Is Nasus deliberately delaying Sivir’s return time?

Yes, because what he is going to do now cannot have the slightest relationship with Sivir.

“You are guilty.”

The Olaf with no difficulty in his hand fell, and he lived in a gorgeous house all his life, and was only responsible for pleasing the beautiful head of the owner of the house. Just fell down. And the blood splattered from her pretty body also closed Nasus’ eyes for a moment.

He can indeed let go of this innocent woman, but this very good woman protected by her merchant husband may start to resent him for killing her husband who deceived the peddler. Find a way to retaliate against him. But for an ascendant, the revenge of such a woman is simply insignificant, and the biggest revenge that the other party can do is to stop and find a way to assassinate the people in the organization he has established.

He won’t allow it now, so he can only fill his hands with the blood of innocent people.

“You used to stand on the sidelines to countless innocent people, ignoring their tragic experience, and now, do you want to dye your hands red with the blood of innocent people?”

His own condemnation of himself appeared in his heart, but he would not regret doing such a thing because he had to do it. In order to prevent more people from dying, in order to make that great empire reappear in this desert, he is also willing to do more of these things. He knows that only with a strong country, more people can live happily, instead of picking up the relics of the ancestors in the desert, and then selling the garbage that has been poured into countless ancestors’ efforts and glory. The price is sold to the hyenas from outside.

This is his curse and the sin he will bear.

“Ah. Their property has been counted. They can support us to continue hiring those civilians for a while.”

And during the time he was stunned, brow Sarah, who was beaded with sweat, also walked to the ascendant who had just finished execution, and intentionally or unconsciously looked at the woman who was very beautiful and beautiful, but whose body was now separated. She couldn’t help being sighed, because this woman was much more beautiful than her, even her chest was a little bigger than her, but because the food his husband sold to the civilians was mixed with half of the sand, Nasus was furious. Killed the whole family.

But Sarah knows that grain mixed with half of sand is already a good person here, and it is also very common in Bilgewater. Others usually mix two-fifths of sand and then one-fifth of Malphite.

Ah, if you have a little more conscience, that one-fifth will turn into sawdust.

“Well, good, then continue to hire those scavengers and let them build the city wall… If someone is exhausted due to hard work, double the amount paid by the soldiers to their families If the compensation is caused by a work-related injury, the same will be paid. However, the quality of the city wall must be guaranteed. If the quality cannot be guaranteed, there will be no pensions and no wages.”

Nasus A command that seemed to be ok, but Sarah changed her face. She knows very well that there will be no corruption in the place where Nasus is. No mortal can tell a lie in front of this Heavenly God. In other words, he said that he would give the scavengers who were exhausted or violently killed as soldiers. Compassion is absolutely true. In this way, those scavengers who are already skinny and the people at the bottom of the desert will rush to let themselves die so that their families can get a lot of money.

This is not cracking a joke. It is true. Those who are crazy and poor will really do it, because in the past, it only takes dozens of Silver Coins to send them to death. However, the pension given by Nasus was more than a dozen Gold Coins.

So she pursed her lips and said her objection.

“This will kill a lot of people.”

However, Nasus didn’t even look at her because he didn’t want to do it either.

“But this can save more people and inspire more people. Their lives are like a candle in the wind. Although we are forcing them to die, we also let them The family members get what they want to live on. Their death is not with boundless despair, but with hope… So do you want them to die with hope, with the hope that the family can live well, or Let them die in the despair that their families still have to live so painfully?”

But Sarah is still a little unacceptable. She wants to say that as long as the city wall construction period is delayed, or let those people a little bit Healed the body and then worked like this, but she also knew that the price Nasus gave was enough to buy the lives of those people dozens of times. And what he did was actually a’good thing’.

It’s just that those people will die, many people will die.

Nasus sighed, he knew that Sarah would not like this kind of thing, and that Sivir, the last descendant of the empire, would not like this kind of thing, and he knew that neither would the Li Ke with extraordinary magic Like it, and even use his own magic to make the bodies of those scavengers stronger. That’s why he sent Sivir and him out, avoiding some things that no one wants to happen.

“Moreover, if you really want to be an indispensable part of that person in the future and become his help, then you have to get used to this kind of thing and be good at killing your friends Die, prepare to be betrayed by a friend. If you can’t do this, then you’d better give up your good feelings for him, bring some Gold Rank, and find a remote place to live in peace.”

Nasus also appreciates this woman who takes the initiative to stay to help herself, and wants to learn how to deal with various things when she handles things by herself. So he deliberately forced Sarah to let her pass that threshold as soon as possible, and pass the threshold of being unwilling to do bad things for the sake of doing good.

“Why do you say that…”

Sarah wanted to refute, but Nasus did not refute.

“That was a man with a mistake, but he was willing to face his mistakes, and he was willing to tell others what he had done wrong, and sincerely wanted to change it, in the time I know Only three such people appeared, and each of these three people had great achievements in changing the world at that time and fulfilled their own wishes. And the one you like, you chose to become Savior.”

When Nasus said this, his eyes saw a group of bandits and troops marching towards the city. While he attracted strong winds and sandstorms, his body became more than ten meters high. , While striding towards the troops that were definitely sent by other lords rushed over alone. But his voice was still in Sarah’s ear, devastating her soul like a violent wind.

“Do you think that a woman who can only do what he can do is his indispensable help?”

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