits and strengths of being close to gods before you can be qualified to use faith to become gods, or that nature is in line with the power of believing in you, so that you can use faith without risk. the power of.

Emperor Noxus?

Li Ke doesn’t think he has this qualification, because there are too many Noxus people, and the beliefs and requirements of so many people are inconsistent. The emperor himself is also a guy who can contribute to the future of the empire for his youth. The spirit of will be directly assimilated. Although the body and name are still that of the emperor, after the plan began, the emperor will no longer be the emperor.

That part of him will be digested, and then from his corpse, there will be a real, born god of faith like Jana.

“Achievements are always accompanied by risks, don’t they? Even more how we have the experience of a true god…and your great help, don’t we? Our dear, imperial, Glory Tomorrow’s sun. After all, your Noxus will is actually very marketable in China.”

there cannot be two suns in the sky?

Li Ke wants to laugh very much. For this kind of hardline force, as long as you are stronger than him and beyond his ability to handle, then they will serve you meticulously and be quite smart. He wanted to refuse very much. After all, he didn’t want to be in a relationship, but Dukeka O’s last words made him interested.

“You mean my idea, there is a market in Noxus?”

Li Ke is really incredible.

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