After Nasus awakened Sarah, he had to deal with more things, not to mention cleaning the battlefield, and the things that stabilize the people’s hearts should be caught as soon as possible, and the spies in the city should be caught. It is also imminent. So he and Sarah got busy again.

As for Li Ke’s side, they who were moving towards the last mausoleum also encountered two groups of people in the desert.

One group of people, with several huge giant beasts called’duman’ among the local population, and most of the riders who are advancing beside these huge carapace and bodies, also Most of them rode the scalas they used to ride. And they are only those who ride Scarach, and those who have camels with bone or wood armor, and most of them live on giant beasts that are more than ten meters high and thirty to forty meters long. , It is mostly wearing clothes common in desert areas and carrying weapons for labor.

And interestingly, many of these people have quite dark skins. And the houses they built on these giant beasts called Duoman are also very mountainous houses, as well as nomadic houses. And on the smooth and huge bones of these giant beasts, there are many platforms and rope ladders that they have built, or they are used to transport lifting platforms.

This group has about six such giant beasts, and it is not difficult to tell from the accessories and tattoos that they belong to a tribe.

The other group is a little weird. Although they also brought some giant beasts to transport supplies, they also brought an extra one ten meters high and more than twenty meters tall. A meter-long giant beast, this giant beast is an ancient monster insect with a bloodline of Dragon Race. And this giant beast is not as honest as those giant beasts with huge bone plates, which allows people to settle on them. Except for the Ap Carry who is obviously responsible for it, as well as the servants who feed it, everyone else try to avoid getting close to this giant beast.

The remaining people are everyone wearing bone armor and holding swords and other items. The most animal among them is camels, and some camels of soldiers wearing iron armor, sometimes even Can see all kinds of armor.

Obviously, this is a well-trained army. But the weird thing is that this army did not show their banner, and did not even have much communication with Li Ke and the others, except for sending people to tell them that they are not malicious, it is just that after taking the road, these people whether they are Whether they are marching or camping, they are all far away. The number of them under Sivir and Kassadin’s investigation also made Li Ke more aware of this matter.

Because they have more than a thousand people, in such an area, it is obvious that these thousand people will not come for an outing.

But it’s ridiculous that Li Ke didn’t feel any hostility in these thousands of people. Instead, he felt hostility in the people of that tribe, and even the first contact between them. At that time, some of them secretly drew their swords, obviously wanting to get a vote.

And the object is still them.

This is also impossible. There are thousands of people on the other side, and all of them are people with belts and swords, but their number is not enough, and they also bring camels several times theirs, and some Heavy big box. This kind of nomadic tribe is the most abnormal if there are no strange thoughts. But fortunately, one of them is a little leader, a woman named Kara

“Pay more attention, if it doesn’t work, we will slow down and separate from them. In addition, arrange more night vigil, if the situation changes. , You guys run away quickly, and come back after I kill them all.”

To Sivir and Kassadin, and the mercenary leader ordered to go down, Li Ke has the time to observe the huge ones. How full of giant beasts. But what disappoints him is that these giant beasts are obviously not very good-looking. If you want to give a metaphor, then their image is actually closer to the melting mountain dragon among the monster hunters, but they do not have the strength and power of the other party. Heat, even more like Pangolin in appearance.

Not handsome at all. In comparison, the bug-shaped giant beast, which is bound by countless iron cables and can’t see the whole picture at all, is rather handsome.

It was time when Li Ke observed those giant beasts, and used the paper and pen he carried with him to draw the outline of the giant beast and then it went dark. During this period, Li Ke also discovered a very interesting thing. There are some people wearing strange shoes, carrying strange lances, and going between these giant beasts on the rope, and sometimes they will carry all kinds of baskets and packages.

This unique culture makes Li Ke very curious, because although he can understand why such people appear, but what they are called and what allusions they have, these things make Li Ke’s heart Itching is unbearable. However, in his sight, the woman named Kara who had negotiated with him came down from their giant beast at this moment and moved towards him.

Li Ke hurried to greet him, and received the woman who was speaking to them, and a silent youngster.

“Hello, Mr. Li Ke, I apologize to you for my clansman’s rudeness during the day, and please forgive their offense and ignorance.”

But when we met, The woman bowed to Li Ke and gave a salute, and she was deeply apologetic and sincere. This kind of thing made Li Ke stunned. Because he didn’t know what this woman apologized for them.

“Ah, my mother is a witch. Although I have not been able to inherit her talents, I can still feel something.”

This The woman with strange lines on her face gave Li Ke a salute again.

“And the moment I saw you, I felt that I met an ancient existence… Please forgive me, your silhouette in history, can you tell me the other ignorance People.”

When this woman named Kara said here, she couldn’t help but glance at Li Ke again, but this time she could still only see countless starlights shining. As her mother told her before, if you use her power to see the Heavenly God warriors, you will be fascinated by the infinite starlight, and you will see nothing. So she suspected that the man in front of her was an ascendant who had hidden his identity, a Heavenly God warrior. After all, for mortals, the magic and abilities of Heavenly God warriors can be called divine force.

After all, these mortals can’t do it and can’t see through.

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