In this World, Li Ke’s ordinary attack is originally a chopping and combo. After all, for a person who specializes in gladiatorial combat, both the back of the turning knife and the turning and slashing are all Skills that should be mastered. Coupled with the fact that these void monsters are restrained by themselves, it is really too simple to solve them. So after the monster still wanted to consume himself with that kind of vitality, Li Ke put a smile on his face.

“Then, come and taste my vitality!”

Pure vitality and magic are instantly mixed together. There is actually no difference between the two, but Li Ke recognizes Among them is the energy of two things, which began to transform and sublimate under his command, and then following his command, a brand new force that changed the form and nature appeared on Li Ke’s body, and on his body Flashing blue electric sparks that kept beating.

And this kind of power is considered by him to be the power of the Ascendant.

This kind of lightning-like power was directly sent by Li Ke into the place where he wanted to swallow him. Li Ke’s power instantly swept the whole body of this void monster like an electric shock, and then even a little bit There is neither wailing nor resistance. This void monster the size of a camel, like a reservoir suddenly collapsed by a flood, suddenly collapsed and turned into a puddle of mucus exuding a weird taste. . The power transmitted by Li Ke was also suddenly presented in the original place in the image of blue mist, but what surprised Li Ke was that these powers seemed to be more than the power sent out by him.

Li Ke directly tried to guide these forces back, and then he realized that the power he sent out was not only not wasted, but about one-fifth more.

“So I can use energy attacks to plunder other people’s vitality now?”

I am a little bit suspicious, but now it is important to save people. Li Ke still did not delay too much. He quickly opened the branches and vines that covered the void monster, and left only half of his head floating on the strange liquid, his mouth and nose had disappeared, and he was only half of his body, and It was empty inside, only the wife whose body was as fragile as a cardboard box poured with water, and the little girl whose skin had completely disappeared, with countless cavities in her body, and whose abdominal cavity had completely disappeared.

Very terrifying scenery, Li Ke only noticed that Sivir had climbed the city wall of branches he built, and when he wanted to see what happened, he closed the branches and vines he opened again. , Completely covered up this terrible scene.

Without worrying about the dirty mucus, Li Ke reached out and pressed his hand on the two adults. After all, although the little girl lost the skin of her whole body and the internal organs of her abdomen, She can still hold on for a while. But if Kasadin and his wife are not undergoing treatment, then there will be a problem. But what made Li Ke’s face solemn was that things were a little different from what he thought.

When the pure vitality was transferred to Kassadin’s crack-like skull, his body, who was still awake, quickly began to grow again. First, a part of the disappeared brain quickly reorganized under his power, and Kassadin’s gradually weakening Source of Life is also rapidly expanding: this man who maintained his firm will successfully completed the regeneration, although he consumed Li Ke and was close to one. The vitality of the third, but a strong male body still’grows’ in just a few minutes. And he also sat up after the growth of his body, looking anxiously at his wife and daughter.

However, although he successfully stood up, he subconsciously wanted to walk with his hands and breathe with his eyes. This sense of conflict made him almost crazy. And this is not the most unusual thing. Although his wife, that ordinary woman, Li Ke successfully repaired her body, but the next problem made Li Ke unable to understand.

The other party hasn’t moved at all. Although the body is alive, it is full of weird situations. The blood is flowing backwards, the nerves are emitting signals unconsciously, the nerves in the lungs are completely unresponsive, unable to control the breathing movement of the lungs, her stomach is squirming wildly without food, and her eyes are It was uncontrollable and random rotation, and what made Li Ke unable to understand was that although this woman had regained consciousness, she did not feel’waking up’. After the other party’s Source of Life repaired at no cost, although There was a feeling of gratitude, but her body in reality did not wake up at all.

In this situation, although Li Ke’s newly shaped body for her is healthy, it is continuously being destroyed by her body’s organs and cells, and Li Ke has to treat Kai’Sa. He also held her hand to convey vitality to her, so that the woman who would break her skin from time to time or bleed from the acupuncture points all over her body survive. But what Li Ke didn’t know was that when his power came to heal Kai’Sa who had reached the limit, his power and a kind of power that Kai’Sa gradually adapted, or that the creature had some strange changes. .

The body of this ordinary little girl is in the process of repairing, because within the body contains a lot of power and genetic information beyond her own, so her body is repairing her in Li Ke There has been a certain change in Li Ke, but because Li Ke’s willingness to repair in the vitality is too obvious, this evolution was not completed in an instant, but the girl’s body became stronger and appeared on the forehead. A purple diamond-shaped imprint is only, and the imprint disappeared in an instant.

Just seeing that Kai’Sa has returned to normal, but his wife is still in constant condition, Kasadin humbly knelt down in front of Li Ke, and then received Li Ke, the treatment has been completed and he has recovered. Kai’Sa, who breathed smoothly, asked what she was worried about.

“Li Ke…sir, my wife, what’s wrong with her…”

Li Ke doesn’t know, he is also the first time he has encountered vitality Heal. The situation used, no, to be exact, he has cured her, but part of her body’s function seems to have completely disappeared, and “forgot” how to work normally, constantly making mistakes, and constantly destroying Yourself. I can only rely on myself to continuously inject vitality to continuously repair her body and keep her alive.

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