“It’s none of your business…you still have a chance to leave.”

But Ryze didn’t think so. What he saw was someone who wanted to help Your own people, those who are trying to protect the secrets you have, and those who want to kill yourself. So he simply didn’t believe in Li Ke, and he didn’t dare to believe in Li Ke.

So, he wants to keep Li Ke away from him and make his mood a little lighter.

“Ah, but it looks like it’s too late now.”

Li Ke, who just wanted to befriend Ryze, doesn’t think so, and it’s exactly what he said. Now It’s too late.

“Let the arrows! Destroy these guys with ulterior motives!”

The officer who had been running away before yelled out these words very bravely, and on the faces beside him The soldiers who still had a hurried look quickly bent bow and place arrow, moved towards Li Ke and Ryze and shot them over. Ryze was obviously dissatisfied with what he said. While propping up a protective shield that could protect Li Ke and him, he couldn’t help but roared out loudly.

“Obviously you did it first! I just want to stay overnight!”

The thing is indeed what he said, he originally just chose this one to see it very much Disciplined troops carry out lodging and buy water and food. After all, relative to the tribe, there are those who look like mercenaries. A disciplined army is more reliable. Even if it is not reliable, the leaders of these people will understand that Ap Carry’s common sense should not be offended casually.

Although this’common sense’ is not so common sense, after all, Ryze has eliminated many horse thieves who wanted to steal his scroll and wealth. They also know that they are Ap Carry, but But still fascinated by greed.

Then it turned out to be like this. Although the officer did not embarrass him, and even enthusiastically entertained him, the Chief-In-Charge of this team, an Ap Carry, did it.

Countless arrows fell on the shield that Ryze opened up, but Li Ke saw a light blue circle appear under their feet at the same time. It was obvious that Ryze wanted to use Teleport magic. Take him away so that he can avoid a large part of the killing. But it’s a pity that the magical power of this magic array was about to succeed when he encountered the broken Demon Sword behind Li Ke.

“…You still carry a weapon made of magic stone?!”

Ryze turned his head and looked towards him, although he said that he was serious about this interference simply not It will disturb him, but this sudden feeling is something that makes him very unhappy.

After all, he was afraid of this situation because Li Ke planned to sneak attack him, so he temporarily suspended the guidance.

“Um, a gift from a friend, although I always feel that her purpose is not so pure.”

Li Ke untied the sword behind his back, and accidentally went to Ryze Zhang A hole was opened in the opened shield, but fortunately at this time the first wave of attacks had ended, and the infantrymen also moved towards Ryze and rushed over with him. This made Ryze sighed again, and gave up the Teleport magic plan, because he knew it was too late, even if he hadn’t stopped just now, the soldiers’ swords could cut his neck.

So it was the time he hated the most.

“Kill as few people as possible!”

Ryze, who gave up guiding the magic, quickly threw out the concentrated Arcane energy, and quickly carried on among the soldiers Ejection, it is said that the soldiers who rushed forward all hit and flew out. And this’e skill’ is not like a sprinkling like in the game, but more like a bouncy ball, constantly ejecting, during the one second time he throws the magic ball, the spell ball A dozen people have already been hit.

“How did you do it?”

Li Ke thought about the magic he had seen, but there was no such situation, and it was completely different from Noxus. It’s the magic that relies on the direction of natural magic. This magic gives him a feeling of “I can do it on me”, not the kind of magic he feels on Ap Carry of Noxus. It can only be What kind of magic attribute is available first.


Ryze simply didn’t want to know Li Ke, although he could feel the power in Li Ke’s body, but because of this, he didn’t want to touch it.


Li Ke also not to be outdone. Although he knows that Ryze is this temperament, he will inevitably have some strange feelings after personal experience. , So he threw the shield in his hand directly, and his shield bounced directly among the soldiers like Ryze’s magic, and the people on the dune that he looked at were dumbfounded.

But it is a pity that the shield that Li Ke threw was only ejected from the helmets of three soldiers, and it was directly split into two halves by a soldier with a sword, making the previous owner of the shield A cry out in surprise was issued, but no one had time to answer him, because the two people surrounded by the sand dunes had really started fighting.

Ryze is wearing a blue mana shield, blocking the swords of the soldiers, and constantly shooting magic balls that can be ejected in the crowd in his hand, so that those who are hit by his spell All the soldiers fainted. He quickly cleaned up the soldiers around him. Not to mention, after most of the soldiers around were cleaned up, he snatched the long spear from a soldier, and then cut off the spear head of the long spear with a wave of his hand. This long stick, moved towards the commander rushed over.

Moreover, he still looks at Li Ke from time to time to prevent him from being besieged, and is ready to put a shield on Li Ke at any time to prevent this innocent person from dying here.

On Li Ke’s side, it’s even simpler. After he rushed out of Ryze’s shield, he waved his Longsword directly. Even if the sheath of the sword was not picked out, its weight It is already an ultimate weapon. And even though he tried his best to stop, the soldiers hit by his sword still inevitably suffered fractures and other injuries, and they looked much more miserable than Ryze’s.

So his deterrence is greater than Ryze’s, so the only remaining Ap Carry in this team did not directly deal with Ryze, but moved their spell towards the uninvited guest, which is Li Ke poured over.

The lightning and flames of a path of, as well as the obscure fluctuations, moved towards his body when Li Ke beat the soldiers, and when Li Ke felt these spells, these Spell has also come to him, but he has just used a sweeping leg, and there is no way to escape. So…

“Mu Dun·The Tree Realm is here!”

He started to recruit troops.

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